yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

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yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Foreign Entrepreneurs in China Should Be Aware – Part 2

Following on from my previous post, “Foreign Entrepreneurs in China Should Be Aware – Part 1” I will expand upon more of Bowei’s presentation. I got in touch with Bowei who kindly updated his slides.

In the last post, I wrote about the allure of China’s size and opportunity that shines so brightly it sometimes blinds foreign entrepreneurs who think they can easily set up shop and sell something that people will buy. Like everywhere else, doing business is hard. Doing business in China is even harder. There are some things you just won’t get until you come here, experience, learn, accept and adapt.


在中国の海外の実業家が注意すべきこと - パート2

私の前回記事「在中国の海外の実業家が注意すべきこと - パート1」の続きだが、Bowei氏のプレゼンテーションについてさらに詳しく述べていきたい。Bowei氏とコンタクトを取り、彼はスライドについて私にアップデートしてくれた。


yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Competition is very much a factor start-ups must consider when entering a market. Do you believe you can beat them? If not, then why do it? Bowei touched on some good points that I will elaborate on:

1. Endless competition – does it matter?

Bowei noted that in America, there are usually only a handful of competitors that really dominate the market. Of course China has its key market players, but the amount of smaller competitors can be in the 1,000’s!

In China, as a result of its massive size, low barriers to entry, lack of intellectual property laws many start-ups attempt to attack the big players all the time. That’s why there are over 5,000 Groupon clones and 100+ Android app stores.



1.終わりなき競争 - 重要であるかどうか?



yakuok 英語 → 日本語

What Foreign Entrepreneurs in China Should Be Aware Of – Part 1

Just as a pre-cursor to this piece, you may have realized I haven’t posted something for a while. That’s because I’ve been away in Australia. I know I missed out on TehCrunch Disrupt!

I recently came across this presentation on Slide Share today titled, “The China Startup Report” by Bowei Gai, a Chinese born entrepreneur who lived in America. I found it interesting because it highlights the harsh reality for foreign entrepreneurs coming to China for the ‘gold rush’ in opportunity. In many ways it makes me reflect on things I’ve learnt by just being here. I always like to describe China as ‘interesting and exciting, but not easy.’


在中国の海外の実業家が注意すべきこと - パート1

本文に先駆けて、読者は私が記事の投稿をしばらく行っていなかったことにお気づきであろう。理由はオーストラリアへ行っていたから。分かってる、自分はTechCrunch Disruptを見逃してしまったんだ!

先頃、私はSlide Shareで、中国出身でアメリカ在住であった実業家のBowei Gai氏による「中国のスタートアップレポート」と今日では題されているプレゼンテーションを見つけた。 私はこれを非常に興味深いものととらえた。なぜなら、このプレゼンは、「ゴールドラッシュ」をうけ中国に流れてきた海外の実業家にとっての厳しい現状にハイライトを当てているからだ。いろんな意味で、これは、私がただここにいるだけで私がこれまでに学んできたことを反映させるものである。私はいつも中国のことを、「興味深く刺激に満ち溢れているが、決して安楽ではない」と言葉にして説明している。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Get cultured quickly

Once here, foreign entrepreneurs have to navigate a tangled web of strange cultural and political factors. I believe most of us have heard stories of things happening, but until you come and see for yourself, you can’t really grasp it. Gai raises some good points that I have been puzzled by before, but over time realized why. Here are some that I have elaborated on from my own perspective:

1. Censorship – a level playing field?

When foreigners accustomed to internet freedom come to China, they soon realize it is no longer like that. Facebook, Youtube, Twitter are all blocked. In my view, the main reason is protectionism from two angles.




1.検閲 - 公平な土俵なのか?


yakuok 英語 → 日本語

The first is political, the second is economic. Political because the government wants to control what people see and therefore think. Economic, because if foreign companies were allowed to exist in China, it would hurt the chance of success for Chinese companies. However I know many entrepreneurs who are grateful for censorship because it presents opportunity to copy an idea from overseas, then adapt it to China. For entrepreneurs in China, it is viewed as a level playing field since everyone has to deal with it. For entrepreneurs outside China, trying to get in, it’s just unfair.



yakuok 英語 → 日本語

2. Chinese prefer instant messaging over email

When I first was exposed to internet, I had an email account and ICQ, an instant messaging system. However in China, it seems that Tencent’s instant messenger, QQ, is the key denominator. They should probably give Chinese people a QQ number with their birth certificate since everyone has one, including businesses! I’ve also experienced slow email response from some Chinese people and I couldn’t understand why until my Chinese friend said people don’t really use email that much here.

3. Ugly crammed websites are more preferred than clean Web 2.0 ones





yakuok 英語 → 日本語

This is one of the most mind-boggling cultural differences. To a Westerner, many Chinese websites are incredibly unattractive and poorly designed. They have small almost unreadable font, buried in a sea of other text. Gai’s research says that language and habits are the key drivers why Chinese still prefer cluttered websites. For many portal sites, I believe by making a site cluttered allows them to sell prominent ad space that stands out. Other reasoning suggests that cluttered websites give users all options at once without clicking and more profoundly reflect the everyday chaos that happens in China and other developing countries like India.



yakuok 英語 → 日本語

However I also think that over time, Chinese sites will eventually resemble the simplicity and intuitiveness of Western style sites. A major reason is that Chinese excel in copying, down to the design. So over time, they will learn good design principles. Douban.com, is a good example of a well designed Chinese site.

4. Chinese people don’t like to pay for software

Call it stingy or unethical but get used to it. Chinese people generally do not like paying for software but as Gai points out, they are willing to pay for physical goods and games. Chinese tech companies bend to this custom so much that they often don’t even bother with trying to monetize from customers but instead from advertising.





yakuok 英語 → 日本語

I wrote about this before in the case of online video sites, where I compare American sites like Hulu versus Youku, Qiyi and Xunlei. I was talking to a few Canadian people in the music industry at Transmit China, who were interested in selling their music in China and I told them it would be difficult because Chinese people simply don’t like paying for intangible things and they were surprised. For start-ups trying to monetize from software, this nuance forces you to think creatively and deliver true value that people are willing to pay for – otherwise your stuff will just get copied or used for free.


私は、これについては、オンラインビデオサイトのケースとして、アメリカのサイトHulu 対 Youku、Qiyi、Xunleiを比較した記事上で以前も記述している。私は、音楽を中国で販売したいと考えていたTransmit Chinaの音楽業界に在する何名かのカナダ人と話をしたが、私は彼らに、その試みは非常に困難なものになるだろうと伝えた。中国人は実体のないものにお金を費やすことはしない、と言うと、彼らは驚いた。ソフトウェアでマネタイズ化を目論むスタートアップ企業は、この微妙な違いをうけて、創造性に満ちた考えを持つことや、人々が支払いたいと思う真の価値を提供していくことを余儀なくされるだろう。さもなければ、自分のアイディアはコピーされ無料で使用される羽目になるだろう。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

・ Keep contact forms simple. While it may help to get a full profile of your visitor by asking pre-qualifying questions, it can be very intimidating for that user. Ask for as little information as possible and require only that person’s name and email address. If you seek other information, such as phone number and address, make it optional.

・Create one-column form fields for quick contact. It helps to put form labels directly above form fields. Usability studies show that users who filled out these types of forms saved time by only having to move their eyes vertically, not laterally.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

・Don’t be afraid of large input boxes. While considered a design trend, large input boxes are not only more fun to fill out, but also force you to limit the number of fields on a contact form.

・ Give visitors a clear action button. Because people read from left to right and top to bottom, place the final action button in the lower-right of the form. Give the button plenty of weight with a standout color.

Be Reassuring

Trust goes a long way with online clients. People fear that their contact information will get dumped into a huge database that marketers can access at will.






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By making your contact form unique, fun and reassuring, your user will know there’s a human on the receiving end and, therefore, be more likely to share.

・ Have some fun. Nothing eases people’s worries better than good humor. Why not spice up your contact form with some personality? Not only will it give your users a laugh, but it will also make your contact page more human. Consider a witty introduction or quirky photo.
・Make a promise. Tell your users that their information is safe, that you won’t share it with any third party. Place this promise right next to the submit button; that way they’ll experience a nice aftertaste upon opting in.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Offer Instant Chat

Instant chat has been around for quite some time, but has traditionally only been used by the customer service departments of large Internet companies. Now, many low-cost services enable your users to reach you instantly wherever you are.

The future is instant. Perhaps the lowest website threshold is instant chat. It requires the user to supply little, if any, personal information and allows you to provide quick and personal customer service. Consider giving one of these services a chance.

・LiveChat: Unlike other services, LiveChat offers a range of innovative features and third-party integration modules.




未来 = インスタント。おそらく、ウェブサイトにとっての一番低いとされる敷居はインスタントチャットであろう。ユーザーは(可能であれば)個人情報を少し提供するだけで、簡単に素早くカスタマーサービスを提供してもらえるのだ。これら3つのサービスのうち1つでも提供することを考慮してみてはどうか。


yakuok 英語 → 日本語

You can use Facebook to gain access to your users’ social media profiles, Skype to elevate the chat into a phone call and Join.Me to perform a screen share. LiveChat also offers a free trial that makes trying this service a no-brainer.

Olark: Another promising contender, Olark features a beautiful and seamless user experience, great reporting tools, CRM and Helpdesk integration, and it works with just about any IM client. Plus, you can live chat with a customer straight from your mobile phone. While not as feature-rich as some of its competitors, Olark is an efficient and inexpensive solution that fills the needs of most businesses.


