Translation with a heart

Contact Freelancer
$6.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
Portuguese (Portugal) → English Standard English → Portuguese (Portugal)
I'm a very perfeccionist person, so I always give my best in every task. I'm an archaeologist so that is my area of expertise, although I'm versatile and am also very interested in photography, image editing, digital marketing and gadgets in general.
I believe in good translation, so I'll provide a real sample of my work by translating a paragraph chosen by you. That's the best way to start.
Please write me at any time but I'll probably reply latter the day (between 7:00 pm and 12 pm UTC/GMT)

katarokar's Profile

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Over 8 years ago
Portuguese (Portugal) (native) English
I'm an archaeologist who loves reading and writing. I consider myself creative and very curious about my surroundings, so I like to learn about many different subjects.
I enjoy photography and movies and latelly I'm inspired by Sufjan Stevens on a daily basis :)