Besoin d'aide pour la rédaction de vos documents en français?

Contact Freelancer
$10.00 per hour
Writing / General Writing
Standard English → French
Je serai ravie de vous apporter mon expertise dans la redaction de documents professionnels ou personnels, et communications administratives.
8.00-21.00 GSM+1 (monday - saturday)

alice_b_1's Profile

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Over 8 years ago
French (native) English
Native french speaker, I have studied business management in Australia , where I lived for 4 years, and I have travelled extensively through NZ, Canada and the USA. During my time abroad, I have worked in hospitality and tourism management and have been able to develop strong interpersonal and communication skills in English. I returned to France at the end of 2014 and had the chance to be a part of the launching of an international project within a french company, which allowed me to further my translation and writing abilities both in English and in French.

As of today, I am pursuing a master's degree in Linguistics and I teach my first language, french, to foreigners. My area of competences is, as a result of these various experiences, quite broad. My specialties would be relating to food and beverages, sales and marketing, travel, as well as technical and academic writing and litterature, both in french and in english.