I specialize in translating news and documents from Japanese to English

Contact Freelancer
4,500 yen per hour
Writing / General Writing
Senior Japanese → English
I have over 3 years' experience working as a Japanese > English translator, and I write about business, technology, culture and tourism. I can also edit your texts, and have professional experience as an editor for a global lifestyle magazine, proofreading articles written by other journalists. I am able to skilfully and truthfully create translations that reflect the tone of voice of the original content.
* Translate news articles on aviation on a weekly basis from major Japanese media outlets (Yomiuri, The Nikkei, NHK, Asahi, Sankei Shimbun).
Monday - Friday 10:00 - 20:00 GMT

I am also available on Saturdays and Sundays if necessary and arranged in advance.

inesaya's Profile