Yoshi (yoshi777) 翻訳実績

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日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
yoshi777 英語 → 日本語

Shi Kaiwen

Age: 23
Founder, Jing.fm

Jing.fm is perhaps China’s coolest music streaming startup and something that I use often for background music when writing. It’s a bit like Grooveshark, really.

But with Chinese consumers being so unwilling to pay up for web-based content like music – or anything digital – Jing.fm will need to find a revenue stream to keep the music flowing.

Huang Kai

Age: 27
Chief designer, Yoka Games

If there’s any group of online consumers in China that are actually willing to pay up, it’s MMO gamers. And that’s the target audience for the Yoka Games online store, selling real-world gaming merchandise to fans of virtual adventures.


Shi Kaiwen



Huang Kai
主任デザイナー、Yoka Games

もし実際にお金を払おうとするオンライン顧客集団が中国にいるのなら、それはMMO Gamersだ。そしてそれはまさに現実世界のゲーム商品をバーチャルアドベンチャーファンに売っているYoka gamersオンラインストアの狙っている顧客なのだ。

yoshi777 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

This hall was fitted up with a stage, not for the reception
of travelling theatrical companies, but for the use of the young people of the area, who would one day know how to express here the splendour of the labour of the earth. A hall for the young people of the village who would here be given an opportunity to create something; to create with music, with speech, with drama! This hall, supplying many needs, would be small and simple -as economical as the village budgets. It would be able to remain at a human scale (an efficient human grouping).'‘The Human Scale.’ These words make me turn to another consideration. Architecture once was and always should be upon the human scale.

