※ Please check your merchandise and more importantly change before leaving the check-out area. We do not offer any refunds after you have left the check-out area since it is more difficult to prove payment. ※While we accept payment by credit card, please note that poor network connection in the hall may get in the way of accepting credit card payment. ※We also sell glow batons at the venue. ※all merchandise will stop selling 30 minutes after the show finishes.
Bill Franks is Chief Analytics Officer at Teradata, where he provides insight on trends in the analytics and big data space. He is author of the book Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave and most recently published his second book, The Analytics Revolution. He is an active speaker and a faculty member of the International Institute for Analytics. Find him at www.bill-franks.com.
Bill Franks氏はTeradata社で主任分析官として、分析とビッグデータ量の動向についての見識を提供している。彼はTaming The Big Data Tidal Waveの著者であり、最近はThe Analytics Revolutionという二冊目になる本を出版した。彼はアクティブスピーカーでありthe International Institute for Analyticsの教職員の一人である。彼についての詳しい情報はこちらから。www.bill-franks.com.
The real appeal is cutting down on the amount of time it takes for developers to get comfortable writing code. Going from months to weeks to days could be something a whole lot of companies would want.“It’s communications, collaboration, and provisioning in one, across all platforms,” Zilka said.Zilka has found 20 prospective customers who are ready to pay for Koding, Zilka said. And the startup has inked partnerships with cloud providers Amazon Web Services and DigitalOcean, among others.Vinod Khosla, the founder of Khosla Ventures and earlier in his life a founder of Sun Microsystems, has confidence in Zilka’s perspective.
本当の魅力は開発者がコードを書くのにかかる時間を短縮できるところにある。数か月から数週間そして数日へと短縮できるのは多くの企業が求めることである。Zilka氏は「それは全てのプラットフォームにまたがったコミュニケーションであり、コラボレーションであり、プロビジョニングでもあるのだ、」と言う。Zilka氏はKodingに支払う用意のある顧客は既に20と見込まれていると言う。そしてそのスタートアップはクラウド提供社であるAmazon Web ServicesやDigital Ocean等とパートナシップの契約を結んでいる。Khosla Venturesの創業者であり、その前はSun Microsystemsの創業者でもあるVinod Khosla氏はZilka氏の見識に自信をもっている。
Cambly, an English-learning app focused on actual conversation, is spreading like wildfire in AsiaAsk people who’ve learned a second language fluently how they did it, and they’ll all tell you pretty much the same thing: you’ve got to get out there and talk to people! Classes are helpful, but only to a point. Surrounding yourself with native speakers and engaging them in real conversations is ultimately the best way to take your language skills from “ready to pass a test” to “ready to live in-country.”“If your goal is to learn to speak a language, there’s nothing that you can do better than go and talk to someone who speaks that language,” says Sameer Shariff. And now, thanks to Sameer, there’s an app for that.
実用的な英会話を学ぶことを目的とした英語学習アプリ、Camblyは今アジアで急速に注目されつつある。第二言語を流暢に話す人々に、彼らがどのようにその言語を習得したのか聞いてみるといい、きっと皆同じようなことをあなたに言うだろう、実際にその言語を使う人々と話すことです!とね。英語のレッスンを受けるのも役には立つが、限界がある。英語のネイティブスピーカーに囲まれて実際に会話を練習することこそが、あなたの語学力を「試験に合格する準備ができた」から「その国に住む準備ができた」にする最高の学習方法である。Sameer Shariff氏は「もし会話の学習を目的とするのであれば、その言語を話す人をみつけて話すことが1番最適な方法です。」と言う。そして今、Sameer氏のおかげで、それを可能にしたアプリがあるのだ。
Cambly grew out of personal experience, according to Shariff, who is one of the company’s founders. He and his co-founder Kevin had “both learned languages in school,” Shariff said, “but never really got to the point where we felt like we were fluent.” That is, until they started traveling. On the road, they experienced the advantages of immersion firsthand. Shariff, for example, found that learning Spanish was “much faster” in Argentina, where he could chat with native speakers to level-up his skills. Moreover, he found that these chats were “much more rewarding an experience than a traditional classroom environment.”
But no trip lasts forever, and when Shariff and his co-founder returned home, they discovered a problem. They wanted to continue speaking the language, but they could no longer simply walk around outside and find native-level speaking partners. “We really wanted a person to practice with. Just someone regular to talk to,” Shariff told Tech in Asia.
しかし旅も終わりを向え、Shariff氏と共同創業者のKevin氏が国へ戻ったとき、彼らはある問題に直面した。二人はその言語を引き続き練習したいと思ったが、彼らの身近にはネイティブスピーカーレベルの話し相手がいなかったのである。Shariff氏はTech in Asiaでこう語った、「私たちは本当に一緒に練習できる相手が欲しかったのです。日常的に話せるようなね、」。
So the pair started Cambly, with an eye on solving that problem for language learners across the globe. Since more people study English than any other language, they figured that English was the best place to start. In the beginning, the pair worked on their app basically alone, but eventually the company was accepted into Y Combinator and it has since started to build out a team, including making some hires in local markets.
そこで二人は世界中の外国語学習者の問題を解決すべく、Camblyをスタートさせた。英語はどの言語よりも学習者が多いということで、彼らは英語から始めるのが最適だと考えた。当初は二人だけでアプリの開発に携わっていたが、最終的にはY Combinator社に迎えられ、また地方市場からも数名を迎え入れて、一つのチームを結成した。