ykse 翻訳実績

9年弱前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
ykse 英語 → 日本語

Also, it’s probably worth pointing out that for a tech company focused on creating a new method of visual presentation, Theia’s website is pretty embarrassing. Granted, the company has a small team that’s focused on other things, but it’s genuinely the worst-looking startup website I’ve seen in quite a while. If I were a prospective Theia client, that website would make me wonder about the company’s product quality.

Still, there’s no denying that what Theia is working on is pretty cool. If the company can manage to achieve its lofty aims, then it might have a real chance at beating some of the bigger tech players into the interactive holographic ad market.




ykse 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

It appears to have quite a bit of pitting or signs of wear or aging. i don't mind this so much, except I believe that the price doesn't properly reflect the actual value. Are you interested in selling at a discounted cost? I have been watching this for several months now, and I'm assuming you'd like to sell this piece if possible. I obviously have no idea what your cost is on this specific item, but I would consider purchasing it at a price you can make some money, and I can have a nice razor that i will put the time and effort into proper repair and enjoy for myself. I don't mean to be insulting, but simply realistic. Let me know your thoughts please, and see if we can't come to a mutually beneficial price.



ykse 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

I alredy made the payment, so please package the kit with care be sure all is complete. I would like to ask you Im out home at San Antonio Texas USA I will be there by 28th October until 30th October, please help me arrange the item arrive by those days or two days before to my confirmed address

Can I see the actual base ?

Would you take $100 shipped for these?

Also i search this two Thing

Can you looking for me brand new dx gaoranger gao icarus ? I'm looking this item too long .

I would purchase this from you if the shipping charge was the actual shipping fee.
Could you help with this?

Any listings that place you over your current limits may be automatically removed.






新品のdx gaoranger gao icarusを入手することは可能ですか?長い間探しているんです。



ykse 英語 → 日本語

That said, being the established leader in a huge market like India or China hasn’t historically guaranteed any amount of success with U.S. smartphone consumers — one just needs to look at case studies from the likes of Huawei, ZTE, Lenovo, or Xiaomi (which still hasn’t entered the U.S. phone market for fear of being sued up the river) to see the struggle. I don’t expect Micromax will fare any differently, if it decides to try entering the U.S. As far as most consumers in the States are concerned, Micromax is still a foreign brand that they have never heard of. Why buy it over Samsung or Apple, even at a reduced price point?


とはいえ歴史的に見て、インドや中国等の巨大な市場でトップの地位を確立したとしても、アメリカでのスマートフォン消費者の獲得が必ずしも約束されているとは言えない。Huawei、ZTE、Lenovo、や Xiaomi(Xiaomiは訴訟で刑務所行きになるのを恐れ未だにアメリカ市場に参入せず)を例にとってみれば苦戦を強いられているのが理解できるだろう。Micromaxにしても、アメリカ市場参入に当たり同じような結果となると考えざるを得ない。アメリカの消費者に関して言えば、Micromaxは聞いたこともない外国メーカーでしかなく、いくらか安値ではあるとしても、Samsung やAppleを差し置いて購入する人はどれだけいるだろうか?