Shawl collar cardigan with different colored stitches from body fabric. The stitches give effective design accent. Raised fabric is used for fleece lining. Leather buttons provide more luxurious feel. Using flat seaming, we make stitching thinner. Designed lines on the center of the back. Rib fabric is used for elbow patches, chest patches side pocket, face of collar, and cuff. With one chest pocket and 2 waist pockets.Great with the same color vest. (Women’s: size 1 – 2, Men’s: size 3 – 4)
2. Be clear with everyone from the start: doing a startup isn’t a short-term prospect. Doing a startup means lots of hard work for little pay over a long period of time and then, probably, you still fail. Be sure that your employees understand what they’re getting into up front, because if they don’t, they’re going to bolt for the doors as soon as they figure it out, and then you’ve wasted a lot of time and effort on hiring and training someone you now need to replace.
2. 初めが肝心:スタートアップは短期勝負ではない。スタートアップをするという事は、少ない稼ぎで長期間一生懸命働き、且つそれでも失敗するかもしれないという事を意味している。初めに従業員が何を得るかという事をきちんと理解しているかどうかを明確にしておく事。なぜなら、もしきちんと理解していない場合は、それが分かった時点で従業員はすぐに辞めてしまうからだ。そうなると、代わりの人材を雇い研修するために多くの時間と労力を費やすことになる。
Thank you for your response. Please kindly ship the only the item I ordered this time. Next time, I will contact you first for the black letter items. Also, you did not include the shipping fee on the invoice in order to be less affected by custom. Thank you very much for your concern. However, custom in Japan will investigate and recalculate exchange amount with shipping fee if there is no shipping fee listed. Therefore, can you list the minimum shipping fee on the invoice? Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
This is XX who won your item on auction. I have just won 2 of your items, Auction ID XXX and XXX respectively. Since I live in Japan, I would like you to ship these items to Japan. And, I am wondering if you can consolidate the items to give me some discount on shipping fee. I am looking forward to hearing good news from you. In either case, I will initiate request total upon receiving your response.
Thank you for your prompt payment. We will get your item ready for shipping. Items paid for on Wednesday or later may not ship until following Monday. If insurance was paid for and your package does not show insurance or total coverage it is covered by our store policy paid for yearly. We strive for a 5 star rating. We would appreciate your help towards this goal. If there is anything that did not meet your expectations please let us know so we may address it.Thanks again,Susan
先程ご依頼の添付メールを送信しました。加えて在庫状況に質問があります。CAZAL model 163 SUN color REDCAZAL model 9002 color 332この2つの商品の在庫はありますか?もしなくても取り寄せ可能ですか?可能な場合の納期も合わせて私に教えて下さい。また先日VIP会員になりましたが、日本への送料割引はありますか?そしてこれから先、あなたのショップを優先的に利用したいと考えていますが、卸価格にて契約する事は可能ですか?お返事待ってます。
I have just sent an attachment as per your request. I have some questions regarding the following items. CAZAL model 163 SUN color REDCAZAL model 9002 color 332Do you have stock for these items? If not, can you order it for me? If so, please advise the delivery lead-time. I have become VIP member the other day. Do you have shipping discount to Japan? I am also thinking about to make your shop as my preferred shop. Is it possible to contract with wholesale price basis? I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Hello. I am not at fault regarding this transaction. I’ve wasted my time because you did not carefully packed and failed to ship some items. I would like you to take one of following action promptly. Regarding A (Not a brand-new condition. Bent) 1. Refund2. Ship replacementRegarding B and C (B is missing 2 books and C is missing 3 books)1. Refund including shipping fee2. Ship missing 5 books immediately. (alternate item is not acceptable)These 6 items are needed immediate action from you.I did not have problem with other items. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
I have received refund notice for returned item. It was listed as A, but there is no description of return shipment fee from Japan to US. The returning shipping fee was JPY6100. I attached the receipt as well. My understanding is that I will get the refund for the returning shipping fee as well. When do I expect to get the refund? Just to be clear, returning shipping fee will be refunded, correct?
こんばんわ 今週末、荷物の手配をお願いしているヨウコです。送ると伝えていた残りのトラッキングナンバーを送ります。インボイスにはこのトラッキングナンバーの商品も含まれているので、配送してください。もし不備があれば、連絡をいただけますか?起きて待っているので返事をください。宜しく。
Hello. This is Yoko, who is requesting arranging shipment this weekend. This is the rest of tracking number I promised to provide you. Please kindly arrange the shipment for the items on the invoice, which also will be included in this tracking # shipment. Please kindly advise me if there is any flaw. I will stay up until I receive your response tonight. Your prompt response will be greatly appreciated.
わざわざビニールやシールを破き、あなたにクレームを言うことで私に何のメリットがあるのでしょうか?それなのに「the item arrived as described, but you have opened and broken the seal on the item.」と勝手に推測され心外です。私はビニールもシールも破れていないもの以外、絶対に購入しません。これからケースをOPENします。
What would be my benefit to making complain to you by breaking the package and seal on purpose?I would not appreciate your assumption that "the item arrived as described, but you have opened and broken the seal on the item”.I will never purchase any item which has broken package and seal. I am going to open the case now.
Thank you very much for your purchase and payment. However, I am afraid that I was told at the post office that I am not allowed to ship the item to your country unless otherwise I attach a quarantine certificate. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience, but I would like to cancel this order. I will contact eBay for cancellation of this transaction. Please kindly agree when they contact you.
Understood. I will be careful when I communicate with him. Thank you for sharing the information regarding C. According to the access log, there is fair access long to C. So, we will keep monitoring the movement. I will place order, except C, later.I have to go to bed right after that, so I will make payment next morning.
Every country will have to order in advance (during the export meeting or the latest one week after the export meeting!) the total and fixed quantity of all items needed.This year we would like to offer all countries the opportunity to test this kind of procedure.In the folder “Export Meeting April 2012” (on the ftp-server) you will find the document “Overview of the new items with pictures”.In this list, there is a column “your order qty.”:please give your prognosis of the most wanted items listed in this list.Please send us the list filled in, at the latest on the 31st of May 2012.We will summarize all orders and inform you!"Please be aware that this is only a test and not a fix order.
全ての国は、輸出会議中、もしくは遅くとも輸出会議の1週間以内に必要商品の合計と確定数で予約注文しなければなりません。今年は、各国においてこの手続きを試験的に取り入れたいと思います。”Export Meeting April 2012"(ftp サーバー)フォルダー内に、貴方の”Overview of the new items with pictures"の書類があります。このリストの中に、”your order qty" (発注数)というコラムがあります。リスト上で最も需要のある商品の予想発注数を入力してください。リストを記入後、遅くとも2012年の5月31日までに当社へ送付してください。全ての注文を纏めた上でご連絡します。これはあくまでもテストであり、確定発注ではありませんのでご留意下さい。
With many of the companies with which we work we use to make forecasts even for all the year and, of course, this is part of our job.BUT, no one of these companies asks us for a fixed order for all the year!We pay to [ABC.com] an annual fee to be proud to be distributor in our Country.Our prices are always higher enough to impede us to be competitive compare to German Countries.In Italy we can’t see all over an important region like South Tyrol, because these customers can easily receive the goods from Austria and Germany with a lower prices. Now you ask us to make order in advance for all the year. Should we have some economic advantage?
It is not neither A or B. It is the most basic C. I have not confirmed the color yet. The person who inquired was not a traditional customer, but from famous health insurance union. I believe there is no problem, but I can turn down his request if you feel uncomfortable. How about the sales of C? We have only sold one, which is below our expectation. We expected to sell more since we had several inquiries before the release. We still keep our hope up to increase sales in the future.
私はONLINESTOREで買い物をしたいのですが日本のクレジットカードが使えないことはありますか?バスケットに入れてから手続きをしてもクレジットカード情報のページでエラーになってしまいます。購入方法とエラーも原因を教えていただくことは出来ますか?STONE VINTAGE SHOP MEDIUM EDITHWas £325.00Now £227.50 LULU-0231-836-109-105.jpg24K 表示 ダウンロード
I would like to shop at your online store, but I'm having a problem. Is it possible that the store might decline Japanese credit card? After I put items in my basket and proceed for the payment, I always stuck with error message on credit card information page. Can you please let me know how I can purchase it and the reason for the error? STONE VINTAGE SHOP MEDIUM EDITHWas £325.00Now £227.50LULU-0231-836-109-105.jpg24K Display Download
世界の皆さん、日本には、不動産に関するあらゆる問題について、大変素晴らしい弁護士がいらっしゃいます。その名前は、「吉田修平(よしだ しゅうへい)法律事務所」 です。日本の不動産、特に借地権についてのお悩みがあれば、ぜひ、この吉田修平弁護士に相談して下さい。このコメントはあくまでも私個人で発信しております。吉田修平法律事務所に許可を得ているものではありません。私が勝手にお勧めしていますので、直接交渉に責任を持つものではありません。しかし、素晴らしい弁護士です。
People for all over the world, we have an excellent attorney to resolve various real estate issues in Japan. The place you need to go is "Shuhei Yoshida Law Firm".If you have any problem with real estate, especially regarding lease right, you must see him. This is my personal comment and Shuhei Yoshida Law Firm has nothing to with this comment. It is not approved by Shuhei Yoshida Law Firm. Therefore, please keep it in your mind that this is only my recommendation and I do not hold any responsibility for your case's negotiation. However, he is absolutely wonderful attorney.
Thank you for your prompt response. Since the image of the box showed on MyUS got already something in, I still need to find a box to put Stone Vintage Shop Medium Edith. I would like to purchase the Stone Vintage Medium Edith if it comes in luluguinness box when I buy it from HSN.com.
Thank you for your response. I am the one asking Jun to mail you.I'm sorry about that. I didn't read thoroughly. Please kindly cancel my first order. I've re-order what I want. Please kindly confirm. I've ordered more than $50 this time. This order is a kind of test run to see how much and how long it takes to Japan via USPS. So this time, amount is rather small, but I expect that order will increase once I open the shop. Can I email to this address if I want to ask you question directly. Thank you for your assistance.
There are lots of things that regular people can do but dads can't. Dads can't pitch a baseball very hard or hit one very far. When dads play hide-and-seek they always get found, but they have a hard time finding you. They aren't very good wrestlers. Dads lose at checkers and cards and almost every other game. Dads like to go fishing but they don't like to go alone. And they need extra practice baiting the hook. Dads don't seem to be able to drive very fast. Dads seem to have trouble holding on to their money. Dads can't see you hiding your lima beans at dinnertime or feeding them to the cat. Dads like to give baths but they can't help getting all wet.