There is one more thing needed to be confirmed with you.1. Our price did not include any import customs fees in your country. We would like to warmly remind you that you will need to clear the custom after the goods delivery in your country. You could check the tax rate with your local customs to get to know how much customs feesyou will have to pay. 3. If you would like to do lower value declaration, we could do it as you requested. But we will not responsible for all the Risk & Fine which caused by lower value declaration. Please cautiously think about it. And normally we would do 60% of order value for customs. At this time, we would like to do $229 for your order.
I mean HARD Shell case For sure! Please confirm as I am having problems writing now. Please I hope it's not too late must be Hard case. If you already sent I will pay for another hard case with expedited delivery THROUGH pay pal AND EBAY POLICY. I am very sorry for my mistake charge the existent Ebay / Pay Pall invoice accordingly and I will give another authorization as necessary. Thank you again for patience and understanding.Richard. If I am late please do not hesitate to fulfill the hard case order asap. I hope I have the chance to thank you personally in the future'PLEASE CONFIRM ...EBAY SAID YOU DID NOT GET THIS MESSAGE.STAY WELL!!!!! RICHARD
もちろん、ハードシェルケースのことです!今書いている問題について、確認をお願いします。どうか、ハードケースである件が間に合わない、なんてことになりませんように。もしあなたがすでに送ってしまったのなら、Pay PalおよびEbayポリシーに基づき、新たにハードケースを急送するための費用を負担します。私の間違いのために生じた、今回のEbay/Pay Palのインボイス請求を本当に申し訳ないと思っています。必要ならさらなる許可をだします。あなたのご辛抱とご理解に感謝します。リチャードより。もし私が間に合わなかったのなら、できるだけ早くハードケースの注文を実行してください。またいつかお世話になると思います。その時はよろしくお願いします。どうか確認をお願いします!Ebayによれば、あなたはこのメッセージを読んでいないことになっています。どうかお元気で!!!!! リチャードより。
More welfare programs for those international residents. Each city should have someone hired full-time to handle matters in different languages: English, Chinese, French, ...Free wifi is a complet mess in Tokyo, too many operators too many registraions are needed some of them are not actually free... Public bycicle is very weak for the size and density of Tokyo + there is no way to find bycicle linesflexibilityin my experience foreigner people are increasing day by day if government can organise public awareness program in thier native language it can help to people to adjust in new culture and new environment.
↓上からの続き most important thing is that due to a lack multi-language people have return their home country to check up their sickness. I wish that more restaurants would provide home delivery services at a much more affordable prices, not only to prime areas of Japan.There aren't enough green spaces in Tokyo. Of course there are some nice parks such as Hibiya Park - but not enough. I wish there were more free WiFi spots.CreativityTelephone, Internet charge is too high.
↓上からの続き there should be more information written in English for a more effective and clear way of communicating. Enough facilities/ events to include foreign workers to communicate with local residents. Not open enough to foreign workers (hard to go through the job hunting/ visa process without speaking Japanese). Foreigners get rejected from many real state companies just because. Moving is a hard and frustrating process. English is not wide spoken, sometimes needs flexibility, Wish more Information will be available in English.Lack of English abilityLack of communicators Affordable English or International education for children.
I have health problems that affect my ability to drive, so being able to take public transport everywhere is a big advantage to living in the greater Tokyo area. I also enjoy the fact that many musical artists and other events come to Tokyo.japanese is niceRecently, not much. Maybe health infrastructure is good. Trains run on time. That's about it. There are many activities to do in leisure time such as; eating out, going to the movies and shopping. Also there are seasonally activities such as climbing Takao-san, barbeques and the beach isn't too far from Tokyo for a day trip. Very simple family life. Travel a little bit overseas every year for holidayPeople in the local neighbourhood are friendly
Cities are clean People are civilized Not aggressive Convenient Beautiful women Not too much black people trouble makers like in europe Freedomfashionable Japan clean, safety life. Very safe, very convenient.It's safe. Food is cheap. my life style in japan i become very punctual in time I like that the people are niceEasy access to parks on the weekend and bars after work. Transportation in Japan is very comfortable, so it is easy to travel around Japan.There are so many good restaurants in, easy going, clean, healthy environment, pure food. I love purity of Japan.I fill that i am in one of cultural richest country in the world. People are busy doing their work and respect each other.
It is unfair to treat foreigners with tattoos as yakuza members. Foreigners cannot join the yakuza and have tattoos based on beliefs. To reject them at pools, beaches, gyms and onsens is pure prejudice. When someone is divorced (or something bad happens) they have to move to a new ward... The OLD ward should NOT ask for ONE YEAR OF SHI/KU- menzei (address tax) at the same time that the new ward wants address tax! Life insurance for foreigners is only Repatriation (if I die, then my body is shipped to America for no cost to my family). There should be an official government office to support complaints of police abusing only foreigners... Japanese people can walk away from police, but foreigners can not...
Why machine vision is the next frontier for AIThe buzz around artificial intelligence, or AI, has been growing strong over the past year. We’ve never been closer to unlocking the benefits of this technology. 2016 will see new kinds of AI-powered devices as we make progress on one of the most difficult challenges in AI: getting our devices to understand what they are seeing.
Why would a machine need to see? Vision is a primary sense and one of the main mediums in which we live our lives. In order for machines to be able to relate to humans and provide the support we need, it is imperative they can observe and behave in the visual realm. This can be in the form of a small camera that helps a blind person “see” and contextualize the world around them or a home surveillance system that can correctly identify the difference between a stray cat, moving tree branches outside, and a burglar.
As devices play a progressively integral part in our daily lives, we have seen an increasing number of applications fail without adequate visual capabilities, including a myriad of midair drone collisions and robot vacuums that “eat” things they shouldn’t.
Machine vision, a rapidly growing branch of AI that aims to give machines sight comparable to our own, has made massive strides over the past few years thanks to researchers applying specialized neural networks to help machines identify and understand images from the real world. From that starting point in 2012, computers are now capable of doing everything from identifying cats on the Internet to recognizing specific faces in a sea of photos, but there is still a ways to go. Today, we’re seeing machine vision leave the data center and be applied to everything from autonomous drones to sorting our food.
A common analogy to understanding machine vision versus our own can be found when comparing the flight of birds to that of airplanes. Both will ultimately rely on fundamental physics (e.g. Bernoulli’s Principle) to help lift them into the air, but that doesn’t mean a plane will flap its wings to fly. Just because people and machines may see the same things and the way those images are interpreted may even have some commonalties, the final results can still be vastly different.
While basic image classification has become far easier, when it comes to extracting meaning or information from abstract scenes, machines face a whole new set of problems. Optical illusions are a great example of how far machine vision still has to go.Everyone is probably familiar with the classic illusion of two silhouettes facing one another. When a person looks at this image, they aren’t limited to just seeing abstract shapes. Their brain inserts further context, allowing them to identify multiple parts of the image, seeing two faces or a vase, all from the same image.
When we run this same image through a classifier (you can find several free ones on the Internet), we quickly realize how hard this is for a machine to understand. A basic classifier doesn’t see two faces or a vase, instead, it sees things like a hatchet, hook, bulletproof vest, and even an acoustic guitar. While the system is admittedly uncertain any of those things are actually in the image, it shows just how challenging this can become.
This problem becomes even more difficult if we look at something more complicated, like a painting from Beverly Doolittle. While everyone who sees this image may not be able to spot every face on the canvas, they will almost instantly see there is more to the picture than meets the eye.Running this image through the same classifier, our results run the gamut from something like a valley or a stone wall to the completely off-base Grifola Frondosa (a type of mushroom) or an African chameleon. While the classifier can understand the general sense of the image, it fails to see the hidden faces within the picture.
Beverly Doolittleの絵のようなもっと複雑なものについて考えるならば、問題はさらに難解になる。この絵を見る人すべてがキャンバスの中の顔を見つけられるわけではないが、それでも人はその目に映る以上のものが絵の中にあることを瞬時に理解する。この画像を同じ分類ツールに通すと、谷や石垣のようなものから完全に的外れなマイタケやアフリカのカメレオンまで網羅した結果になる。分類ツールは画像の一般的な感覚は理解できるが、絵の中の隠れた顔を見つけられない。
To understand why this is such a challenge, you need to consider why vision is so complex. Just like these images, the world is a messy place. Navigating the world isn’t as simple as building an algorithm to parse through data, it requires experience and understanding of real situations that allow us to act accordingly.Robots and drones face a myriad of these obstacles that may be out of the norm, and figuring out how to overcome these challenges is a priority for those looking to capitalize on the AI revolution.
With the continued adoption of technologies like neural networks and specialized machine vision hardware, we are rapidly closing the gap between human and machine vision. One day soon, we may even start to see robots with visual capabilities going above and beyond our own, enabling them to carry out numerous complex tasks and operate completely autonomously within our society.Remi El-Ouazzane is CEO of Movidius, a startup combining algorithms with custom hardware to provide visual intelligence to connected devices.
ニューラル・ネットワークと視覚的機能を専門化したハードウェアのような技術の適用を続けることで、私たちは人と機械の視覚機能の間にあるギャップを急速に縮めている。遠からぬいつか、私たちの社会では、複雑かつ多様なタスクをこなし完全に自律操作の可能な、人の視覚能力を超える視覚力を備えたロボットが登場するかもしれない。Remi El-Ouazzane氏はMovidiusのCEO。Movidiusはデバイスに繋げる視覚知能を供給するため、アルゴリズムとカスタムメイドのハードウェアを結合するスタートアップ。
Catastrophic loss of transparency. Few IT professionals have experience managing big data platforms at scale — a situation that has created a massive skills shortage in the industry. By 2018, U.S. companies will be short 1.5 million managers able to make data-based decisions. A recent McKinsey Quarterly report estimates that, in order to close this gap, companies would need to spend 50 percent of their data and analytics budget on training frontline managers; it also notes that few companies realize this need.
透明度の破滅的な喪失が生じる。ITのプロフェッショナルで大規模なビッグデータ・プラットホームを管理した経験を持つ人はほとんどいない。膨大な技術不足が産業の現状だ。2018年までに、米国の企業はデータに基づいて決定できる管理者が150万人ほど不足すると見込まれている。最近発表されたMcKinsey Quarterlyのレポートは、このギャップを埋めるため、最前線で働ける管理者を訓練する予算を組むなら、企業は50パーセントのデータと分析論を費やす必要があるだろうと見積もっている。さらに、ほとんどの企業はこの必要性を認識していない、とも述べている。
Despite these impending challenges, you can avoid the big data time bomb — if you take action now. Here are three steps that can defuse this oncoming explosion within your company.