With other suppliers of higher retail value, we would request an outright commission of sale which is deducted prior to sending the payment to the supplier.Payment is made immediately via PayPal less our mark up or if supplier would prefer to pay us commission per item. We are flexible and work with supplier to meet a mutual agreement.Once agreed, we invite the supplier to complete our on line form, giving details of full address, contact, trading etc and our legal department will draw up a brief supplier agreement so both parties are protected.
The item was arrived the other day.When I opened the box, I was surprised to see the glass panel had been broken.I was really shocked. Please see the attached picture.As you see in the picture, any cushioning was not used for the package.In the package like this, the glass would be broken easily. I want you to pay $300 for the repair fee or to refund all the price I paid then I will send the item back to you as it is. The broken pieces of glass were scattered and it is too dangerous to touch. I am waiting for your response.Thank you.
UNIK first launched in December 2011 and has so far signed up 17,000 users and is working with Tokopedia. UNIK has received funds from angel investors but is now looking for a second round of funding.UNIK isn’t the only payment service available of course. Indomog, which Joshua Kevin featured last month, looks like a major competitor. Other services include Kaspay, iPaymu, and Inapay.But there isn’t a clear winner in this space yet, and everyone is still hoping their company can be the Paypal of Indonesia. With so many options, it’s a little confusing, but it isn’t entirely a bad thing. It will help speed up the educational process and warm people up to the idea of online payment.May the best service win!
UNIKは2011年12月に初めて運営を開始し、これまでに17,000人のユーザーが契約しており、Tokopediaと業務提携している。UNIKはこれまで豊富な資金を持つ投資家から資金を受け取っているが、現在2回目の資金調達を模索している。当然の事ながら、UNIKが唯一の支払いサービスではない。先月Joshua Kevinが始めたIndomogが最大のライバルだといえるが、Kaspay、iPaymu、Inapayなどもある。しかし、まだ、この分野で明らかな勝者は見当たらない。それぞれの会社が、インドネシアのPaypalになりたいと願っている。たくさんの選択肢があり、少し混乱気味であるが、これもまったく悪いことでもない。こういった現象で、教育プロセスがスピードアップしたり、人々がオンラインペイメントをするという発想を受け入れるようになるだろう。最高のサービスが勝者となりますように!
Octopost Automates and Analyzes Your Facebook Content UpdatesAs a Facebook page owner, one common problem you might face is content drought. You know you have to come out with content for your fans but find it hard to do so. And even if you have great content to share, you might not be there physically to post them on Facebook. Octopost, which was first launched at Social Media Week in Malaysia was created to solve these problems.
It allows Facebook page owners to schedule updates and even suggest content based on certain categories. The free version allows you to schedule 10 posts per month. The paid version, charged at $4.95 each month, allows you to have unlimited postings. Besides scheduling and content recommendation, Octopost also tracks what content resonates with the fans best. The potential outcome is a Facebook page which produces and shares content that is likely to increase fans engagement.The Facebook app is simple but solves a common problem for Facebook page owners. The app also won the People’s Choice Award in Startup Developers’ Launchpad at Social Media Week Malaysia 2012.
Octopostを使えば、Facebookのページオーナーはアップデイトするスケジュールを決めることができ、あるカテゴリーに基づいてアップするコンテンツを提案までしてくれる。無料版なら、1か月10回のアップデイトができる。1か月4.95ドルの有料版なら、アップデイトの回数は無制限だ。スケジューリングとお勧めコンテンツの提供のほかに、Octopostはページのファンが一番共感した内容を追跡までしてくれる。これを使うことによって、ファンがどんどん増えそうなコンテンツを提供できるFacebookページになる可能性がある。このFacebookのアプリケーションはシンプルながらも、ページオーナーに共通する悩みを解決してくれる。このアプリケーションは、Social Media Week Malaysia 2012で、Startup Developer's Launchpad部門において、the People's Choice Awardを獲得した。
As we understand it, Octopost will not be the only Facebook marketing application introduced. Founder and CEO of Octopost Bryan Gan hinted: "Octopost is our first milestone of our OctoApp viral marketing suite designed to help many of the small businesses to market using word-of-mouth as they have very limited budget in advertising media."The idea was first conceived in mid-December 2011 but was developed quickly over the next 30 days. Bryan also revealed that he is now looking forward to present his startup to angels and VCs soon. If you own a Facebook page, you may want to give Octopost a try here. Schedule however you wish, but don’t spam.
我々も理解しているように、Octopostだけが、Facebook市場のアプリケーションとして紹介されるわけでなないだろう。Octopostの創始者でありCEOのBryan Ganは次のようにほのめかしている。「Octopostは、広告メディアに限られた資金しか出せないような小さなビジネスが、人づての評判を使ってマーケティングできるように手助けするようにデザインされている、我々のバイラルマーケティング、OctoAppのマイルストーン第一号だ。」このアイデアを思いついたのは、2011年12月半ばだったが、それから30日の間に、急ピッチで開発が進められた。Brayanは、今はエンジェル投資家やVCに間もなく、自分のスタートアップをお披露目するのを楽しみにしている、と明らかにした。もしも、あなたがFacebookのページを持っているなら、Octopostを試してみたいかもしれない。好きなようにスケジュールを立ててみるといい。でも、スパムメールを送ってはいけない。
Hi,I greatly appreciate your kindness. I have been considering about the best way of shipment, and now I would like you to ship by EMS.I will let you know my Email address after the arrival of the formal invoice.Again thank you very much for your kindness.
It gives me a Zen feeling to have a clean inbox, a feeling of peace and calm and satisfaction. I highly recommend it to everyone. I wasn’t always like this — I had many emails in my inbox in the past. They would sit in there, sometimes unread, sometimes just waiting on an action, sometimes waiting to be filed, and others just waiting because I was procrastinating. I also had many folders for filing my email, so I could find them when I needed them. It would take me awhile to file sometimes, so I would put it off. Many people I know are the same way.But GTD changed that (as well as 43 Folders and others), and for nearly a year now, I’ve been fairly consistent about having a clean inbox.
2d) If you can respond to it in a minute or two, do so immediately. Don’t put it off. If you wait, you’ll end up with a backlog of emails to respond to, and you may never get around to it. I respond quickly, with a short note, and send it right away. That way I’m viewed as responsive and on top of things.2e) If you need to follow up on the email later, or are waiting for a response, note it on a Waiting For list. Don’t just leave it in your inbox as a reminder.
3) I have only one folder: Archive. When I respond to an email, or finish reading it if it doesn’t need response, or note it on my to-do list, I archive it. Simple as that. You could add a Read folder if you want. I usually print longer ones to read later, like during lunch or while waiting for something. Other people have an Action folder or a Waiting For folder, but I find that that’s just an additional inbox (or “bucket” as GTD’s David Allen calls it) that you have to constantly check.
3)私はホルダーは1つだけです。アーカイブです。メールに返信したり、読み終わって返信の必要がない場合や、やるべきことのリストに入れた場合は、アーカイブに保管します。こんな風にシンプルなのです。もしも必要なら、読むためのホルダーを作ってもいいでしょう。私は通常、長いメールはプリントアウトし、ランチの時や何かの待ち時間に読んでいます。アクションのためのホルダーや返信待ちホルダーを持っている人もいるでしょう。けれど、それは、しょっちゅうチェックしないといけない、おまけのホルダーのようなものです。(あるいは、GTDのDavid Allenのいうバケツのようなもの)
I don’t like to check extra folders. I have my to-do lists and my Waiting For list, and that’s good enough. So it’s as simple as pressing “Archive” on an email, and if I need to find it later, Gmail’s search is so good that it’s easy to find. I’ve never had any problems with this system.Email Zen is that easy: check email at regular periods, take action on each email right away (or note it on a list to do later) and archive.Ahhh. Empty inbox!
The GREE Story, Told By Founder and CEO Yoshikazu TanakaDressed casually in sneakers, dark blue jeans, and a simple black outfit, he looked very much like your typical tech geek. Perhaps it was the warm Singapore weather that inspired the casual dress. The young founder of GREE (TYO:3632), Yoshikazu Tanaka, shook my hand, handed me his business card and bowed like any other Japanese professional. I managed a clumsy bow in response, in admiration of his sincere and polite attitude. We had met once before in Beijing last year, but our conversation hadn’t lasted long.
Many know that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg is one of the world’s youngest self-made billionaires. But Yoshikazu Tanaka amassed a whopping $1.6 billion fortune by the young age of 32. He is now 34.His entrepreneurial story dates back to 1999 when he was a fresh graduate. Prior to GREE Inc. Tanaka didn’t have any experience building a startup. But he was always a keen admirer of great Internet businesses. He told me that the the Japanese version of Wired magazine was his source of inspiration.
FacebookのMark Zuckerbergが自らの力で億万長者になった世界の若者の一人だと知っている人は多いだろう。しかし田中良和氏は、32歳という若さで、16億ドルという巨額な富を積み上げたのだ。彼は今34歳だ。彼の起業家としてのストーリーは、彼が卒業した1999年にさかのぼる。GREE Inc.を立ち上げるまで、田中は起業の経験はなかった。しかし、彼は常に素晴らしいインターネットビジネスの熱狂的なファンだった。Wired magazineの日本語バージョンがインスピレーションの元だと彼は話してくれた。
“Back then, I witnessed Amazon, eBay, and Yahoo’s phenomenal growth in the Internet world. That got me very inspired and motivated to do one myself,” said Tanaka. But like most aspiring entrepreneurs, he didn’t jump straight in. “I wanted to work and gain some experience first,” he noted.Hungry to learn and succeedTanaka graduated in March 1999 from Nihon University. Within a month he was recruited by So-net Entertainment Corporation, which is a Sony Internet service provider affiliate. That job didn’t last very long, though.
“I enjoyed my time at So-net, but I thought I needed a change to a more startup-like environment and culture. So-net is too large of a corporation to learn how to run a business,” Tanaka remarked. After ten months at So-net, on February 2000, Tanaka joined Rakuten as employee number 50.When Tanaka joined, Rakuten — now one of the world’s biggest and most successful e-commerce sites — was just a three-year old venture. As he explains, it provided him with “very good exposure in managing a startup.” At Rakuten, Tanaka had a chance to challenge his abilities:
“Besides my technical role, on Rakuten’s range of products, I also managed online product reviews, the blog network, and affiliate marketing… the marketing stuff,” he explained.Tanaka spent a good four years at Rakuten and was part of the team that witnessed the Japanese e-commerce giant listed on JASDAQ in April 2000, the rollout of Rakuten Travel in 2001, the acquisition of Infoseek Japan K.K and DLJSecurities in 2003.All this would prove useful when Tanaka started his own empire.Billion-dollar hobby
While Tanaka was focused on his job at Rakuten, he was also a keen observer of what was taking place outside of Japan. In 2003, he was inspired by Friendster, the popular social network with a large number of users from both the US and Asia. Tanaka was fascinated by the online social networking concept as the possibilities and growth seemed limitless. That sparked his entrepreneurial instinct, and he began to wonder if there was any way to bring the social networking concept to the Japanese market.Around the end of 2003, I started doing the programming myself, developing the first version of GREE. It was just a hobby to me… And I only launched GREE as a social networking site on February 2004.
田中は楽天での仕事に集中する傍ら、日本の外側で起こっていることを熱心に観察していた。2003年、彼はアメリカ、アジアの両方に多くのユーザーがいる人気のソーシャルネットワーク、Friendster からインスピレーションを受けた。田中は、可能性や成長が無限にあるように思えたオンラインソーシャルネットワークのコンセプトに魅了された。それが、彼の起業家としての本能が刺激し、日本の市場にソーシャルネットワークのコンセプトを持ち込む方法がないか模索し始めた。2003年の終わりころ、僕は、自分でプログラミングを開始し、GREEの最初のバージョンを開発し始めた。自分にとっては趣味みたいなもんだった。そして、2004年2月、ソーシャルネットワーキングサイトとして一人でGREEを立ち上げたんだ。
The traffic brought Tanaka an unexpected problem though. Tanaka discovered that he needed to hire someone to manage his server to keep GREE up and running. His new network could no longer remain just a hobby. After tasting early success, Tanaka was determined to take the next step, and that necessitated that he quit Rakuten and channel all his energy towards building GREE. In December of 2004 he left Rakuten and began his journey as a full-time entrepreneur.GREE Inc. is borngree logoGREE was registered as a formalized business in December 2004, as soon as Tanaka left Rakuten. GREE Inc. was officially born.
To expand quickly, Tanaka needed fresh funds to hire talent. In June of 2005, Globis Capital Partners invested 100 million yen (about US$1.3 million at today’s rates) in his venture. The funding allowed him to hire and expand his office space. Tanaka reflected on his fund raising experience: " In 2005 and 2006, investors were looking out more for online search businesses in Japan. They were influenced by Google and Yahoo’s success. So some of them weren’t exactly comfortable investing in a social networking service."
Nonetheless, growth remained strong and GREE started to gain attention from Japanese telecom operators. In June 2006, GREE received investment from KDDI, amounting to 360 million yen (or about US$4.6 million).As a result, EZ GREE was launched in November 2006 as the official mobile service for KDDI; it’s now known as ‘au one GREE.’ Three months later GREE became NTT Docomo’s official mobile networking service. And by March of 2007, GREE had hit the one-million-users milestone.
それにもかかわらず、力強く成長を続け、GREEは日本の通信事業者の注目を集め始めた。2006年6月、GREEはKDDIから、3億6000万円(約460万ドル)の投資を受けた。結果として、EZ GREEがKDDIの公式携帯電話サービスとして、2006年11月にスタートした。これが現在「au one GREE」と知られているものだ。3か月後、GREEはNTT Docomoの公式携帯電話ネットワーキングサービスとなる。そして2007年3月には、ユーザーが100万人にも達したのだ。