Translator looking for work! (English to Portuguese(Portugal), Portuguese(Portugal) to English or French to Portuguese(Portugal)

Contact Freelancer
$10.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
Portuguese (Portugal) → English Standard English → Portuguese (Portugal) French → Portuguese (Portugal)
This platform provides an easy way to direct work to and from translators and I'm always eager to accept new jobs. Reast assured I'll provide great quality translations with attention to details and a strict proofreading.

I'm offering translation services for any kind of text you might wanted translated in the following languages:

English --> Portuguese (Portugal)
Portuguese (Portugal) --> English
French --> Portuguese (Portugal)

I've already done some jobs here on this site, all completed successfuly, and now I'm looking for more opportunities to put my translating skills to the test. I'm currently charging 10USD per hour but I'll gladly negociate if you're looking for large volume translations and/or special cases.

Please do note I'm currently not offering translations from any language into French, nor Brazilian Portuguese.

Thank you and don't hesitate contacting me with any questions.
14:00-22:00 CEST (GMT+1) during week days, any time during weekends.

migas11's Profile