yoggie 翻訳実績

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The MaiHao site – at 17mh.com – sells discounted deals on products such as make-up, skincare products, and clothing. The company guarantees that all its branded products, such as Clinique and L’Oreal, are genuine items, which can be a serious issue on some group buy and e-commerce sites in the country. There are plenty of other deals sites taking a similarly specialist approach – in terms of focusing on women and a certain genre of products – such as Rakuten China’s group-buy portal which is a joint-venture between Rakuten (JSD:4755) and Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU).

The timing for the MaiHao funding news is pretty apt, as today is International Women’s Day.




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By simply combining disciples of the two shepherding platforms, Tencent Weibo and Sina Weibo, believers in the holy power of Weibo-ing have exceeded 350 million in just over two years. With more than a third of Weibo users connecting to this divine community through their smartphones, this phenomenon represents the fastest growing and most connected community in China up till now.

As marketers, advertisers, entrepreneurs and influencers, we all ask ourselves how can we efficiently use this social phenomenon to our advantage? But with Weibo having been around for the past two years, anyone involved in social media ought to know its basics.


Tencent WeiboとSina Weibo、これら2つのリードするプラットフォームの愛用者を単に結びつけることで、Weiboを利用することの素晴らしいパワーの信者は、このたった2年の間に3億5000万人を超えた。Weiboユーザーの3分の1以上もがスマートフォンを使って、この2つのコミュニティにアクセスしており、この現象は、現在にいたるまで、中国で最も早いスピードで成長し、もっとも結束したコミュニティを表している。


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Therefore, the question we should all be asking is: how can we leverage this platform in a way which will differentiate us from the traditional, under-stimulating, non-creatively branded campaigns we’ve seen before?

In this new socially connected era, the time has come to suggest recipes and use the ingredients necessary to cook up an innovative branded campaign for the hottest online community of Weibo thriving in a country rich with 1.3 billion potential users.

Let’s begin with the basics, and take a look at the infographic below. It sums up all the features a brand or company can harness to captivate, engage and grow a targeted community on Sina’s microblog.





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Many consider Weibo and social media to a larger extent, a simple and inexpensive way to create brand awareness and they tend to only focus on the number of fans or followers as an indicator of how efficient their social media campaign is. They aren’t completely wrong but are missing the big picture: the engagement, the vitality and the emotional response triggered by their campaign. The success of a brand on Weibo can be assessed through the viral aspect of each of its associated features: the number of app users, retweets, mentions, positive user-generated content, etc.



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Understanding the increasing desire of Chinese consumers to differentiate themselves, Nike offered a branded Nike medal to followers retweeting product and event information. Sina has even created a dedicated page to introduce medals to users. Why not take advantage of it by incorporating gamification concepts in your Weibo account strategy?

Building a community of influential users will take time, but once these can be identified, don’t miss out on the opportunity to leverage and incentivize them. By making them Weibo brand ambassadors or 品牌外交官, it will only strengthen their motivation to promote your brand and in turn, invite others to follow.




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Check-In to China’s Pinterest For Foodies

Amid the glut of Pinterest clones in China, there are some interesting such social pinboard sites that are highly specialist – such as MeiShiXing.

As its Chinese name implies, it focuses totally on food, allowing users to photograph, describe, check-in to restaurants and cafés, and share their culinary experiences. Curiously, the startup behind MeiShiXing launched it with apps for iOS and Android (pictured below) a few months ago, but the website that you see above launched only this past weekend. The new website gives a nice overview of the now considerable collection of entries, but most of the action at the users’ end is still going on in the mobile apps.


グルメのための中国のPinterest にチェックイン



yoggie 英語 → 日本語

I am getting 2012 clubs about once a week, if you need anything in particular tell me what you need. I am hoping I can get these for around $900 a head for new 2012 heads soon, hopefully next week. Not sure yet though but I am trying.
I should have 8 dots and SF LCG mid week. These were delayed, sorry. Right now I do have 19 and 22 Taylormade DF proto rescue these are $150. I also have SF 15* and R11 Fairways they are $200 each.
I also got a new connect with Fujikura if you need any of their shafts I can get them. The VC’s and Tour Specs are $200 each, the VT shafts are $240. The Blurs are 100 and the Motores are 75. The tour specs are really good shafts they are getting a lot of play on tour.


週の中ごろには、8ドットとSF LCGが手に入ります。遅れていて、申し訳ありません。現在、19と22のTaylormade DFプロトレスキューが手元にあり、これは150ドルです。SF15*とR11のフェアウエイウッドもありますが、これはそれぞれ200ドルです。
また、藤倉と新たにコネクションを持つことができました。もし、藤倉のシャフトがご入用であれば、ご用意できます。VCとTour Specは各200ドル、VTシャフトは240ドルです。Blurは100ドル、Motoresは75ドルです。Tour Specは本当にいいシャフトで、プロツアーでもたくさんの選手が使っています。