Dear peggy,返金があったと銀行から連絡がありましたしかし、返金額が26.88ドル不足していますすぐ、不足分を払ってください私は、返金の連絡が遅かったのでクレジットカード会社に相談したら購入、返品の手続きなどが確認できたのであなたのお店に意義を申し立てるとのこと日本の銀行と提携してるvisaカードであなたのお店から今後、買い物ができなくなります早く対処してくださいよろしく
Dear Peggy,The bank informed me that my account has received your repayment.However, there are still short of $26.88.Please repay this shortage.I consulted with a credit card company about this matter because the repayment information.The card company has confirmed these purchase and repayment procedures, and then they will do formal objection in your shop.Your shop will cannot do any purchase by VISA that are cooperating with Japanese banks. Please complete your repayment immediately.Thank you in advance for your attention to your matter.
【mu-mo Shop Limited Edition】「KOIOTO TO AMAZORA」上部テキスト 9/4発売 NEW SINGLE「KOIOTO TO AMAZORA」の着うた(R)、着うたフル(R)/シングルをレコチョクにて独占先行配信開始! 着うた(R)には特典としてソロアー写を使用した待受画面をプレゼント!全部で7種類!さらに、着うたフル(R)/シングルをDLされた方の中から抽選で10名様に非売品告知ポスターをプレゼント!
mu-mo Shop Limited Edition: KOIOTO TO AMAZORAupper textsTrue tone of New Single: KOIOTO TO AMAZORA is going to be delivered exclusively and precedently at on September four!When you download the True tone, we'll give you artist's wallpaper photos! You can get seven photos!We will give 10 people who downloaded the True tone a not-for-sale notification poster by lots!
Thank you for your sincere correspondence as introducing other goods.However, for me now, it is too much expense to pay more $50.Thank you very much for your invitation, but I reserve purchasing the goods that you introduced me.I will return wrong sized goods that have arrived yesterday. Would you refund the payment to me?The business was not established, but I would like to express my gratitude to you for your honest and polite correspondence.In returning the goods, could I choose any method of dispatch?I keep my status in the stop payment until the returning will complete, just in case. Thank you for your understanding.