Thank you for issuing a bill.I accept your proposed price.But,could I make a condition?Because our storehouse has no enough free space for purchased goods, send them in 3 separate times. As we designate specified quantity.I expect that the first time is just after payment, the second about a month later, and the third two month later. If goods is sold it may be brought forward. And we might make an additional order.Please write down above contents on the conditions of a contract.
IB0003天板は、RAC-4123(270005)の天板と同じものを使用願います。(※天板厚さ30mm程度) 脚部分につきましては、アイアンのブラックマット塗装でお願いします。 アイアン脚部分は、スマートに見えるようなるべく細い材料をお願い致します。 脚部分に高さ調節が可能なアジャスターの取り付けをお願い致します。
IB0003Please use the top board same as that of RAC-4123(270005):thickness of the board is nearly 30mm.As legs use iron and paint mat black that is as thin as possible to look smart.Equip the legs with a adjuster to able to control height.
HelloThank you for your reply.From which page do I purchase?I want to purchase these goods listed below.I'll be waiting for your e-mail.
There is no serial number on the fret board, which is original, and no traces of scraping. It may not have been goods on the market, I couldn't research further .
Don’t throw prudence and resourcefulness out the window, though. You don’t need to spend all your money in 18 months. You’re a startup. It may take years, possibly a decade or longer, for your company to take off. Do your research, and find VCs that can handle a flexible timeframe if things take longer than expected.They almost always do.
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