Shino Case (sweetshino) 翻訳実績

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Admit it
So, you consider the options, think about the ramifications, and make your decision about what must be done. It turns out to be a bad decision. Own up. Admit that it was a bad decision. Reevaluate the decision, consider solutions to the problems that confront you, get more advice, anticipate future problems, and make a decision to correct the situation.
Some managers wait so long to make a decision that problems become more significant, changes are more traumatic, and work suffers in the meantime. Some managers wait so long to make the first decision that they could have decided, evaluated, realized they made a mistake, and fixed the mistake in the same amount of time.




sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

Like it or not, as a leader, you are called on to make decisions - many of them each day. You will make good decisions and bad decisions. Some will solve problems, and others will cause even more problems. But you must decide.

Don't be hasty
A piece of conventional wisdom asserts, "To make no decision is to decide." When confronted with a difficult decision, you should not be hasty. But you do need to keep moving toward a decision. You must consider many aspects of a situation: How will it affect my company? How will it affect morale? How will it affect individuals involved in the decision?




sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

At we are committed to ensuring the security of your account. Events such as adding a new card or high value orders, require that we ask you to verify your card. We have applied a small charge to your VI card ending in 1142 on . This amount will be refunded within 24 hours.

In order to verify your card, you will need to know the exact amount of the charge made to your card account by on or about the date above. You may obtain this amount by reviewing your card account statement -or- if you do not have access to your card statement, please contact your bank and ask them the exact amount of the charge




sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

"For 80 years, you got a job, you did what you were told and you retired," says the former vice president of direct marketing at Yahoo! People are raised on this idea that if they pay their taxes and do what they're told, there's some kind of safety net, or pension plan that's waiting for them. But the days when people were able to get above average pay for average work are over.
If you're the average person out there doing average work, there's going to be someone else out there doing the exact same thing as you, but cheaper. Now that the industrial economy is over, you should forget about doing things just because it's assigned to you, or "never mind the race to the top, you'll be racing to the bottom."


「80年の間、職があり、言われたことをこなし、そして退職していった。」とYahoo! 前ダイレクトマーケティング副社長は言う。人々は税金を払い、言われたことをしていれば、ある種の安全網のようなものや、年金プランが待ち受けているという考えを持たされて育てられたのである。しかし、平均的な仕事をして平均以上の給料をもらう日々は終わったのだ。

sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

With your assistance, we would like to verify some potentially suspicious activity on your
account ending in 6483 that we have detected while reviewing your order. We want to ensure
that all charges have been authorized by you. In order to avoid any inconvenience it is
very important that we speak with you. Please call us at 1-800-835-4386 between 8:00 a.m. -
10:00 p.m. EST Monday-Friday and 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. EST Saturday and Sunday (from
within the US or Canada) .
You can also call the bank phone number on the back of your credit card and ask to be
transferred to the Fraud Department, as soon as possible.
Please note that your order is currently on hold pending your response.



sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

Personally, I think soloing is a more rewarding style; I get more out of soloing a pitch than I do from climbing it with a rope. I think part of it is knowing that I did it the best that I could. But if I had to choose one or the other I would definitely choose roped climbing. I prefer being able to push myself physically. Soloing things is just a rewarding thing to do on the side.

I don't have much of a detailed workout plan, though I go through phases when I'm really fastidious about doing extra workouts like pushups and core. And sometimes I do cardio. But usually I just go climbing. Seems to work out ok for the kinds of things I like to do.




sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 122-3
•Stay restless. Gates is famously hyperactive, a characteristic that proved valuable in the computer business. It was said that he found it almost impossible to sit still and his habit of rocking backwards and forwards when talking or thinking was well known within the industry. As a business-man, too, Gates was restless, a trait that helped Microsoft avoid the sort of complacency that afflicted rivals such as IBM.

•Hedge your bets. Gates looked beyond the US for future business opportunities. He invested in the infrastructure of a number of different countries to spread the risk globally, and pumped money into education.

