Yuji (ynomura) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
ynomura 英語 → 日本語

SkateTrack is a 4ft. (1.2m) long rail assembly that breaks down in to four 24' (60.9cm) sections in just seconds for quick storage and is small enough to fit in a backpack or bring on a plane, bus, or train! If you need a longer set-up, check out the Rails to add two foot sections to your SkateTrack. Additional Outrigger Legs can also be purchased before check out.
Outrigger Legs is a lightweight slider leg made of annodized aircraft-grade aluminum. The outrigger leg screws onto the bottom of SkateTrack and folds out in two simple moves to provide a stable lift and enable usage in almost any enviroment imaginable. And, the outrigger legs fold right back up and stows away for ultimate portability!


SkateTrackは4フィート(1.2m)の長いレール組み立て体で、たった数秒で4つの24インチ(60.9cm)の部品に分解して素早く保管することが出来、また小さくまとまるので、バックパックや飛行機、バス、電車などでの持ち運びもできます。もし、より長いセットアップが必要でしたら、2フィートの部品の追加をご検討ください。追加のOutrigger Legsはチェックアウト前に購入することが出来ます。
Outrigger Legsは、酸化コーティングされた航空機部品相当の品質のアルミニウムで作られています。Outrigger LegはSkateTrackの下部にねじ止めし、2つの単純な動作で伸縮することによって、安定したリフトと想像しうる限りほとんどすべての状況下においての動作を提供しています。そして、Outrigger Legsは折り重ねてしまうことが出来ることで、究極の形態性を実現しています!

ynomura 英語 → 日本語

iPad 5, Possible Retina iPad Mini Rear Shells Leak

Can’t wait to see what Apple has in store for us with the iPad 5? Here’s what it will likely look like… face down!

We begin Monday morning once again with yet another Far East parts leak, this time of the purported back casing of Apple’s fifth-generation iPad.

We’ve seen this part before. Way back in January, the first iPad 5 rear shell popped up, and we’ve seen new leaks every month or two since then. Unless this is a scam of epic proportions, Apple has been serious about this design for at least the last eight months.

With the iPad 5, evidence is mounting that Cupertino intends to follow the lead set by the iPad mini, and slim down the 9.7-inch tablet.





ynomura 英語 → 日本語

Not only is it rumored to be a lighter device — possibly because of the use of low-power Sharp IGZO displays, which would require smaller batteries — but Apple is ditching the equally-sized side bezels on the iPad 5 to make it narrower, just like the iPad mini. That means when holding the iPad in portrait mode,your thumbs would partly obscure the display.

Speaking of the mini, the photos also show a shell for one,but it’s not clear if this is the iPad mini 2,and if so,if it will boast a Retina display. Fingers crossed.

Either way, don’t expect to see either of these tablets at Apple’s September 10th event next month: if history is any guide, Apple will hold a separate event for the new iPads sometime in October.


