Shino Case (sweetshino) 翻訳実績

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The U.S. government (in other words: the major U.S. media companies) has been trying for years to pry open China’s music market for CD’s, DVD’s and online music. The U.S. brought a case against China at the WTO back in 2007, accusing China of discriminating against U.S. media companies in violation of China’s WTO promises. The case would wind torturously through the WTO bureaucracy for years, until finally in January 2010, after China had exhausted all appeals and conceded defeat, the WTO ruled definitively in favor of the U.S. If you run out of things to read on the beach during Lunar New Year vacation and are in a masochistic mood, you may want to try the WTO ruling, which altogether runs over 600 pages.



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Airizu – the Airbnb of China

San-Francisco based Airbnb matches people seeking vacation rentals and other short-term accommodation with those with rooms to rent. Its services become very popular, since the company founded in 2009. In last July, we reported about Airbnb’s series B fund raising of US$212 million and a local company, Airizu, which had just started short term rentals in China.

Last week, I talked to Airizu‘s co-founder Adrian Li, to see how they are doing. “Since we launched the service in June, we have had over 100,000 room nights booked,” said Adrian, “Through our service, people can book over different 40,000 apartments in 70 cities in China.”


先週、Airizuの共同創設者であるAdrian Liと近況について話をする機会をもった。「6月にサービスを開始して以来、10万泊以上の予約を受けました。」とAdrianは語る。「当社のサービスを通して、中国の70市町村にある4万部屋以上から予約する事が出来るのです。」

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Revenue and Funding

Airizu charges a commission for each room-night booked via their website. In the future, Adrian also hopes to get advertising fee from property owners who want to list their apartments in top places. “We can also try to arrange other services for property owners, such as cleaning, supplying towels and bed sheets, etc. We could also offer car rental services to customers in near future, too.”

Airizu is funded by a German startup incubator, Rocket Internet, which has invested over 2 million Euros so far. Most recently Airizu has received a lot of interest from top tier funds and is actively in discussions for another round of funding.




Airizuは、ドイツのスタートアップインキュベーターである、Rocket Internetによって創設され、既に2百万ユーロドル以上が投資されている。最近では、Airizuは一流投資信託会社から多くの関心を受け、次回の資金のための議論が活発に行われている。