Know your Minimum Winning Game for startup successAt XSeed Capital we are introduced to over 500+ new startup opportunities every year, and we directly meet or talk to 150–200 of these companies. In this context, I am sometimes asked what is the “biggest mistake” that a CEO or management team makes when pitching venture capitalists. While there are several that come to mind, I remain surprised at how frequently even experienced entrepreneurs struggle with a simple question:“What are you going to accomplish with this round of financing?”
成功に向けて歩き出すために最低でも知っておくべきことXシードキャピタルは 年500件以上のベンチャーに紹介されることで、私達はこれらの150から200件以上の会社に会うか、または話す。この流れにおいて、私は、時々、起業の際にCEOまたは経営陣がする「最も大きい誤り」が何であるかを尋ねられる。いろんなことを思うけれども、私はよく経験豊かな起業家でさえこんな簡単な質問と格闘するかに驚き続ける:「あなたはこの資金調達の場面において何を達成しようとしているのか?!」
I accidentally threw away the notice of what to do with my package that was delivered when I was away. What am I to do?