y_matsumura (y_matsumura) 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
y_matsumura 英語 → 日本語

According to Monica Shim, PR Manager, MangoPlate, the iOS and Android app boasts a million downloads and 250,000 monthly active users. Most of these users are locals from South Korea, while a small number are tourists or expats. All establishments listed on MangoPlate are based in the country.

“This is just an extension of our hobby,” says Oh, speaking for all four Co-founders. Oh knew Roh from college; Kim and Ryu were labmates at KAIST; and Oh knew Ryu from his previous place of employment — Samsung. “So this job is actually not a job, it’s actually for us to have fun.”


PRマネージャーのMonica Shim氏によると、iosおよびアンドロイド用アプリ、MangoPlateは、100万ダウンロードと25万の月間アクティブユーザーを誇ります。これらのユーザーの大部分は韓国の地元の人々であり、他方、残りの少数は旅行者や国外居住者です。MangoPlateに載っている全てのレストランは韓国を基盤にしています。
