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10 of the Most Beautiful Jellyfish in the World


Jellyfish are in the animal group of Cnidaria and among the most beautiful and unusual creatures of water life. Listed below are the ten most beautiful jellyfish you can find in the worlds oceans.


1. Aequorea Victoria


Also known as the crystal jellyfish, this species is colorless and transparent in appearance and inhabits the west coast of North America. Its tentacles have nematocysts which aid in capture of prey. It has been used in science as it has a protein called GFP, which is responsible for the fluorescent blue green color of jellyfish. This protein has been used in scientific experiments such as creating a rabbit that glows under black lights! GFP has been useful in studying cell processes to give an insight in getting a solution to serious health problems such as Alzheimer’s.

クリスタルクラゲという名でも知られいるこの種は、無色透明なクラゲで、北アメリカ西岸の海域に生息しています。触手に付いている刺胞が、獲物を捕獲するのに役立っています。科学の分野で用いられるGFPというタンパク質が、このクラゲが持つ青緑の蛍光色に反応を示します。このタンパク質は、なんと、紫外線のある環境でも生育することができるウサギを創るという科学的実験に用いられているのです! GFPは、細胞プロセスの研究にも有用であり、その研究によって、アルツハイマーのような、重大な健康問題を解決するための見識を得ることができます。

2. Australian Box Jellyfish


This is the most dangerous jellyfish and also goes by the name Sea Wasp. It is cube shaped and frightening in appearance. It moves faster than most jellyfish and is difficult to see because of its transparent appearance. They have a mutant appearance due to multiple eyeballs on their stomachs. It is the most poisonous creature of the seas because of its high concentration of nematocysts and can kill dozens of humans with its poison. And due to their transparent appearance and their not easily detectable sting, they are referred to as “sucker punch” of the sea.


3. Bathykorus Bouilloni


This is a deep-sea jellyfish that inhabits the Arctic. It was first discovered ten years ago and not much is known about it. A lot of attention was focused on it dues to its discovery and because of its striking resemblance to Darth Vader. It has four primary and four secondary tentacles. Every quadrant has three interradial manubrial pouches. It holds out its poisoned tentacles in front as it swims, this being a hunting strategy for its prey. They have few, non-contractile tentacles. They have an unusual axis of development from larvae to adult.


4. Costa Rican Jellyfish


It also goes by the name Stauromedusae, a befitting name due its strange appearance. It is the stalked variety of jellyfish. Their body is trumpet shaped body. They are a unique jellyfish since they do not have an alternation of polyp and medusa life cycle phases and mostly develop directly into the adult form. They are found in the Costa Rica waters, which tend to be quite hot and have a depth of more than 8000 feet below sea level. They are generally different from other jellyfish as they tend to be dark pink in color.


5. Flower Hat Jelly


This jellyfish is a rare species and is generally small in size with a width of just about six inches. It is also known as Olindias Formosa and is very striking with shades of purple and orange colours. It has appearance of having a neon pink flower hat on its head. This is because its tentacles, when not in use, coil up and sticks to the rim. It has a painful sting but non-lethal to humans. It mainly feeds on small fish capturing its prey by injecting venom from its stinging cells its tentacles. It inhabits Brazil, Argentina and Japanese waters.

このクラゲは、希少な種であり、大きさはたった15cmしかなく、とても小さな身体をしています。Olindias Formosaという学名でも知られており、紫色とオレンジ色の強烈な色彩で、見る者に多大なインパクトを与えます。また、頭部にネオンサインを思わせる、色彩のピンクの花弁状の帽子を被ったような外見をしています。この帽子状の頭があるのは、触手を使わないときには、巻き戻して帽子の外周内に収めるためです。このクラゲに刺されると痛みは感じますが、人を死に至らしめるほどではありません。小魚を主食としており、触手の刺細胞から出される毒を以て、それらの獲物を捕獲します。ブラジル、アルゼンチンそして日本の海域に生息します。


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