短い時間で早々と忘れてしまっていたと苦笑したが、窓の外を見ると外は赤くなりかけている。 ここを訪れたときは昼間だったはずだ。兵士:「十六時五十七分、承知しました」ザクロ:「大臣たちに気をつけろよ。あと、何も話すな」ミズキ:「わかりました」 一応は兵士の前であったので、ミズキは敬語を使った。 夕方であるせいか、メイドも下男も数人しかいなかった。 夕食の準備と、中庭の掃除に向かっているんだろう。ナツメ:「ミズキくーん!」
He grinned as he forgot it in a short time, but the sky was turning red as he looked over the window. It was still middle of the day when he came here.Solder: “At sixteen, fifty-seven. Yes, Sir.”Zakuro: “Watch the ministers. And, don’t talk anyone about this.”Mizuki: “Yes, Sir.”Mizuki talked politely because solders were there. There were only a few maid and house boys around maybe because it was already evening.They must be busying themselves for preparing dinner and cleaning up the courtyard. Natsume: “Mizuki!!”
すると、ナツメが向こうから走ってきた。ナツメ:「もう王子のお手伝いは終わり? 随分長かったけど」ミズキ:「うん。色々話を聞かれたから」ミズキ:「大きな声で言えないけど………貧民街をどうにかする計画をしているんだって」ナツメ:「本当? 良かったね!」
Natsume was running toward him from the other side. Natsume: “Did you finish prince’s help? It was pretty long.”Mizuki: “Yeah. He asked me to talk to him some too.”Mizuki: “Just between you and me…. He is planning something to do in the poor part of the town.”Natsume: “Really? That’s great!!”
ナツメ:「あ、そうだ。今から洗濯物を取り込みに行かなきゃいけないんだった」ミズキ:「手伝うよ」ナツメ:「わ、本当? ありがとー」 手伝うというのは名目で、本当は『外の風に当たって身体を乾燥させたい』というのが理由である。 そうとは知らないナツメは無邪気に笑っていた。
Natsume: “Oh right. I have to go pick up laundry now.”Mizuki: “I will help you.”Natsume: “Really? Thank you.”What Mizuki really wanted to do is “to dry himself with outside wind”, not helping. Natsume was smiling innocently without knowing the truth.
ナツメ:「失礼しまーす。お部屋をお掃除にきましたー」ザクロ:「そうか………ん?」ナツメ:「? 何か?」ザクロ:「今日は一人か?」ナツメ:「本当はミズキくんも一緒のはずだったんですけど、昨日倒れちゃって」ザクロ:「倒れた? お前と同じような仕事量だろう」ナツメ:「あー………」ザクロ:「………何か、私に言いにくいことでもあるのか」ナツメ:「王子様のお耳に入れるのはどうかと思うことです。ミズキくんに限ったことじゃないですし」
Natsume: “Excuse me Sir. I came to clean your room, Sir.”Zakuro: “Oh, alright… well?”Natsume: “? Yes, Sir?”Zakuro: “Are you alone today?”Natsume: “Mizuki was supposed to come with me, in fact, but he fell yesterday.”Zakuro: “He fell? He has the same amount of work as you do, doesn’t he?”Natume: “Uh…..”Zakuro: “….. Is that something you don’t want to tell me?”Natsume: “I am not sure if I should tell the prince this matter. It is not about only Mizuki.”
Zakuro: “Feel free to speak out.”Natsume: “Then, I will.”Natsume: “Chief of maid is increasing his work load every day unreasoningly, so he got exhausted. Other house boys get the same treatment too. Maids who quitted work within a few days had this reason behind.”Zakuro: “…. When did it start?”Natsume: “Long time ago. When I started working here, it was already like this.”Zakuro: “….. I understand. I will take appropriate measure.”(On the hallway)Minister: “Oh, prince. Good timing. King is calling you.”Zakuro: “It has to wait. I have a place to go.”
[Conyac Mail] Service Renewal NoticeDear our valued customersThank you for using Conyac, our translation service. On January 10, 2012 (Japan time), Conyac will renew its service largely. We plan to change the fee system and add useful functions. * Website MaintenanceIn connection with the renewal, new translation request will be suspended from January 9 to January 10. We apologize for inconveniences we cause, but your understanding and cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
あえてメイド長のことは言わずに、ミズキは本当のことを話した。 真実を少し隠しただけで、嘘は吐いていない。 自分の中で無理やり正当化して話すと、ザクロはため息を吐いた。ザクロ:「色々あって大変。フウが大変。大変なことだらけだが、私には理解できないな」ミズキ:「いいよ気にしなくて」ザクロ:「国民を助けるのが王族の義務と言ったのはどこの誰だ?」ミズキ:「下男はぁー王子サマに気苦労をぉーかけたくないんですぅー」ミズキがわざとらしく言うと、ザクロは小さく笑った。
Without making a point about the chef of maid, Mizuki told him the truth. He did not lie, just didn’t tell him everything. Zakuro sighed as Mizuki told him while he was forcing to justify it himself. Zakuro: “A lot of things are too much. Fu is in trouble. I don’t understand although it seems that troubles are everywhere.”Mizuki: “Don’t worry about it.”Zakuro: “Who told me that royal family is obligated to help citizen?”Mizuki: “We, our house boys do not make our prince worry, Sir.”Zakuro smiled a bit as Mizuki said it grandiloquently.
おかしなことを言ったつもりはなかったが、ザクロの笑みは不愉快なものではない。 思わずミズキも笑いそうになったのだが、その瞬間だった。マユミ:「ミズキ!」 この王宮に参上してから、運勢が下がった気がする。 極端に言えば、貧民街に生まれた時点で運がなかったのかもしれないが。マユミ:「下男が王族と並んで座るなんて! おまけにその口のきき方は………王子が拾ったからといって、下男になったお前は王子と友人などにはなりえないのですよ!」ミズキ:「すみません………」
Mizuki did not mean to say something funny, but Zakuro’s smile was not uncomfortable to him.It was that moment when Mizuki was about to smile as well.Mayumi: “Mizuki!”Mizuki thought his luck was going down since he started working in this royal palace. Speaking extremely, he had been out of luck since he was born in the poor part of the town. Mayumi: “What a manner you, a house boy, have to sit next to the royal family! And, your way of speaking to the royal family…..Even though the prince picked you up, it is impossible that you and the price will be friends!” Mizuki: “I am sorry…. “
これ以上マユミの癇癪に付き合うのは御免だったので、ミズキはさっさと立ち上がろうとする。 しかしザクロがミズキの手首を掴んで、ミズキは思うように立つことができなかった。ザクロ:「メイド長。私は王族も国民も平等であればと思っています。それに、私がミズキの隣に座ったのですよ」 ザクロは平気で嘘を吐く。 いくらマユミでも『王子様』には逆らえないようで、少し困った顔をしていた。ザクロ:「ああ、それと。ミズキに頼みたい仕事があるので、午後からお借りしたいのですが」
Mizuki was not going to deal with her bad temper, so he was about to stand up quickly. But, he could not stand up because Zakuro grabbed Mizuki’s wrist. Zakuro: “Chef of Maid. I believe that all citizens are equal to the royal family. And, I, myself, sat next to Mizuki.”Zakuro told a lie without hesitation.Even Mayumi could not talk back to “the prince” and she looked confused a bit. Zakuro: “Oh, one more thing. I have some work for Mizuki to do. Can I have him this afternoon? “
マユミ:「へ、あ、ああ………」マユミは呆気にとられて、なんとも間抜けた声を出す。 ざまぁみろと心の底で笑いながら、ミズキはザクロに「わかりました」とこの上ない笑顔で返事をした。 午前中の仕事を一通り終わらせて、ミズキは中庭に訪れた。 そこで待っていたザクロと落ち合い、ミズキは王宮の中に入っていく。 すれ違うメイドや神官にじろじろ見られるのが何だか気持ち悪かった。 確かに『王子と下男』なんて組み合わせはおかしいだろう。本来なら許されるものではない。
Mayumi: “Well… uh….”Mayumi made silly sound as she was stunned.As Mizuki laughed at her underneath, he responded “yes, Sir.” to Zakuro with his exceptional smile. Mizuki visited the courtyard when he was through all the work for the morning.He met up with Zakuro, who was waiting for him, and entered to the royal palace. Mizuki felt uncomfortable as maids and priests, who passed by them, stared at them. The combination of “prince and a house boy” must look funny for sure. It should not been allowed in the first place.
ザクロは平然と闊歩していたが、ミズキは正直なところ、廊下の隅を歩きたいほど肩身が狭かった。ミズキ:「………?」 ミズキの前を歩くザクロは、何故か執務室の前を通り過ぎていく。 黙って従ったはいいが、どこに連れていかれるのだろうか。ミズキは首を傾げた。 しばらく進むと、他とは違って少し狭い廊下が見えてきた。 その前には兵士が二人、槍を持って立っている。ザクロ:「この者を通す」兵士:「かしこまりました。お名前は」
Zakuro was walking as if nothing was wrong. But, to be honest, Mizuki felt inferior so he almost wanted to walk by wall of the hallway. Mizuki: “……?”For some reason, Zakuro, who was walking in front of Mizuki, passed the office. Mizuki wondered where he was going although he did obey Zakuro’s request without hesitation. Mizuki tilted his head in confusion.After they walked a while, Mizuki saw a narrower hallway, which looked different from others. In front of that hallway, two soldiers were standing on the way with their lances. Zakuro: “I allow him to get through.”Solder: “Yes, Sir. What is your name, Sir?”
ミズキ:「え、ミ、ミズキ………」兵士:「十三時二十四分、承知しました。外に出るときは王子様も一緒にお願いします」ザクロ:「ああ」 そんな会話を交わして、やっと廊下を進むことができた。 ザクロが廊下に並ぶ扉の一つを開く。 入ることを促されて、ミズキは黙って従った。 足が埋もれるほど柔らかい絨毯、シンプルながらも上品な机と椅子が静かに並んでいる。 暖炉の上には陶器の花瓶があったが、肝心の花が飾られていなかった。
Mizuki: “Uh, Mi, Mizuki..”Solder: “On thirteen twenty-four, I understand, Sir. Prince, please accompany him when he leaves, Sir.”Zakuro: “OK.”They finally moved forward to the hallway after the conversation. Zakuro opened one of the doors on the hallway.Mizuki was told to enter the room, and he followed silently. On very soft carpet that feet almost buried, simple yet graceful desk and a chair were placed quietly. There was a porcelain vase on the fireplace, but there was no follower in it.
A gorgeous bed with canopy, which looked like almost the one in the fairy tale, was placed in the middle of the room. Mizuki: “Is this…. Private room?”Zakuro: “Do you prefer the office?”Mizuki: “It is not about the preference. I thought you usually work in the office, don’t you?”Zakuro: “Ministers would bother us if I bring a house boy in the office to help me. As a basic rule, only the owner of the room or person who has permission from the owner of the room is allowed to enter the private room for the royal family. That includes the hallway in front of the rooms.”
Mizuki: “I see. You can work more quietly in here than the office.”Zakuro: “Ministers want to segregate the poor part of the town from the castle town. They will bother me if they see me talking to a person who is from the poor part of the town.”Mizuki: “…..What do you mean by that?”Zakuro: “Ministers in charge right now are all old. They make excuses such as no education or manner, but I bet they believe that the poor part of town is the same as the humble origins. ‘Eliminate them because we don’t like them.’ …… That’s the way that the ministers do all the time since I was a child.”
ザクロ:「だが、私が即位するときに全員、大臣職を解雇するつもりだ。貧民街にはお前のような働き者もいるようだしな。放っておくには惜しい。それに、そんな纏まりのない国にするつもりはない」ミズキ:「………大臣たちに恨まれることになっても?」ザクロ:「恨みなんて私はいくらでも買っているだろう。初対面で恨み言を言われたこともある」 皮肉たっぷりの物言いに、ミズキは乾いた笑いしか出せなかった。ザクロ:「適当に座れ。ベッドでも椅子でも構わん」
Zakuro: “But, I am intending to fire all the ministers when I assume the throne. Looks like there are people who can work in the poor part of the town, like you. It is such a shame to leave them alone. Anyway, I am not planning to make a country with no coherence.”Mizuki: “….even though that will make the minister upset?” Zakuro: “I am making people upset countless times. Even a person who I never met before said something bad to me.”Mizuki only can laugh dryly for his sarcastic way of saying. Zakuro: “Have a seat wherever you want. Bed or chair, doesn’t matter.”
そう言いながらも、ザクロは部屋に一つしかない椅子に座る。 残るはベッドしかなく、ミズキは仕方なくそちらに腰を下ろした。 驚くほどやわらかいベッドに沈みながら、ミズキは重苦しく息を吐く。 平民出身の大臣に、予想以上に見下されていたのがショックだったのだ。ザクロ:「………貧民街の様子を聞きたいんだが、良いか?」 それを察したのかどうかはわからないが、ザクロが遠慮がちに訊ねてくる。 ミズキは頷いた。
As Zakuro was telling Mizuki, Zakuro sat on the only chair in the room. Only the place for sit down is on the bed. So, Mizuki sat down on the bet without choice. Mizuki sank down on the surprisingly soft bed, and sighed heavily. He was shocked that the ministers, who were common men, were looking people from the poor part of the town down more than he expected. Zakuro: “…. Can you tell me about the poor part of the town?”Not sure that Zakuro was noticing Mizuki’s reaction or not, but Zakuro hesitantly asked Mizuki. Mizuki nodded.
Thank you for accepting my offer. I've just made my payment via Paypal.
今回の商品は、返品しないで購入のままとします。14:: あなたと意見を言い合っても時間と翻訳やその他の金額浪費になるのでこれが最後のメールになります。最後に、購入者である私の意見を述べます。購入者は、写真を見て、かつ、あなたの100%評価を見て購入するか判断します。購入時点では、私はあなたを100%信用していたのです。そちらにebayに写真で掲載したブロンズ像の在庫がなければ、配送前に購入者に違う商品でも良いか確認すべきです。ebay出品のタイトルに”彫刻者のサイン”が入っていると書いてありました。しかし、送られてきたのは彫刻者のサインは無かった。それで購入者の私が大変怒っていたのです。今後はこの点を再考慮したほうが良いと思います。
I decided not to return the item this time. 14:: This will be the last email as exchanging comments with you will be waste of my time and money for translation and other cost.I would like to provide my comment as a buyer. A buyer will make purchase decision by looking at the pictures and your 100% feedback. I trusted you completely when I was purchasing the item.If you did not have the same bronze statues that you posted on eBay, you should contact the buyer and ask if it is acceptable before the shipment. Title of the item on eBay clearly stated "with signature of the artist". However, there was not signature on the item you shipped me. Therefore, I was very upset about it. I believe you should reconsider that point I mentioned in the future.
男たちは目を丸くして、数枚の金貨を見詰めている。ザクロ:「それでいいだろう。金貨の使い方がわからないわけではあるまい」******* 卵屋は表通りから外れているため、運良く人通りはなかった。 荒い息をなんとか落ち着かせようと浅い呼吸を繰り返し、ミズキは頭を押さえる。 あまり眠っていないのに頭に血が上ってしまい、眩暈を覚えたのだった。 ザクロが何か言いたそうに口を開きかける。ミズキ:「………失礼しました」
The guys widened their eyes and stared at the golden coins. Zakuro: “That should do. You know how to use golden coins, don’t you?”Fortunately no one was around because the egg store was away from the main street. To calm down his heavy breath, Mizuki repeated shallow breath several times and he held his head. He felt dizzy because his blood was rising when he had little sleep. Zakuro was about to open his mouth as if he wanted to say something. Mizuki: “….. My apologies.”
しかし、言われる前に謝った。 もしかしたら謝罪を述べようとしたのかもしれない。 心配して声をかけてくれようとしたのかもしれない。 だが、今のミズキには、それらを落ち着いて受け取れるほどの余裕がなかった。 何かを言われたら、たとえそれが謝罪であっても言い返してしまいそうで、それ以上口を開きたくなかったのだ。ミズキ:「………もうすぐ時間です。馬車乗り場まで戻りましょう」 落ち着け落ち着けと思うたびに、言葉が少しずつ心の距離を広げていく。
Mizuki apologized before Zakuro says something. Zakuro might want to say his apologies. Or, Zakuro might want to say something because he was worried. But, at that moment, Mizuki could not have mind to calm down himself and would not be able to accept these concerns. If Zakuro said something, even if it was an apologies, Mizuki thought he might talk back to him. That is why he did not want to open his mouth anymore. Mizuki: “…… It’s almost time. Shall we go back to the carriage station?”More Mizuki tried to calm himself down, more his words spread the distance between their hearts.