#25ledAlthough labeled as new, the content was wrapped in vinyl and not in a official packaging.Explanation for the wrapping could not be found in the instructions for the product, either.I'd like to return the goods.
Befor WW2, firewoods were the first choice for the source of energy and mainly provided for theirselves in farming areas. Energy costs were relatively low since abundant fuel was provided for theirselves. Suppose price effect enabled households to use more energy, it cannot be said that households were saving energy before WW2. Moreover, since households used conventional energy, compny could use newer energy (electricity and gas) not conpeting with households.
I am very sorry.I have forgotten packging the product with a wodden box when I sent it today.I protected the product with other materials so rigidly that the content is safe.The wooden box will be sent alone tomorrow and I will send an e-mail then.I am very sorry again.--Today, I sent the box (tracking number: ○○)I will arrive a day after ○○.Please do not hesitate to ask me whenever you have ny question.
1. On the other day, I announced that the requested product is not accompanied with an English instruction.Will you cancel the request?The response has not seemed to be sent to us, therefore we are sending this mail to confirm your decision.If you cancel the request, please cancel it following the procedure below.To cancel the request:2. In the case that you will not response to our announcement, we will deliver the product to your address.Best Regards3. Since we have not received your cancellation, we sent the product.