yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

5.0 1 件のレビュー
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
音楽 文化 ファッション IT Arts 漫画 マニュアル 旅行・観光 ソフトウェア
yakuok 英語 → 日本語

“We have been hosting CHIC for the last 20 years; with 360Fashion’s participation and support this year, we are able to show the world that we are in pace with the new technologies for fashion brands,” said Mr. Chen Dapeng, Executive Vice President of China National Garment Association.

“Working with CHIC is a great step forward for Fashion & Technology globally. The fashion industry worldwide is struggling to understand how to leverage mobile and social technologies into their traditional businesses. With this exhibition we can clearly show brands how these new interactive media can support their collections and bring them into intimate contact with customers,” said Anina.


「我々は、過去20年に渡りCHICを開催してきたが、今年の360Fashionの参加とサポートにより、我々は、ファッション界における新たなテクノロジーをもって我々がいまだ歩調確かであることを世界に知らしめることができる」、とChina National Garment Associationの副社長Chen Dapeng氏は語った。


yakuok 英語 → 日本語

MadeiraCloud is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) venture and has a great concept of managing your cloud architecture the way you design it – diagrammatically. In a nutshell, Madeira is a set of web app tools built on top of Amazon’s AWS to help users design, build, and manage their application, making the cloud easier and more efficient to use. It could be particularly useful for fellow startups.

You can use MadeiraCloud’s WYSIWYG editor to drag and drop your cloud resources onto a canvas and connect them. While users focus on the architecture of their work, Madeira will bootstrap the servers, mount additional storage, deploy code, and setup the connections.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

In addition, Dan tells me, it provides an architectural-level view of your applications, displaying individual component’s state, load, performance, and alerts, as well as the correlations among errors and performance deterioration. It is very useful for cause diagnosis and availability enhancement, since it will record and replay how failures spread through your system.

MadeiraCloud also allows you to save your composition (or what we usually call, an “app”) as a stack template for future use. Users can quickly provision identical replicas of their applications for development, testing, training, and demos in minutes, on-demand with AWS.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

In recent weeks, MadeiraCloud has also released three new features. One, intelligent network management, where it dynamically resolves for new IP addresses when users launch several apps from the same stack set of resources, so users do not have to lift a finger to change anything. Two, it will help save running apps back to stacks, so you can relaunch this stack back into an app multiple times, and have multiple, identical, and conflict-free copies of your application ready when you need them. Three, you can also make identical clones of apps, where you can create an identical copy in just a couple of clicks and minutes, with all the repetitive work done on its backend.



yakuok 英語 → 日本語

The plan to bring this source of data to market now is really driven 100 percent by our customer base. Our customers are usually enterprise level providers who take our data, do the analysis and insights and then pass it on to brands… This particular source rose to the top of the list as being an in-demand source; a very specific brand ‘ask.’ And I think we don’t completely understand what’s driving that yet, but 30 percent of our client base is international, and even domestically many clients are representing international brands that are very interested in the worldwide conversation about their brand, and not just the US and European discussions.


市場に今、このデータソースを持ち込もうという計画は、実際、我々の顧客ベースに100%基づいたものである。我々の顧客は、通常、我々のデータを入手する企業レベルのプロバイダーで、分析や洞察を行い、それらの情報をブランド企業へと譲渡する・・・ この特殊なソースは、需要の高いものとしてリスト上で一番上に位置した。これは、非常に特別なブランドが「リクエスト」したものである。そして、我々はそれが何によって駆り立てられているのかと言う事をまだ完全に理解していない、と私はそう考える。だが、我々の顧客の3割は海外の顧客となっており、国内の多くの顧客もまた海外ブランドを背負う企業で、米国やヨーロッパだけに限らず世界で展開される彼らのブランドについての会話内容に非常に興味を持っている。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Regarding b), off-platform trading of virtual items isn’t as big a problem as recent Japanese press reports suggest they are. The way it works is that a seller auctions off a rare item they possess to a buyer in need of that item – outside GREE or Mobage (i.e. on Yahoo Japan’s auction platform), and in exchange for real money. After the payment is done, the seller and buyer “meet” in the game in question and execute the deal (exchange items).

Sounds dramatic, but this “shadow economy” is in no way comparable to the multi-million dollar item trading and auctioning economy some online games like World Of Warcraft have created in recent years.


b)についてだが、バーチャルアイテムのオフ・プラットフォーム取引は、先頃の日本のプレス報告にあった内容ほど深刻な問題ではない。売り手が手持ちの珍しい品を、その品を欲しがる買い手に対して、GREEやMobage外(例えばYahoo Japanのオークションプラットフォーム上など)でオークション販売し、実際にリアルマネーを受け取るという仕組みになっている。支払いが完了した後、売り手と書いては特定のゲーム内で「会い」、取引を施行する(アイテムの交換)。

聞こえは劇的であるが、この「闇経済」は、作今World of Warcraftなどのオンラインゲームが築き上げた数百万ドル規模の商品取引やオークション経済とは比較の対象にもならない。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

But regulators could force DeNA and GREE to limit or scratch in-game trading of items. There are various ways to do this, and a substantial social element of many games would be lost in that case.

Regarding c), regulating gacha would hurt platform and game providers dramatically, at least in the short term: as I mentioned before, some companies in this industry are generating 50%+ of sales with this function alone. Regulators could ask gacha to be removed entirely or limit the “luck factor” in order to push down the element of gambling this mechanism has.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

This is why regulation might come regardless:
The enormous focus on gacha by game providers in the design of a lot of titles (almost all social games in Japan feature a gacha function nowadays) and the undeniable gambling element the mechanism contains might become a problem in the near future (some media suggest regulation could hit this or next month).

I personally have the feeling that the campaign against the social gaming industry won’t go past the Japanese government: there are just too many, too negative reports floating around out there, both in online and printed media (including “influential” magazines).


