Mu child got a fever again, so I took my child to the hospital in the morning just in case.Therefore please forgive me that I'm coming to office around 10:30 today.A Fever may continue for a short while, but doctor said it is going to be fine.I am going to a NY business discussion meeting from 16th afternoon to 21st. I'm taking the PC which can be used for design so I can work on the designe even in the evening during the trip. I can help to decorate MIT corner in a business discussion meeting, so if there is anything I can do please do not hesitate to tell me.
1.Please find an attached invoice from Sonu Handicrafts .2. As total charge is 153 $ .3. Therefore total charges are: 17,497 yen.Kindly confirm the same so that we can proceed.Kindly note that pictures regarding IN0009 , exporter was supposed to send the pictures today itself.But instead of they will be able to send the picture tomorrow, So as soon as I got the picture , surely will reply you accordingly.Regarding the below matter we discussed with Infinity. 1. 40 feet High Cube container can fit only 65 CBM. We discussed with our cargo agent also, and they confirmed 65 CBM. 2. Considering this only the new order items will fit. 3. Kindly advise how to proceed.
1. Song Handcrafts (ソヌハンドクラフト)からの送り状の添付ファイルのご確認をお願い致します。2.全体の支払いが153ドルです。3.従って日本円での支払いは17,497円です。こちらで間違いないがないかどうかのご確認をよろしくお願い致します。IN0009の商品については本来であれば輸出業者から今日中に写真に届く予定でしたが、明日届くということです。写真が届きましたら、送らせて頂きます。下記の問題につきまして話し合い致しました。1.高さ40フィートの立方体コンテナは、65 CBMだけ入ります。私達の貨物エージェントと議論し、65 CBMとの確認致しました。2.従って、新しい注文アイテムだけ入るということになります。3.今後どのように進めるかご連絡頂けると幸いです。