I specialize in translating texts for art, ilustration and musicians websites

Contact Freelancer
$35.00 per hour
Tech & Programming / Other
English → Spanish
I am ilustrator and musician, and I know the importance of having a website written in other lenguages, in order to have more recognition and opportunities around the world.
I´ve been working constantly with fanzine editors, bloggers and people in music and art in general. I have transcribed texts for local poets, and written escene reports and interviews for international music fanzines such as Maximum Rocknroll, Downsided, and more. Both in Spanish and English as well.
9:30 AM - 13:30 (EC time)

pipo218's Profile

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Over 8 years ago
Spanish English
Born in Quito-Ecuador, Graduated in Languages School of Universidad Técnica de Ambato, specialty: English.
Musician, Illustrator, Writer.