yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

5.0 1 件のレビュー
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
音楽 文化 ファッション IT Arts 漫画 マニュアル 旅行・観光 ソフトウェア
yakuok 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

1. Open a corporate bank account

Do yourself and your company a favour. If you have not set up a corporate bank account, do so tomorrow. Open the account, and deposit 10 grand. Say goodbye to it – it now belongs to the company.

Draw down only from this account so you can visually track expenditure every month from a single statement. By having a single account means you only need to reconcile a single statement.

To open the bank account you will need the directors of the business to be present with proof of identity. You will also need the company MAA and bizfile.

We favour Standard Chartered and HSBC because of their friendly internet banking interface.


1. 法人銀行口座を開設




インターネットバンキングのインターフェイスが分かりやすく使いやすいStandard CharteredとHSBSがおすすめだ。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

3. Pay stakeholders monthly

Set a billing cycle and let your stakeholders (suppliers and staff) know what date they can rely on you to get paid. You will earn the status as a reputable paymaster, which will earn you loyalty and favours when you need them.

Be a consistent pay master. If you are consistent, stakeholders will trust you and will stop bothering you with emails and phone calls to get payment. Poor paymasters are deprioritised. Consistent paymasters are prioritised.

Practice this disciple and negotiate better payment terms because you have street cred. When you do get an inquiry, ask them to send questions to your finance email address.





yakuok 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

4. Pay yourself monthly

Set aside a day somewhere quiet where you cannot be interrupted. Take the month’s worth of transactions out from your concertina folder, and place them in piles.

Open your cashbook in Excel and key in the month’s revenue and expenses. Open your expenses claim Excel sheet and key in expense claim items.

5. Download templates

That’s it. Do this consistently every month, you can save 30 percent on your annual cost of bookkeeping. Download template cashbook and personal expense claim forms. Download templates to help get you started.

You can also take a look at this presentation to learn more about bookkeeping for your startup, or view more presentations from Futurebooks Pte Ltd.


4. 自分にも毎月必ず支払いを行う



5. テンプレートをダウンロードする


このプレゼンテーションもしくはFuturebooks Pte Ltdのその他のプレゼンテーションを見ることでも、自分のスタートアップの簿記のヒントとなるような情報を得られるだろう。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

To give you a better idea of why the Indonesian tech scene is on fire, here’s an informative video put up by Senry Alvin, shared by Danny Wirianto on his Mindtalk channel, which paints a clear picture of the huge growth in the country which has more than 17,000 islands:

Adding on to this, Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, also agrees with the huge opportunity in Indonesia in an interview with Huffington Post last year. “You have 180 million cell phones, but did you know that you have only about 18 percent Internet penetration?” said Schmidt. “You’re going to have an Internet explosion.”


1万7000もの島々から成るインドネシアの大きな成長が詳細に描かれているこのDanny WiriantoがMindtalkチャンネルでシェアしたSenry Alvin作の情報動画を見れば、なぜインドネシアのテクシーンが盛り上がっているのかより分かりやすいだろう。

さらに、Googleの最高経営責任者であるEric Schmidtは、昨年行われたHuffington Postのインタビューでも、インドネシアにおけるビジネスチャンスに関しては同感だと述べている。「この国では1億8000万台もの携帯電話が利用されていますが、インターネットの透過率はわずか18%だと言うことを知っていましたか?」、とSchmidtは問いかけた。「今後、インターネット利用は爆発的に増えるでしょう。」

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Also in this latest update (now v1.1.3) comes a larger timeline box, and you will also be able to do a curated search within boxes.

Burpple comes in really handy, especially at restaurants with menus that do not include pictures for their food. But one thing lacking in the app is that it doesn’t allow me to search for cafes or restaurants in the vicinity, which I’m sure would be a feature that will be coming soon on the app.

On upcoming plans for Burpple, the young startup has big dreams:

[If] Evernote is about being the second brain, Burpple is about being the social food brain.

If you’re interested to check out the new update, you can download it on iTunes here.







yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Food Journal App Burpple Localizes and Integrates Sina Weibo, Burpin’ its Way Into China

Probably one of Singapore’s hottest startups, Burpple, has officially launched the latest version of its social food journal app with support for simplified Chinese text. It has also integrated Sina Weibo, allowing seamless sharing to the popular Chinese social network. This move is in lieu of the startup’s plans of formally entering China.

We don’t hear many Singaporean startups eyeing the China slice, with many probably afraid of their ideas being rapidly ripped by local teams. I had a chat with Elisha Ong, who is a co-founder at Burpple, on the team’s plans for China:


フードジャーナルアプリのBurpple、ローカライズとSina Weiboの統合後、ゲップしながら中国へ進出

おそらくシンガポールで一番人気のスタートアップBurppleは、簡体字に対応したソーシャルフードジャーナルアプリの最新版を公式にリリースした。またSina Weiboを組み込んだことで、中国で人気のソーシャルネットワークSina Weiboとのシームレスな共有も可能となった。この動きは、当スタートアップが公式に中国へと参入する代わりとなる策だ。

多くのスタートアップは、おそらく彼らの事業アイディアが中国の地元スタッフによってすぐに真似されてしまうのを恐れているという理由から、シンガポールのスタートアップが中国の一片を狙っているという話を多くは聞かないのだろう。私は、Burppleの共同創始者の1人であるElisha Ongと、彼女が率いるチームの中国での計画について話をした:

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

For Agent

Benefit from profit sharing by getting the competitive price difference between agent’s selling price and public selling price.
Cheap agency fee (annual) and free to set the deposit (Min. IDR 50.000 to unlimited).
Pricey infrastructure is not needed, such as building a server because mobile device or general computer set up (with internet connection) is enough.
Dedicated app to help in monitoring ticket sales along with the transaction report.
Able to open a counter and print the voucher.
Updates on information of special offers.
Interesting reward/bonus from OpenTiket to agents with highest sales achievement.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

DS: What is OpenTiket’s plan after the launching?

Heru: From the roadmap that we’ve made, there are many plans need executing one by one both from technical and business sides. Technical wise, there will be continuous app development for the web based and mobile based including the Open API – which we called OpenTiket Developer Connect – platform development. Business wise, our main focus is to enlarge the product database that will be on sale on OpenTiket by establishing strategic partnership with vendors, agency system development, including educating the market in the context of introducing OpenTiket’s services.



Heru:私達が構想したロードマップ上には、技術面そして事業面両方からのアプローチをもって、一つ一つ実行していかなければならない多くの計画案があります。技術面では、ウェブベースとモバイルベースのアプリの開発は継続して続けられますが、これには私達がOpenTiket Development Connectと呼ぶオープンAPIのプラットフォーム開発が含まれます。事業面で私達が最も焦点を置いているのは、販売店との戦略的なパートナーシップを築き上げ、市場販売店システムの開発を進め、そしてOpenTiketのサービスを紹介していく上で市場を慣らしていくことで、OpenTiket上で販売される商品データベースを拡大していくことです。