Instead of allowing all the mentioned to grow out of control, Weixin team adjusted policies to restrict the growth. For instance, it reduced the number of messages that official accounts could send to audience from three to one a day, to be less bother to users.On the other hand, third parties came to realized that it wasn’t an almighty platform. A journalist from a local print newspaper announced they were about to drop Weixin as a prime distribution channel, saying its system isn’t good for reaching more readers and good interactions — at least not so good as Weibo (article in Chinese).
これまで述べてきたことすべてを手に負えなくなるまで成長させる代わりに、Weixinチームは成長を抑制するよう政策を調整した。例えば、同社はユーザを困らせないようにするため、企業やメディアのオフィシャルアカウントからユーザに発信できるメッセージの回数を1日3回から1回に減らした。その一方で、第3者企業がWeixinは全能なプラットフォームではないことに気がついた。地元の紙版の新聞社の記者が、主要な配信チャンネルとしてWeixinを利用することをやめる予定であると発表し、同サービスのシステムはより多くの読者にアプローチして良い交流を図るには相応しくない ー 少なくともWeiboほどはよくないと述べた(中国語の記事はこちら)。
As Dai Zhikang, who leads the Tencent’s lifestyle e-commerce service, put it, “Weixin developed too fast. How did you feel about Weixin one year ago? You cannot feel the same one year later. At first we used Weixin to save money as sending text messages costs money. Later it was for sending pictures. Now we use it for group-messaging and voice messages, and for the Moments. Your ideas, including some for building an O2O business on top of it, are different one year later.”
Tencentのライフスタイルeコマースサービスを統括するDai Zhikang氏は次のように述べている。「Weixinの成長はあまり急激でした。1年前、Weixinのことをどう思っていましたか?1年後の考え方は今とは違うはずです。最初、私達はお金を節約するためにWeixinを利用しました。テキストメッセージを送るのはお金がかかりますから。その後は写真を送るためのツールとなり、今では、グループメッセージや音声メッセージ、そして「Moments」のためにWeixinを利用しています。あなたのアイデアは、O2Oビジネスの構築も含め、1年後には変わっているでしょう。」
Back to the product.It looks Weixin get back to the product itself, which is also what Tencent and this team is really expert at. The latest version, Wexin 4.5 which is under beta testing on iOS, added voice notification and features tailored to mobile experience, such searching music.
According to Alipay, though economically developed Zhejiang (14.85%), Guangdong (14.06%), Shanghai, Beijing and Jiangsu topped the five spots by average annual spending, underdeveloped regions experienced fastest growth compared to the big guys as tier 4 cities grew 64% yoy in online payment users and 68% yoy in payment amounts.
The plethora of mobile devices also boosted mobile payments in last year, according to Alipay, mobile payments via the service saw a stunning 546% growth from a year earlier. An interesting finding regarding mobile payment is that, people in small cities preferred paying through mobile channel as the fact reflects that mobile devices is more prevalent than PC in underdeveloped areas.Alipay CFO Jing Dongxian told us that in 2012 the service enjoyed a daily transaction volume of more than RMB 6 billion yuan (US$ 964 million).
また、モバイルデバイスが多く普及したことも、昨年のモバイル決済の利用を押し上げた。Alipayによると、同サービスを通じたモバイル決済の実績は1年前と比べて、なんと546%も伸びているという。モバイル決済に関する興味深い調査結果の1つは、小都市の人達がモバイル決済を好むということだ。これは、開発の遅れている地域ではPCよりもモバイル機器の普及率が高いという事実を反映している。Alipayの最高財務責任者Jing Dongxian氏は、同社が2012年に取り扱った1日の決済額は60億元(9億6400万ドル)を超えていた、と我々に語った。
Rumor has it that Alipay looks to ramp up its mobile app to ride on the trend of mobile payment, Mr. Jing partly confirmed the rumor, saying that Alipay has been working on some features to turn your mobile phone into a wallet. He believed that with the advancing of mobile internet, the line between online and offline payment would be blurred, mobile Alipay could become what dubbed on-the-field pay or cloud pay in the foreseeable future.
Tencent Weibo, the ‘Other Weibo’ That Nobody Cares About, Reaches 540 Million UsersMuch of the social media buzz in China – and a lot of our own coverage – is about Sina Weibo. But it’s worth remembering that one other Twitter-esque site in the country is technically larger: Tencent Weibo. Yesterday, Marbridge Daily spotted that Tencent’s (HKG:0700) manager of its Weibo division, Xing Hongyu, said that his service reached 540 million registered users at the end of 2012. That exceeds the 400 million on Sina Weibo in the third quarter of last year.
誰も関心を持たないもう1つのWeiboサービス「Tencent Weibo」がユーザ数で5億4000万人を達成中国ソーシャルメディアの話題のほとんど —そして当サイトで取り上げる話題の多くも— Sina Weiboに関するものだ。だが、中国にあるもう1つのTwitter風サービス、すなわち「Tencent Weibo」のほうが厳密に言うと規模が大きいというのは覚えておく価値がある。TencentのWeibo部門Xing Hongyu部長がTencent Weiboの登録ユーザ数は2012年末で5億40000万人に達したと発表した、という記事をMarbridge Dailyが昨日掲載している。これは、昨年の第3四半期の実績で発表したSina Weiboの登録ユーザ数4億人を超えている。
While that’s all very nice for Tencent Weibo, it still doesn’t change the fact that it’s not as cool as Sina’s (NASDAQ:SINA) offering. And, more importantly, Sina Weibo has more active users:Thanks to We Are Social for the graphics. Yes, at 2012 Q3, Tencent Weibo had 10 million fewer active users a few months back. Xing Hongyu also revealed yesterday that Tencent Weibo has 100 million daily active users.
Tencent Weiboにとっては本当にいいニュースだが、だからといって、Tencent WeiboのサービスよりもSina(NASDAQ:SINA)のWeiboサービスの方がクールだという事実は変わらない。さらに、もっと重要なのは、Sina Weiboのアクティブユーザ数がTencent Weiboよりも多いことだ。We Are Socialが提供してくれたインフォブラフィックを見ると、そう、2012年第3四半期の実績では、今から数か月前のことだが、Tencent Weiboのアクティブユーザ数はSinaよりも1000万人少なかった。Xing Hongyu氏は昨日、Tencent Weiboには今1億人のアクティブユーザがいることも明らかにした。
But the main reason for all the buzz going to Sina Weibo is the nature of its user-base. That’s because Sina’s users are mostly living in China’s wealthiest cities (tier one and two areas, from Beijing to Wuhan, Shanghai to Hangzhou), while Tencent Weibo’s users are in poorer cities or rural areas, and are not worth as much for social media marketing and are not the kind of folks who can set the national agenda when discussing issues online. Here’s the comparison:
だが、話題のすべてがSina Weiboに行く主な理由は、同サービスの持つユーザベースの特質によるものだ。Sinaのユーザはほとんどが中国でも裕福な都市(第1級、第2級都市、つまり北京、武漢、上海、杭州など)に住んでいるが、Tencent Weiboのユーザは裕福度の低い都市、もしくは農村地域に住んでいる人が多く、ソーシャルメディアマーケティングの価値もそれほどなく、オンラインで何かを討論する時に国家的な議題を提示できるような人達でもないからだ。以下は両サービスを比較したものだ。
Of course, Tencent Weibo does do some cool things; its coordinated approach to the London Olympics coverage was fun and popular, and you can even buy cars directly within the social service. But its Sina rival remains the “Weibo” that people are actually talking about.
もちろん、Tencent Weiboもクールな取組みをしている。ロンドンオリンピックの報道に合わせた取組みは面白くて人気があったし、ソーシャルサービス内で車さえも直接買うこともできる。だが、皆が実際に話題にしている「Weibo」というと、それは依然としてTencentのライバルであるSina Weiboなのだ。
Sentry, The (Now Profitable) Bug Tracker Used By Disqus, Pinterest, Rdio, Path & More, Gets A Huge MakeoverIn the wake of Twitter’s acquisition of crash-reporting tool Crashlytics, there’s been a renewed interest in and awareness of the bug tracking space. Sentry, a year-old service which also tracks application errors in web and mobile apps, is poised to take advantage of that interest, and is today debuting a redesigned version of its hosted platform, which now includes more integrations with external services like GitHub and HipChat, improved navigation, collaboration features, and more.
The service, created by Disqus’s Director of Design Chris Jennings and Lead Engineer David Cramer, initially served as an internal tool for exception logging in Django applications at Disqus, where the two still work full-time. But the company used it and relied on it so much, they decided to open source the project around two years ago in order to share it with the community. Since then, some 50 other developers have contributed at least a line of code to Sentry’s GitHub page, and the tool has grown to support many other popular languages, like Python, PHP, Java, Ruby, Node.js, and JavaScript.
同サービスは、DisqusのデザインディレクターChris Jennings氏とリードエンジニアDavid Cramer氏によって開発され、始めはDisquaのDjangoアプリケーションの例外とロギングのための社内ツールとして利用されていた。(両氏は今も同社でフルタイムで働いている。)しかし、同社はそのツールを頻繁に活用し頼っていたので、コミュニティー内で共有しようと2年ほど前にオープンソース化することを決めた。それ以来、SentryのGitGubページには約50のデベロッパーがそれぞれ少なくとも1行のコードを投稿し、同ツールはPython、PHP、Java、Ruby、Node.jsやJavaScriptなどの人気言語に対応するほどまでに成長した。
Although the open source version was popular, the team began fielding requests for a hosted service after its debut. “The cost of running and deploying your own server just to monitor the errors maintenance in your application for a lot of users isn’t really practical – there’s a lot of and cost involved with maintenance and upkeep,” Jennings explains. So around a year ago, Sentry debuted its hosted version, with tiered pricing based on the number of exceptions an application throws.
The service has already been adopted by several big-name tech companies and startups, including Rdio, Pinterest, Path, Mozilla, as well as Disqus. Somewhat ironically, Twitter’s Vine also used Sentry during its launch despite the fact that its parent just bought a Sentry competitor.
同サービスはすでに、Rdio、Pinterest、Path、Mozilla、そしてDisqusなどの、大手テック企業やスタートアップに利用されている。ちょっと皮肉なのは、TwitterのVinoも、親会社がSentryのライバル企業を買収したばかりだというのに、ローンチ期間中にSentryを利用していたことだ。(情報アップデート:VineのAlex DeJarnatt氏は「当社はバックエンドとiOS向けのCrashlyticsにSentryを利用している」と述べている。)
Today, there are nearly 500 paying customers for the hosted version, and Sentry is “making good money.” (Jennings declined to provide revenue numbers, however.) He says Sentry is growing at a rate of 10 percent per month, it’s profitable, and given its current nature as a side project to the founders’ work at Disqus, they have no plans to raise any outside funding at this time. Since the Crashlytics acquisition, traffic to Sentry has also jumped by 10 percent, Jennings says.
With today’s relaunch, the focus has been on improving the user interface and design, and adding more collaboration features and integration options. The new version offers a more consistent look, better navigation, and more. It now offers an “activity stream” view which shows details of how an event has changed over time, and who on a team is resolving the bug, for example.The new “teams” feature introduces a dashboard-like interface which serves as the hub for managing projects, and an inline event browser let developers move between similar events quickly. On the integrations side, Sentry now works with GitHub, Campfire, HipChat,, Bitbucket, JIRA, IRC, Pivotal Tracker, and Trello.
今日の再ローンチに際し注力した点は、ユーザーインターフェースとデザインを向上し、コラボレーション機能や統合オプションをさらに増やしたことだ。この新しいバーションは、さらに一貫したデザイン、より使いやすいナビゲーションなどを提供している。さらに、「アクティビティーの流れ」が分かるツールを提供し、イベントが時間とともにどう変化したのかや、チームの誰がバグを解決しているのかなどの詳細を見ることができるようになっている。この新しい「チーム」という機能では、ダッシュボードのようなインターフェースを導入し、プロジェクト管理のハブとして利用できる。また、インラインのイベントブラウザを使えば、デベロッパーは同様のイベント間を素早く移動することができる。統合に関しては、Sentryが現在対応しているのは、GitHub、Campfire、HipChat、、Bitbucket、JIRA、IRC、Pivotal Tracker、、そしてTrelloだ。
Going forward, the founders are thinking about how they can expand Sentry beyond bug tracking.“Historically, we’ve been a developer tool, but a big shift we’re making with our thinking and our progress with maintaining and building Sentry is that we have a bit of information – more than say, someone like Intercom or Mixpanel – we have the data about the users who are hitting the errors in your application,” Jennings explains. “We’ve recently started playing with servicing this information. Soon, we’re going to start tracking and presenting actual users, and giving you tools to recover these bad users experiences,” he adds.
He says the company is discussing integrating with Intercom for this, too, and that the feature will go live as soon as this month. Interested users can sign up for the hosted version of Sentry here, or try it free for a 7 days.
Fab Hits 11M Members; Sales Up 300 Percent In JanuaryOn the heels of winning best ecommerce application at the Crunchies last week, design-focused retail site Fab is revealing impressive sales data for January. The site added 1 million members in the month, bringing Fab’s total membership to 11 million users (up from 1.5 million in January 2012).While Fab doesn’t normally release monthly revenue data, the company says that January, which is traditionally a slower month for retailers after the holiday rush, saw major growth. Sales were up by nearly 300% in January 2013 over January 2012 and the month was Fab’s 3rd highest sales month ever. Revenue was 40% higher than any previous non-holiday month.
The company also announced that Fab now has 1 million members in the UK, which is generating nearly 40% of sales in Europe and is its fastest growing market outside the U.S.In terms of conversions, Fab’s repeat buyers continue to make up 67% of its daily sales. Mobile sales, which peaked over the holidays, are averaging around 33% of daily sales. And 8% of all logins to Fab in January 2013 resulted in a purchase.Fab hit its first million dollar sales days over the holidays as well, so we wonder if the company is seeing this happen more frequently.