Shino Case (sweetshino) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 121-2
'The whole world is going to benefit in a big way. There will be this shift where, instead of your income level being determined by what country you are from, it will be determined by your education level. Today, a PhD in India doesn't make nearly as much as a PhD in the US. When we get the Internet allowing services and advice to be transported as efficiently as goods are transported via shipping, then you'll get essentially open-market bidding for that engineer in India versus an engineer here in the US. And that benefits everyone, because you're taking better advantage of those resources. So the developed countries will get the early benefit of these things.



sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

These figures include the PC online gaming market, other standalone PC games, and mobile gaming. Note that game consoles are technically not legal in China, so all that goes on in a grey area that’s mostly filled with pirated games and is not included here.

Far and away the biggest sector in gaming in China is PC-based multi-player online (MMO) titles such as Shanda’s (NASDAQ:GAME) World Zero, or Changyou’s (NASDAQ:CYOU) pricey The Deer and the Cauldron.

And so that’s where we’ll start the breakdown of the stats (having remembered that a great deal of overlap in these genres and sectors means that the figures will exceed the above total sum):



中国のゲーム産業でも最もそして遥かに大きいセクターは、Shanda(NASDAQ: GAME)のWorld ZeroやChangyou(NASDAQ: CYOU)の高額なThe Deer and the Cauldron様なコンピューターベースのマルチプレイヤーオンラインゲーム(MMO)である。


sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

Attention, Chinese Internet Music Services Now Pried Open for Foreign Investment by WTO Lawsuit

[this post was written by T.K. Chang ( of Ivy Law Group, a lawyer currently advising a U.S. company preparing to establish an online music service in China.]

Chinese Internet music services will now be open to foreign investment for the first time, as a direct result of the victory at the WTO in the case brought by the U.S. against China. Under the new Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogue issued just before New Year’s Day, Internet music services, which previously had been an Internet sector prohibited for foreign investment, will now be open for foreign investment.



(この書き込みは、Ivy 法律グループで現在、米国会社の中国におけるオンライン楽曲サービスの設立準備に際して法的アドバイスをおこなっているT.K Chung弁護士 (による書き込みである。)

米国が中国に対して行ったWTO訴訟で勝利を得た直接的な結果として、中国インターネット楽曲サービスがついに初めて対外投資へ開放される。お正月のちょうど前に発行された新外商投資産業指導目録(Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogue)によると、以前は対外投資が禁じられていたインターネットセクターのひとつであるインターネット楽曲サービスが対外投資へ開放されるとされている。