Need to edit text on an image ? French to english and vice versa

Contact Freelancer
$11.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
French → English Standard English → French
As a prepress operator, I have an experience of 3 years. I know how to use InDesign or Photoshop for a very professional result.

I can extract text, edit, correct and translate everything you need.

- Worked for one of the biggest insurance companies in France (AG2R La Mondiale)
10:00 - 20:00 UTC/GMT (Paris)

staticmesh's Profile

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Over 8 years ago
French (native) English
Gaming Music Arts Science Culture Travel fashion Food/Recipe/Menu Graphic Design
Hello, my name is Valentin and I'm a native french

Fluent in english for more than 10 years, my translating skills cover almost every domain. Having a particularly good knowledge of grammar, spelling and a good eye, I feel particularly comfortable doing proofreading jobs.
Constantly reading documents, watching and listening, and, incidentally, browsing the internet in english, my skills never get dull. I want to put them to good use here on Conyac, as a free-lance worker during my spare time.
In 2016, I already took part in a big translation project on Conyac, this is to this day my sole paid work as a language "semi-professional".

On the personal side of things, I am a curious and creative person. Originally from a graphic design background, i chose to associate these previously acquired skills with photography to become (someday) an independent visual artist. I also like music and travelling.
These days, I am learning the korean language by myself, and it's been going well so far.