The proposal’s first public hearings will take place on Nov. 29, and the Commission is scheduled to vote on the proposed rules on Dec. 13. TLC Commissioner David Yassky said in a statement that he welcomed feedback “so that we can finalize these rules and get apps on passengers’ smartphones by early next year.”At this point, it’s unclear whether Uber and other companies will accept these conditions, so the future of taxi apps in new York is still up in the air.
この提案の最初の公聴会は11月29日に行われ、TLCは12月13日にこの提案された規制の投票を行う予定だ。TLCのDavid Yassky氏は発表で、フィードバックを歓迎することで、「この規制を最終的に決定し、来年早々にはタクシー利用者のスマートフォンでアプリが利用できるようなる」と述べた。現時点では、Uberやその他のタクシーアプリがこれらの条件を受け入れるかどうかは定かではないので、タクシーアプリの将来は依然として宙に浮いたままだ。
Why elevating our media is crucial to powering Asia’s online creative economy
This is an edited version of the original article, first published here.The author, Daylon Soh, is the design founder of CuriousCatch, which helps independent artist and crafters sell creative products through its online video shopping channel. Terence, SGE‘s assistant editor, recently wrote an interesting article on “The rise of platformed creativity in Asia and how it’s connecting creators to consumers”.In brief, he touched on the increasing availability of online platforms/marketplaces where creative goods and services can be exchanged.
この記事はオリジナル(こちら)を編集したものだ。筆者Daylon Soh氏はCuriousCatchのデザイン創設者。CuriousCatchは、無所属のアーティストや工芸職人が同サービスのオンラインビデオショッピングチャンネルを通じてクリエーティブなプロダクトを販売するのを支援をしている。SGEの編集アシスタントTerenceが最近、「アジアのプラットフォームクリエティビティーの台頭と、それがいかにクリエーターと消費者をつなげているのか」という興味深い記事を書いた。要約すると、クリエーティブなグッズやサービスがオンラインのプラットフォームやマーケットプレイスで交換できる機会が増えてきていることをTerenceは述べている。
Many of the mentioned startups, including our own online store, are fairly new channels that are reinventing (or replicating) what overseas counterparts are doing.These overseas sites include Fab, Etsy and Kickstarter, which are more established and well-funded than most of us.Since our announced launch in 31 July, this year, we’ve been getting a variety of feedback and suggestions from our customers and personally I’ve come to learn more about how the local market consumes creative goods and services as compared to a market like the U.S. or China.There’s also much to learn from studying brick and mortar set-ups in the same space, including multi-label boutiques and flea markets.
Expanding on what Terence has shared, I hope to explore what are the pre-conditions necessary for the success of platformed creativity in Asia, particularly Singapore.The Big Apple as a role model for Asia’s creative entrepreneurs A New Yorker consumes differently as compared to a Singaporean.A friend shared a fascinating story of how he’s able to build film sets cheaply as a film student from scavenging the more well-to-do parts of the city.He’s found fairly new furniture like that’s dumped on the streets, even though it’s probably been used for only 3 to 6 months.These households consist of mainly working professionals with ready disposable income.
They are used to the idea of online transactions and fast domestic shipping from dominant eCommerce players like design-centric tech companies, like Fab, Etsy and Kickstarter, are based in New York City, which for the last few decades has been a haven for artists like Andy Warhol, singers like Bob Dylan and advertising agencies from Madison Avenue, well-portrayed by the drama series Mad Men.
彼らは、Amazon.comなどの大手eコマース企業のオンラインショッピングで買い物をして、国内に即出荷してもらうという考え方に慣れている。Fab、Etsy、Kickstarterなどのデザインを扱うテック起業の多くはニューヨークシティーに拠点をおいている。ニューヨークシティーはここ数十年、Andy Warholなどのアーティスト、Bob Dylanのようなシンガー、そしてMadison Avenueの広告代理店にとっての安息の場となっている(このことは、TVドラマシリーズのMad Menでもよく描かれている)。
But the scene is changing with internationally acclaimed institutions like Hyper Island and events like CreativeMornings/Singapore (disclaimer: I am an organizer of this event) bringing together foreign talents and local creatives.The Singapore government is also lending more financial support and creating the necessary infrastructure for a creative culture to thrive.Presently though, we’re also faced with a less design savvy market as compared to our East Asian neighbors like Japan and South Korea.This means that many design-oriented startups will have to educate the market and wait for a growing middle class with higher disposable incomes who may come to appreciate the value of design.
だが、Hyper Islandのような国際的に著名な機関やCreativeMorings/Singapore(注:私はこのイベントの主催メンバー)のようなイベントで環境は変化し、海外および国内のクリエーターを引き合わせている。シンガポール政府も、より多くの金銭的支援を行ったり、クリエーティブな文化が繁栄するのに必要なインフラを構築している。現在はというと、私達は日本や韓国などの東アジア諸国と比べて、市場があまりデザインを知らないという問題に直面している。これは、デザイン志向型のスタートアップが市場を育て、デザインの価値を認めるようになるかもしれない、お金のある中間層が増えるのを待たなければならないということだ。
It’s baffling why consumers wouldn’t mind spending several months of their pay checks on branded goods but insist on bargaining for handicrafts at flea markets.Or as a local doctor would have put it, consumers here are willing to spend their fortunes on cosmetic surgery but will complain about high clinical consultation fees for flu and fever.Solutions for a creative economy Make no mistake, the emergence of platformed creativity in sheer numbers is not representative of a viable market ready to consume creative goods and services at scale.It’s simply an indication that willing and passionate entrepreneurs are out there and ready to make a change in the creative and technology scene.
Those who are here for the long run and are committed to educate local and regional consumers will learn to build a sizable (and perhaps loyal) following.Startups now have access to popular internet media channels, and this will shorten our go-to-market cycles and free talents from bad ideas so they can work on better ones.The next 5 years will be an interesting for entrepreneurs blending creativity and tech.Especially when we’re witnessing an influx of foreign talents assimilating to the local culture and participating in creative projects that will push the bar for all creative disciplines from fashion to film.The media players here will have to think bigger and scale abroad too.
America was the first to dominate as a soft power after the war.In the last two decades, our East Asian neighbors had a head-start with South Korean and Japanese culture assimilating into global music and film.Today, China is catching up fast.Their sheer number in talent creates exportable content that will help solidify their position as a future soft power.Consumer startups cannot afford to stay under the radar and that is why mainstream media will play a pivotal role in lifting all technology startups in Southeast Asia.Look at the growth and incubation period of Etsy and Kickstarter below.For every success story we know of, there are plenty of unknowns we’ve yet to hear about from the news.
Yet the media continues to propel the growth of Etsy and Kickstarter.Parts of the puzzle are still missing for Asian entrepreneurs hoping to capture the hearts of regional consumers.Yet, exploring the unknown is what makes the work of a pioneer is exciting: we get to set the rules while disrupting and consolidating markets.
Qihoo Invests in Flipboard-Like App Maker, Wants You to Read MoreChinese software maker – and disruptive new search engine competitor – Qihoo 360 (NYSE:QIHU) has invested in VIVAme, which makes a magazine subscriptions app and a Flipboard-style reader (pictured above).
QihooがFlipboard風アプリのデベロッパーに出資 — 皆にもっと本を読んで欲しい。中国のソフトウェアメーカーで革新的で新たな検索エンジンを提供しているQihoo 360(NYSE:QIHU)がVIVAmeに出資をした。VIVAmeは雑誌購読アプリとFlipboard風のリーダーアプリ(写真上)のデベロッパーだ。
The Qihoo investment comes as part of VIVAme’s new funding round, which also saw input from Highland Capital Partners. The news is confirmed by Beijing-based VIVAme, but the total funding amount has not been disclosed. Qihoo’s founder and CEO, Zhou Hongyi, now sits on the board of VIVAme. It raises the possibility of the aggressively-expanding Qihoo using the strategic investment to bring new content into its product offerings, and perhaps into its Android-based mobile software.
Qihooの出資はVIVAmeの新たな資金調達の一貫で、Highland Capital Partnersも同サービスに出資をした。このニュースは北京に拠点をおくVIVAmeも認めているが、資金調達額については発表されていない。Qihooの設立者で最高経営責任者のZhou Hongyi氏は現在、VIVAmeの取締役も務めている。積極的に事業拡大をするQihooが戦略的な投資を活用し、Qihooのプロダクト(おそらく、Androidベースのモバイルソフトウェア)に新たなコンテンツを導入するのではないかという可能性が浮上している。
VIVAme has partnerships with over 300 magazine titles and claims to have 14 million monthly active users who read over 120 million mobile magazines each month. Its two core mobile apps are VIVAme, which is like a Flipboard-style reader only for iPad (here), and VIVA for in-app magazine downloads (here) which supports eight OSes, including Android, iOS, and Windows 8.
Tencent’s WeChat App to Offer Coupons and Local Deals After Major Acquisition?Remember how China’s biggest web company, Tencent, has had a runaway success with its WeChat messaging app? Well, rumors suggest that the WeChat app – known as Weixin in China – is about to get even more useful and become equipped with local deals and discount coupons. This will happen via the acquisition of a company called TongCard by Tencent (HKG:0700), which Sina Tech suggests is a done deal to the point that TongPay operations are already being subsumed into Tencent’s Beijing offices.
大きな買収劇を経て、TencentのWeChatにクーポン券やお買得サービスが登場?中国ウェブ企業最大手のTencentがWeChatメッセージングアプリで断トツの成功をおさめているのを覚えているだろうか?それで、噂によると、WeChat(中国ではWeixinとして知られている)がさらに便利になって、地元のお買得情報や割引券を提供し始めるようなのだ。これは、Tencent (HKG:0700) がTongCardという企業を買収すれば実現する予定で、Sina Techは、TongPay事業がすでにTencentの北京オフィスに組み込まれようとしていることから既にこの買収は決まったも同然だと指摘している。
TongCard, founded in 2006 by CEO Deng Yu, is a platform for retailers to reach out to consumers via promotions and coupons, and is one of China’s top O2O companies, with mobile apps as well as a massive network of 6,000+ retailers onboard. The TongCard homepage claims that its service has 5 million active daily users.
2006年にCEOのDeng Yu氏によって設立されたTongCardは、小売業者が消費者と接するためにキャンペーンや割引券を提供するプラットフォームで、モバイルアプリと登録小売業者6000軒以上という巨大なネットワークを持つ中国トップクラスのO2O企業の1社だ。TongCardのホームページでは、同サービスには500万人のデイリーアクティブユーザーがいると謳われている。
The rumor suggests that all the TongCard features will find their way into Tencent’s WeChat/Weixin app after the acquisition, bringing all those coupons to the messaging app’s 200+ million users. It’d also see Tencent make a huge leap in its O2O service strength, growing to beat major web companies and startups operating in this space. And so it’d help Tencent and WeChat surpass rivals such as local coupons startup DDMap, or Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) with its deals-equipped Maps app.If the acquisition comes to pass, the TongCard capabilities might be tied with Tencent’s own e-payment system Tenpay, which we know will soon appear within WeChat.
噂によれば、すべてのTongCard機能は買収後にTencentのWeChat/Weixinアプリに組み込まれ、クーポンサービスのすべてが2億人以上のユーザーを持つWeChatに導入されるようだ。また、TencentはO2Oサービスの強化において大躍進し、同業界で事業を行う大手ウェブ企業やスタートアップを打ち負かすほどの成長を遂げるだろう。そして、TencentとWeCahtが地元のクーポンスタートアップDDMapやクーポン機能を持つBaidu Mapsを提供するBaidu (NASDAQ:BIDU)を凌ぐ手助けにもなるだろう。この買収が完了すれば、TongCard機能はTencentの電子決済システムTenpayと結びつくかもしれない。それは、まもなくWeChatにお目見えすることだろう。
“By focusing on services, Philippine universities – and the economy for that matter – are missing out on new waves of innovation. The country and its graduates are performing the services for innovating companies and individuals globally.”
There’s nothing wrong with being heavily invested in the BPO industry. In fact, the Philippines seems to have found its competitive advantage, and we’re on the right track in bringing in much-needed economic activity and investment from abroad. However, the problem here is that in the rush to add to the BPO manpower, we seem to be focusing on churning out graduates who would rather become capable employees in the services industries than entrepreneurial individuals seeking to innovate.
There is a focus on gaining the right skills for taking services jobs. But there’s a trap here. “Innovation is never going to happen in cultures that push education simply to get good services jobs,” writes Kevin.I’m a big fan of BPO, myself, whether it’s a structured setup or one that is crowd-sourced, which seems to be the next entrepreneurial BPO trend in the country. But if that’s all we want our country to be known for, then this might no be too forward-looking. Rather, we should seek to innovate.