Precision Japanese-English Translation Services: Technical Expertise and Cultural Fluency

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2,500 yen per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
English → Japanese Japanese → English
Bridging Cultures with Precision: Expert Japanese-English Translations

With over 5 years of experience and a degree from a US university, I specialize in translating technical documents with accuracy and speed. My deep cultural insights and versatility across various subjects ensure your message resonates in both Japanese and Western contexts.
I have over five years of professional experience as a translator, specializing in technical documents such as construction and medtech. As a native Japanese speaker with a bachelor's degree from a U.S. university, I bring a unique blend of linguistic expertise and cultural understanding to my work. My translations are known for their meticulous attention to detail and swift, accurate delivery. Additionally, my deep cultural insights into both Japanese and Western cultures allow me to effectively convey nuanced meanings in both languages. I am also versatile, adept at handling a wide range of subjects beyond my technical specializations.
I'm usually online from Sunday to Thursday between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM (GMT+3).

ajst's Profile

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About 1 month ago
Japanese English
30 hours / week
I am a native Japanese speaker with a bachelor's degree from a U.S. university and over five years of experience in translation. I specialize in translating technical documents, including construction and medtech, and I am also versatile in various subjects. My work is characterized by meticulous attention to detail and rapid, accurate translations. With deep cultural insights into both Japanese and Western cultures, I am adept at conveying nuanced meanings effectively in both English and Japanese.