yoggie 翻訳実績

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UNIK first launched in December 2011 and has so far signed up 17,000 users and is working with Tokopedia. UNIK has received funds from angel investors but is now looking for a second round of funding.

UNIK isn’t the only payment service available of course. Indomog, which Joshua Kevin featured last month, looks like a major competitor. Other services include Kaspay, iPaymu, and Inapay.

But there isn’t a clear winner in this space yet, and everyone is still hoping their company can be the Paypal of Indonesia. With so many options, it’s a little confusing, but it isn’t entirely a bad thing. It will help speed up the educational process and warm people up to the idea of online payment.

May the best service win!



当然の事ながら、UNIKが唯一の支払いサービスではない。先月Joshua Kevinが始めたIndomogが最大のライバルだといえるが、Kaspay、iPaymu、Inapayなどもある。



yoggie 英語 → 日本語

It allows Facebook page owners to schedule updates and even suggest content based on certain categories. The free version allows you to schedule 10 posts per month. The paid version, charged at $4.95 each month, allows you to have unlimited postings. Besides scheduling and content recommendation, Octopost also tracks what content resonates with the fans best. The potential outcome is a Facebook page which produces and shares content that is likely to increase fans engagement.

The Facebook app is simple but solves a common problem for Facebook page owners. The app also won the People’s Choice Award in Startup Developers’ Launchpad at Social Media Week Malaysia 2012.



このFacebookのアプリケーションはシンプルながらも、ページオーナーに共通する悩みを解決してくれる。このアプリケーションは、Social Media Week Malaysia 2012で、Startup Developer's Launchpad部門において、the People's Choice Awardを獲得した。 

yoggie 英語 → 日本語

As we understand it, Octopost will not be the only Facebook marketing application introduced. Founder and CEO of Octopost Bryan Gan hinted:

"Octopost is our first milestone of our OctoApp viral marketing suite designed to help many of the small businesses to market using word-of-mouth as they have very limited budget in advertising media."

The idea was first conceived in mid-December 2011 but was developed quickly over the next 30 days. Bryan also revealed that he is now looking forward to present his startup to angels and VCs soon. If you own a Facebook page, you may want to give Octopost a try here. Schedule however you wish, but don’t spam.


我々も理解しているように、Octopostだけが、Facebook市場のアプリケーションとして紹介されるわけでなないだろう。Octopostの創始者でありCEOのBryan Ganは次のようにほのめかしている。



yoggie 英語 → 日本語

It gives me a Zen feeling to have a clean inbox, a feeling of peace and calm and satisfaction. I highly recommend it to everyone. I wasn’t always like this — I had many emails in my inbox in the past. They would sit in there, sometimes unread, sometimes just waiting on an action, sometimes waiting to be filed, and others just waiting because I was procrastinating. I also had many folders for filing my email, so I could find them when I needed them. It would take me awhile to file sometimes, so I would put it off. Many people I know are the same way.

But GTD changed that (as well as 43 Folders and others), and for nearly a year now, I’ve been fairly consistent about having a clean inbox.




yoggie 英語 → 日本語

While Tanaka was focused on his job at Rakuten, he was also a keen observer of what was taking place outside of Japan. In 2003, he was inspired by Friendster, the popular social network with a large number of users from both the US and Asia. Tanaka was fascinated by the online social networking concept as the possibilities and growth seemed limitless. That sparked his entrepreneurial instinct, and he began to wonder if there was any way to bring the social networking concept to the Japanese market.

Around the end of 2003, I started doing the programming myself, developing the first version of GREE. It was just a hobby to me… And I only launched GREE as a social networking site on February 2004.


田中は楽天での仕事に集中する傍ら、日本の外側で起こっていることを熱心に観察していた。2003年、彼はアメリカ、アジアの両方に多くのユーザーがいる人気のソーシャルネットワーク、Friendster からインスピレーションを受けた。田中は、可能性や成長が無限にあるように思えたオンラインソーシャルネットワークのコンセプトに魅了された。それが、彼の起業家としての本能が刺激し、日本の市場にソーシャルネットワークのコンセプトを持ち込む方法がないか模索し始めた。
