The event will host keynote presentations from business experts and technology influencers. Jessica Tan, Managing Director of Microsoft SG and Mock Pak Lum, Chief Technology Officer of StarHub are the keynote speakers at the conference, besides other interactive technology training sessions that will cover topics ranging from social media and e-commerce to productivity. Click Here for other speakers.
そのイベントではビジネスの専門家や科学技術に影響を与えるようなプレゼンテーターが発表を行う。Microsoft SG社のマネージングディレクターであるJessica Tan氏、StarHub社のCTOであるMock Pak Lum氏などが会議での発表者である。その上、ソーシャルメディアや電子商取引から生産性に及ぶ幅広い範囲の話題も対話式の技術訓練を通して行われる。他の発表者に関してはこちらをクリックしてください。
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・クリーンウォームコットン/クロージング&リネンフレグランスの在庫はどれくらいありますか。アメリカへ届くにはどれくらいの期間がかかりますか。・LEGO クローラー9398を購入するなら、エジプトへ送っていただけますか。・AfterSchoolのアルバム「VIRGIN」のコピー版をまだ取り扱っているか伺いたかっただけです。
Facebook may well be the top social network with the most number of members in Indonesia but its activity rate is questionable, arguably plateauing if not on the way down. People are moving towards other apps and networks for a number of different reasons. Recently it opened up a vacancy in its Singapore office to help prop its usage among Indonesians back up.
It seems that the key to Path’s wide adoption in Indonesia is how roughly abused Facebook has become. For a lot of people in the United States, Facebook is that persistent connection people have with their friends and relatives. They leave messages there, post their thoughts and discoveries, share news and photos, play games together, communicate, and generally keep in touch with their closest friends and relatives through the network.
Facebook is losing its shine among a lot of Indonesians and Path came up at the right time to replace that intimate atmosphere and private environment in which people can more freely share their activities to their closest friends and relatives. While the hard limit of 150 friends is considered too small among Indonesians who would like to be as connected as possible to everyone, once they realize the significance of this limit, it becomes liberating.Ario Pratomo, co-founder of Jakarta co-working space Comma said that the curated 150 is why he loves Path. He shared his wedding photos and stories about his newly married life on Path as well as updates on his daily activities and travels.
インドネシア人たちの間でFacebookはもはや輝きを失いつつあり、その代りとしてより自由に日々の活動を仲の良い友達や親戚と共有できる私空間や雰囲気を楽しめるPathが流行し始めている。出来る限り多くの人達とつながりたいと考える一部のインドネシア人にとって150人という友達申請の制限については少なすぎる、という懸念はあるが一度その制限の重要性に気付いた時にはそれは問題ではなくなるだろう。ジャカルタのシェアオフィスCommaの共同創始者の一人であるArio Oratomoはその150人という制限がPathの大好きな所だと言う。日々の活動や旅行などのアップデートはもちろんのこと新婚生活について様子や結婚式の写真などをPathにおいて共有できるからだ。