They should also forecast the demand in this simple way: go to the Iphone app. market and see how many similar apps there are. Then count how many reviews they have gotten. Consider that in the worst case scenario 1 in 200 people would leave a review. If there are only 5 reviews, that means the app was sold 1000 times max. That means in the best case scenario you will not get enough revenues to pay for your rent.
6. They should focus on the advantages of being in Japan: high smart phone penetration rate, access to AR and QR technologies, established electronics industry and established animation industry. It is better to focus on Japan’s strengths and develop AR, QR, NFC and animation related apps. It is so sad that even though Japan was the leading company in NFC technologies, today most of the NFC apps come from overseas. One particular area of opportunity might be “application + mechanical device” type of new products like this
6.日本にいる事の利点に集中すべきである。高いスマートフォンの浸透率、AR やQRテクノロジーへアクセス、確固とした電化製品業界にアニメ業界。日本の強みに集中し、AR, QR, NFCやアニメ関連のアプリを開発する方がいい。日本は先進するNFC テクノロジーを持っているのにも関わらず、今日の大部分のNFCアプリは海外からきているのはなんとも悲しいことである。特に機会のある分野は、「アプリと商品デバイスの組み合わせ」たこの様な 新商品ではないだろうか。
Hi! My Buyer, Surely 100% percentage which you will receive the full money back. You just ship out my item as condition as I ship to you. After I receive item, I will refund your money back in 24 hrs. Kindly BuiPlease give me your paypal email address and I will send you a invoice or you can send payment directly to my paypal account at thegolfhabit@verizon.netArlie Wilson requested $179.00 USD by phone, and also noted: Tour issue 7b3. Sent using the PayPal Mobile application..To send money, create a PayPal account on your computer at Then click the Send Money tab to pay online.
こんにちは。もちろん100%返金されます。私が発送した同じ状態で返送してくれればいいだけです。商品を受け取った24時間以内に返金します。 Buiより貴方のペイパルEメールアドレスを教えてください。請求書を送付します。もしくは、直接ペイパルでこちらメールアドレス)口座に支払いいただいても構いません。Arlie Wilsonが電話で179ドルとの依頼をうけました。またTour issue 7b3についても了解しました。ペイパルの携帯アプリを利用して送信されました。支払いをするには、ペイパル口座をこちらのリンクから作ってください。 そしてSend Moneyのタブをクリックするとオンラインで支払いができます。
Generally, my clients who have items ship to Japan seems to pay between 20% and 30%of the invoice value in shipping costs, depending on the dimensional weight of the items. But that is not an estimate or a is only what I have seen myself.My clients in Japan ship using our Fed Ex account and they have been happy with the results. But if you need exact costs ahead of time or a guarantee, I would not be able accommodate you at this time. If you have any concern about shipping via our FedEx account, I would recommend that you place a test order for in stock items if you want to see for yourself how it works.
一般的に、日本へ発送される当社のお客様は、大きさと重量にもよりますが、請求書の価格の2割から3割を送料として支払いしているようです。こちらは見積もりでも値段保証ではなく、単に個人の見解ですのでご了承下さい。当社のFedex 口座をご利用になっている当社のお客様は結果に大変満足されています。ですが、もしお客様が正確な送料を事前に確認したいまたは、送料の保証が必要であるという場合は、今回のご希望にお答えする事は出来ません。当社のFedex口座を利用しての発送にご懸念がある場合は、在庫商品などで試験発送をされ、ご自身で結果をお確かめになる事をお勧めいたします。
You should also be aware of a 15-day hold courtesy that we offer to our international clients. If we have approximately less than $300.00 worth of merchandise ready to ship to you any one point in time, we will send you a 15-day hold notification indicating such. Unless you tell us that you want your order to ship, we will hold your merchandise for up to 15 days. This will allow you to either order some in stock merchandise to go along with your order, or we will wait to see if more merchandise will come into stock for other outstanding orders that you may have with us. Again, we can only hold merchandise for up to 15 days maximum due to space restrictions in our warehouse.
You can also request to have an automatic 15 day hold and/or a larger dollar threshold set up on your account if you prefer that only larger shipments be sent (for example, if you prefer we only ship orders with a $900+ invoice value or greater). If you do plan on ordering with us in larger volume, one of the advantages to shipping larger shipments is that your overall shipping charges are at a much better rate when you ship larger shipments. However, please keep in mind that we can only hold your order for up to 15 days. Please also keep in mind that we do charge your credit card for the items that we are holding, at the time that they arrive in our warehouse.
If your account is not currently set up to ship on our FedEx account and would like to be, please let me know and I will be happy to update your acocunt. Please also let me know if you have any questions about any of this information.
■世界各国の調理法を取り入れた形式にとらわれないエレクッティク・キュイジーヌ(和洋折衷)を提供。壁一面のワインセラーには、2000円台からハイクラスまで常時500本のワインを取り揃えています。 素晴らしい夜景が望める店内は、劇場がコンセプト。シェフの頭から足先まで見えるオープンキッチンでは、ご注文いただいたお料理をお客様の目の前でお作りします。昔からのファンも多く、一皿一皿の料理にシェフが渾身の力を籠め、素材の持ち味を活かそうと真摯に向き合った丁寧な料理の数々が楽しめます。
Adopting various cooking methods from worldwide, the restaurant serves eclectic cousin. From JPY2000 to high class, wine cellar on the wall carries over 500 wines all the time. With fantastic view of night scene, this restaurant’s concept is “a theater”. Chef will cook your dish in front of you at the open kitchen where you can see the chef from head to toe. You will enjoy various dishes which are very carefully prepared by the chef who attempts to utilize the natural taste of the ingredient and throws his spirit into every sing dish he cooks.
■東京タワーを正面に望むテーブル席で提供するのは、伝統的な江戸前寿司はもちろん、「彩り寿司」「インターナショナルロール」など 素材にこだわったオリジナルスタイルの寿司と 「上海蟹味噌のバーニャカウダ」 など、和食の概念にとらわれない一品料理です。■全国各地で とれた四季折々の食材を吟味し、その食材の本質を最大限に活かす料理を創造します。島国である日本の伝統・文化を再認識し、世界へ発信できる日本食の開発に挑戦し続けます。
At the table with the view of Tokyo tower, you will be served not to mention traditional Edomae Sushi, but also the original sushi that sticks with excellent ingredients, such as “colorful Sushi, “International roll”, and dishes which are free from Traditional Japanese food concept, such as “Shanghai Crab Miso Vernier-Cauda”.Dishes are created with the best way to maintain the qualities of ingredients itself, examining seasonal ingredients from all over the county. We continue to challenge developing the best Japanese dishes to deliver to the world by re-recognizing Japanese tradition and culture as an island nation.
■ミッドタウンで深夜までオープンしているビストロフレンチ。食の素材感を生かしたライトフレンチを気軽にお楽しみ頂けます。 カジュアルシックな大人の空間で、シャンパンを片手に優雅なひと時をお過ごし下さい。 のんびり過ごせるテラス席は皆さまの至福のひと時に最適です! ■青山一丁目の駅から歩いて3分の、隠れ家的カジュアルフレンチ。旬で安全な食材を全国各地より取り揃え、有機野菜をふんだんに使用しています。アットホームに気軽にフレンチを楽しめるレストランです。
A Bistro French at midtown that opens till midnight . You can enjoy light French that use the natural taste of the ingredients. Enjoy your relaxing luxurious moment with a glass of champagne in a casual, but chic romantic atmosphere. Relaxing terrace table is the best spot to spend your happiest moment. Hiding casual French restaurant located only 3-minute walk from Aoyama 1 chome station. You will enjoy the various organic vegetable as the restaurant gets deliver seasonal and safe ingredients from all over the country.
■本物のフレンチを肩肘張らずに味わえる良心的な老舗レストラン。木や自然を活かした店内は田舎の素朴なレストランと いった風情で、堅苦しいのは苦手という人にもぴったり。フォアグラが美味しいと評判です。■「究極のサービス」の提案。私たちは品格とおもてなしの心で、サービスに従事いたします。さりげない気配りを常に持ち、心温まる雰囲気作りをご提供したいと考えます。「言葉のない会話」が、私たちの探求するおもてなしの心です。
A long-established reasonable restaurant where you can enjoy authentic French casually. Best for the people who likes casual atmosphere just like a country-side simple restaurant, surrounded by tree and nature. Foie gras is the popular dish in here.Proposing "ultimate service". We serve you grace and best hospitality. We strive to provide you warm atmosphere with delicate attention all the time. "conversation without a word" is the hospitality we quest for.
I am sorry for making you worried. I was too busy to email you yesterday.We are now accepting pre-order for this upcoming product. Would you like to place your pre-order?
『トヨタ 86…デザイン部古川氏「オープン仕様を意識」』トヨタ自動車の新型FRスポーツカー『86』の外形デザイン統括を務めるトヨタデザイン部の古川高保グループ長は、将来的にオープンモデルが設定できるよう「意識してデザインしている」と明かす。古川氏は「アメリカ(のユーザー)は絶対に勝手に(オープン仕様を)造るかもしれない。
“Toyota 86 “”Conscious about convertible style” Mr. Fukukawa Design division”Takaho Furukawa, who is a chief exterior designer for Toyota’s new FR sport car “86” in Toyota design division, revealed he “designed it with conscious” to build convertible model in the future. Accordingly to Mr. Furukawa, “I’m pretty sure that American drivers would build it into convertible by themselves.
That is the car what the customers cultivate. “Based on that comment, he added, “In fact, we designed it for easy conversion, taking into the customer’s such request consideration.”One of the designs reflects this concept is sash-less door. “If you want it to be a real sport car, sash door is much lighter. But, we know for sure that customers will request to make it into convertible. Then, sash door is not an option. That is why we choose sash-less as a minimum requirement for the future demand”. said as he looked back the design concept.
Overseas production has increased by 31.8% y/y, 338,388 units. All regions has increased the last year production, especially huge increase by 70.1% y/y, in China. Domestic production has increased by 19.4%, 72,115 units. Thanks to the popularity of "Serena", "Note", and "Cubu", which are subject to receive subsidy, the registration has largely increased by 25.9% y/y, 55,675 units. Mini-vehicle sales have increased by 1.7% y/y, 16,440 units.
For Overseas sales, "Rouge" and "Altima" in the US and "Juke" in Europe gained popularity. In China, the sales has increase by 56.7% y/y, which exceeded largely the last year figure and posted the record sales for month of February, thanks to "Tida", "Sunny", and "Teana"'s excellent performance and Lunar New Year, which was happened to be in February in 2011. (It will be in January in 2012.) The export has also increased by 20.0% y/y, 65,031 units. "Honda post record in North America production... Feb. result"
According to Honda, its production / sales / export result for four-wheel vehicles in Feb. 2012 has increased two consecutive months, by 31.3% y/y, 365,721 units in world production. Domestic production has also largely increased by 64.8%, 115,920 units, exceeding y/y result by three consecutive months. Overseas production has increased by 20.0%, 150,801 units, which was first time come back in 5 months. Although production in Asia has decreased by 2.7%, 72,917 units, production in North America has increased by 38.8%, 151,818 units, which resulted in hitting the record high throughout the year.
欧州も同23.3%増の1万3661台と順調に推移した。国内販売は同58.3%増の7万7145台と2か月連続のプラスとなった。登録車では『フィット』、『フリード』が、軽自動車では『N BOX』、『ライフ』が好調だった。輸出は同14.8%増の3万3019台と2か月連続のプラスとなった。欧州が同36.5%減と不振だったが、北米が同21.9%増、アジアが同54.5%増と好調だった。
Production in Europe has showed steady growth and increased by 23.3 y/y, 13,661 units.Domestic sales have increased by 58.3% y/y, 77,145 units, increased in two consecutive months. "Fit" and "Freed" for registered car and "N BOX" and "Life" for light vehicle showed strong sales. Export has increased by 14.8% y/t, 33,019 units, and increased two consecutive months. Although Europe export has decreased by 36.5% y/y, North America and Asia export showed solid growth, increased by 21.9% y/y and by 54.5% y/y, respectively.
I've tried out the item I received. I found some defects, such as no sound. I would like to return this item. Please kindly advise me the return shipment address.
Yusuke Kizara, who strikingly shouted his sprit loud, lost his father during the earthquake. Family was able to reach the father, who was in charge of cold storage for fishery facility. However, the family found out that he became missing after that. When heard that news, Yusuke felt so desperate. He prayed so hard for his survival. Then, the father was found dead on April 11. For a while, he didn't feel like doing anything at all. As the day of big competition, which the father was looking forward, approaching, he decided to join the game for his lost father. He determined to get some result this year even though he lost at elimination round last year. President of Student Council and Vice-Captain