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yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Who are you competitors and what makes you different?

There’s Angel List, but the main difference between Creww and Angel List is its focus stages. Angel List seeks investors for start ups whereas Creww emphasizes a strong bond among startups and entrepreneurs. Creww has several features for matching people, and the ‘recommend’ feature can send you people who have similar interests. By using ‘meetup’ features people can request offline meetings with people in Creww. Another difference is its regional focus, as Angel List is provided in English only and its main target is American and European startups.



競争相手にはAngel Listが挙げられますが、CreewとAngel List間での最も大きな違いは、重点を置くステージでしょう。Angel Listではスタートアップには投資家達を求めていますが、Creewではスタートアップと実業家の間の強いつながりに重点を置いています。Creewには人々を繋ぎ合わせるいくつかの機能があり、「おすすめ」機能は自分と同じ関心を持つ人々を探し出すことができます。「出会い」機能を利用することで、Creewの人々とオフラインで会うリクエストを送ることもできます。もう1つの違いはターゲットエリアで、Angel Listでは英語のみの提供で、主な対象企業はアメリカとヨーロッパのスタートアップとなっています。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

As to the mechanics behind how a traditional search engine ranks its results, Qihoo 360 finds it less reliable as some websites are always placed at the bottom of the search result. Now as it involves the users’ recommendations, they believe that it’s a better way to provide higher quality search results. Or it might just be a cheap gimmick.

360’s CEO Zhou Hongyi earlier explained (translations are mine):

[…] As the search engine market develops, users’ experience and recommendation is an important fundamental factor towards growth. There are still plenty of possibilities that we can explore with our browser and search engine.


Qihoo 360は、一般的なサーチエンジンのサーチ結果のランク付けの方法は信頼性が低いとしているが、これは、いくつかのウェブサイトが常にサーチ結果の下位にランク付けされているという理由からだという。今ではQihoo 360のサーチ結果にはユーザーの推奨内容が反映されるため、より正確なサーチ結果を提供できる、と彼らは考えている。あるいはただの安仕掛けでしかないのかもしれない。

360の最高経営責任者であるZhou Hongyiは、以前このように述べている(訳は筆者によるもの):
[…] サーチエンジン市場が成長するにつれて、ユーザー体験とユーザーの推奨内容は当市場の成長に向けて重要な基盤要素となっていきます。我々のブラウザとサーチエンジンで発見できるチャンスがまだまだ多く埋もれているのです。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

Say Cheese: Telunjuk.com Compares Cameras and Recommends the Best

Indonesians sure love to take pictures, from their holidays to the food they eat. Because of the need to share, this photo addiction has grown the photography community (including myself) hugely, including the likes of Fotografer.net, to those with the specific passion for LOMO cameras at Lomonesia. And all those folks have very different needs in terms of cameras. Now, here comes the Telunjuk product search engine which today adds a camera option to its site, providing recommendations for its users before they hit “buy” on any online store.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

The return of IDG and Zero2IPO in a second round could be construed as a very good sign for FClub’s growth in the past year. The site is following the path first taken by the Chinese flash sales site VIPShop, which listed on the NYSE in March of this year.

Speaking to the Chinese media last week, Zero2IPO’s Wang Lipeng praised FClub’s “precise positioning and meticulous management” in this tricky B2C e-commerce sector.

FClub has self-reported having two million registered users, of whom 400,000 are active. It has 500 employees, including all those at its warehouses. Based in Shanghai, the startup site has offices in Guangzhou and Hong Kong too.



先週、Zero2IPOのWang Lipengは、中国メディアに対し、この一筋縄ではいかないB2C分野におけるFClubの「確固たる位置づけと細部にまで行き届いた管理能力」を賞賛した。


yakuok 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

2. I see that emails too. But Mr. Zelmer talked about order in our shop at www.rove.de not from orders in amazon.de. We cannot take the tax out of amazon.de orders. And we cannot give discount on amazon orders becouse amazon takes a big commission on all orders. You and Mr. Zelmer talked at cross purposes.

3. We must check this. Please sent us a copy of the invoice and the packinglist directly from your email account, not over amazon.

4. Please send us the picture directly from your email account, not over amazon.

1. I think I have answered this with anwer to issue 1.

2. I don't understand what you mean? Do you have ordered another bird in ebay?







yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Hello, it's been almost a week and I haven't heard from you. My previous message states that I opened the system and the disk belt inside was broken, it was not replaced like said in the listing and therefore no games will work. I had to purchase parts myself and I have to repair it as well. The system itself is fine but as a result of the belt it does not play anything. I bought this disk system thinking it was 'new' until I was told from you that it was used, and you offered that I can instead buy the system for $120 rather than the $170 I paid for it. The system came broke even

