Say it Audiovisually

Contact Freelancer
$30.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
Spanish → English English → Spanish
From simple homeworks to deep revolutionary ideas. You can overwhelm the mind by making more senses pay attention; and get profound with the topic stated.

Time lapse, video, text, Lah'ka Ahau Productions ensambles a HQ audiovisual so you can get your idea more creativly expressed. Using a Go Pro and other HD cameras.

Transform your creative thoughts into visual works of art
I studied a degree in Communication Sciences. Have been working for more than 5 years in this kind of projects and have been improving more with each one I make. Here is my youtube account where you can see some of the videos I've made through time.
Monday - Friday 11:00 - 18:00 (GMT-6)
But we can settle this privately.

lahkaahau's Profile

ID Unverified
Over 8 years ago
Spanish English
Advertising Marketing
Creative and efficient.