zhizi 翻訳実績

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・Travel Distribution Network: This startup claims to be Pakistan’s first B2C and B2B tourism platform, providing information and travel booking services domestically and internationally.

・Roxcial: A Facebook store to handle orders and collect payments on your business’ Facebook page.

Plan9 has two incubation cycles each year and 15 teams are selected for each cycle. Teams for the next cycle are scheduled to start in March. To be eligible for Plan9’s program, founders have to be a Pakistani national with a team of two to five people. The applicants’ business ideas will go through a pitch test at one of Plan9’s launchpads held in Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad.


・Travel Distribution Network:このスタートアップによると、このサービスはパキスタンで最初のB2CおよびB2B向け旅行プラットフォームで、旅行の情報や国内外の旅行予約サービスを提供している。



zhizi 英語 → 日本語

They initially had the idea to build an Amazon for Southeast Asia. But knowing that an e-commerce business requires heavy capital, they didn’t jump straight into it. Instead they thought about building a blog ad network which was relatively capital friendly to get going. Their idea was to monetize through the mass of bloggers out there. Together, the founders coughed up S$65,000 to get the business started. In case you’re wondering, the name Nuffnang stands for “really good” in Jafaikan, a dialect that’s a mix of Jamaican and West African words and accents that can be heard among some immigrants in London.



zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Nuffnang kicks off

Nuffnang officially kick-started in February 2007 with a modest 20 bloggers using its ad platform. “In the early days, getting bloggers was tough. Some didn’t believe in Nuffnang and just snubbed us,” said Timothy.

He recalls Xiaxue, a prominent Singaporean blogger, as one of the early Nuffnang bloggers. Ming had a lunch meeting with Xiaxue back in 2007, and even though she wasn’t totally convinced by the Nuffnang idea at first, she bought lunch and threw her support behind him. Eventually, she did sign up for Nuffnang. Ming said they felt very thankful and admitted that Xiaxue’s support had a major impact on Nuffnang, one that is still felt today.





zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Soon after, growth was rapid. In three days, 300 bloggers joined the Nuffnang network. After 30 days, 3,000 bloggers were on board. Its first advertiser was Exabytes, a popular web hosting and domain company in Malaysia who spent 3,000 RM (US$970) on a campaign. Thereafter, more brands followed including SingTel, Nike, Honda, P&G, and Nokia. Timothy explains that back then, they didn’t even know what an insertion order (IO) was. He said:

We were very new to the media buying business. But thankfully our clients educated and helped us along the way.




zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Rapid growth

Nuffnang continues to grow rapidly. By 2010, in an interview with Singapore’s Straits Times, Ming revealed that Nuffnang was generating $10 million in annual revenue. Today, under Nuffnang, Ming and Timothy are also running ChurpChurp (a social influencer network), Jipaban (an e-commerce site), Ripplewerkz (a web design studio), and more recently NuffnangX (a mobile blog reader).

As a whole, the group has over 120 160 staff across Malaysia, Singapore, China, Thailand, Australia, and the Philippines. Nuffnang works together with 350,000 1 million bloggers who generate 13 million page-views per day.



Nuffnangは急成長を続けている。2010年には、シンガポールのStraits Timesとのインタビューで、同サービスは年間収益で1000万ドルを上げているとShen氏が明らかにした。現在、両氏はNuffnangの傘下で、ChurpChurp(ソーシャル・インフルエンサー・ネットワーク)、Jipaban(eコマースサイト)、Ripplewerkz(ウェブデザイン・スタジオ)、最近ローンチしたNuffnangX(マイクロブログリーダー)を運営している。



zhizi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

10 tips for better online security

Norton introduces 10 tips for better online security in conjunction with Safer Internet Day.

We have World Internet Day and International Internet Day and now we have Safer Internet Day (SID). Technology can sometimes be a tricky thing but we don’t have to be a computer wizard to stay safe. SID is organised by Insafe in February each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones. Such awareness is especially targeted to children and young people across the world. This year’s SID is the tenth edition of the event, taking place today with the theme of Online Rights and Responsibilities.



Nortonが「Safer Internet Day(セーファー・インターネット・デー)」に際して、より安全なオンラインセキュリティのための10か条を発表した。

World Internet Day(世界インターネットデー)、International Internet Day(国際インターネットデー)、そしてSafer Internet Day(SID)という日がある。テクノロジーが厄介なものとなることもあるが、安全を維持するためにコンピューターの専門家になる必要はない。SIDはInsafeが毎年2月に開催するイベントで、安全に、かつ責任を持って、オンラインテクノロジーやモバイルフォンを利用するよう呼びかけている。このような啓蒙活動は特に世界中の子供や若年層を対象に行われている。今年10年目となるSIDは「オンライン上の権利と責任」というテーマで本日開催されている。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

4. People always commit faux pas when it comes to password safety. It is better to choose a password with a mixture of letters, numbers and upper and lower case characters. Never share your password with anyone even if they promise not to tell anyone. You are your own vault.

5. Going that extra mile to lock your phone may seem like a hassle to some but truth is, it is that extra second of unlocking effort that will help to keep your mobile phone safe. Always protect your mobile device by making sure it is pin-protected. Download a security app to wipe out all data in your phone in case you mobile is lost or stolen.


