昨年末に父上が亡くなって、貴方が大変だということは理解しています。しかし、この件に関して、貴方がどうしたいのか、私には分かりません。私はトラッキングナンバー付きの安全な方法でLP を発送しました。添付したインボイスには、内容物が「返送品」であること、そして「非商用」であることを明記しました。問題は私の発送方法ではなく、ブラジルの税関にあるのではないですか? 貴方は税関に対して、もっと早い段階で、課税されたことに対するクレームを申し立てるべきでした。
I understand that you are having a difficult time after your father passed away around the end of last year. However I don't know how you would like to do with this situation.I sent the LP to you in a secure way with a tracking number. I clearly wrote in the invoice attached that the content was a "return item" and "for non-commercial use" . I assume the problem is related to Brazil's Customs, not my shipping method. You should have turned in the complain about the taxation on the item sooner.
私はebayやetsyで、ブローチを何度も英国から買い物をしていますそれらは全てRoyal Mail で送ってもらっていました今のところ、"Royal Mail International Tracked & Signed"による紛失事故は経験していませんあなたの慎重な意見は理解できます。しかし…DHLの送料はとても高価ですDHLの発送方法による追加料金は、10ポンドではダメですか?これが本当に限度ですもし、それを受け入れてもらえない場合、私は一度この注文を諦めるしかないです
I have bought brooches from UK through Etsy and eBay many times.Those were all mailed to me by Royal Mail.So far, I have never experienced of loss by "Royal Mail International Tracked & Signed".I understand your careful idea. But the shipping fee of DHL is ... very high.Is 10 pounds not enough for the addtional cost for DHL shipping method? Actually this is the maximum amount I can pay, really.If you are not able to accept this, I will just have to cancell this order once.
I appreciate your understanding.I am holding the figure and it is ready to ship anytime to you. Please be assured. However, I am not able to post the item.My staff member will post it as a "Just for you" during the daytime today.I will let you know after posting it, so please give us some time.(Since we are having you waiting, we will give you some more discount than usual discount.)
Thank you for your inquiry.We just reopened our store after the long vacation, and we have quite a lot of inquiries. We are corresponding in order, so please wait for a while. (Please give us some time to check accurately the status of our inventory and the condition of the product so that we can reply to you in a proper manner. )We will do our best to reply to you as soon as possible.We apologize for inconvenient that may cause you and thank you for understanding.
仰られます通り、アジアサイズとヨーロッパサイズではかなり違いますね。男性用のフリーサイズ(one sizeともMとLの中間サイズとも表記あり)は、165-175cm。LLサイズで170-185cmくらいが目安となります。女性用のフリーサイズ(今回お届けしたジャケットが該当します)は、154-162cm。LLサイズが160-170cmくらいが目安となります。元々、着物の上から羽織る衣類だったので、袖の長さ的には七分袖から長くても手首の上くらいまでが丁度よいとされています。
As you mentioned, there is a big difference between Asian sizes and European sizes.One-size-fits-all in men's ( also called as "one size" or in-between size of M and L) is for 165-175cm. LL size will be for 170-185cm.One-size-fits-all in ladies' ( includeing the jacket we mailed to you this time) is for 154-162cm.LLsize will be for 160-170cm.The jacket is originally worn over the kimono, so the length of the sleeves is considered to be right if it is three-quarter or just above the wrist at the longest.
(1) すみませんが、郵便局への電話ですが私は日本人で英語、特に電話での英会話には自信がありません。あなたの報から郵便局へ確認をとっていただけると嬉しいです。お手数ですが、宜しくお願いします。(2)一応探しているレコードなのですが、Vernon Wray / Wastedを探しています。それとUKですが、Colin Hareの1971年のアルバム、March Hareを探しています。いずれも安価であれば購入したいアイテムです。よろしくお願いします。
(1) Regarding making a phonecall to the post office, I am sorry to to say, but I am Japanese and not confident to speak English, especially over the phone. I would be glad if you checked with the post office. Your help will be very appreciated. (2) The records I have been looking for is Vernon Wray/Wasted. And regarding UK, I have been looking for March Hare by Colin Hare, 1971. They are the items I wanted to buy if they are reasonable. Thank you.
Definitely, I may have hurt her feeling.But I have good reason for what I said.I was betrayed by someone recently.So I am very sensitive.So I really want to "understand what she said, but I can't."She is supposed to understand my situation.
私たちはA 社にbulk orderを依頼しましたが、「工場はTwin Fullは作らない。queen King なら作れる」と返答がきました。私たちはTwin Full が必要なのです。おそらくインドの工場に変えたため、つくれないのではないでしょうか。御社はtwin Fullは作ることはできますか?現在、A社がインドの工場で作っている経緯はわかりますか?御社でも継続して作成していますか?それかデザインを少し変えれば許可はいりませんか?教えてください。
We placeed an order to A company in bulk, but they replied, "we don't make twin or full in our factory. We can make queen." We need twin and full.I assume that they can not make the sizes because they switched their factory to that in India. Would it be possible for your company to make twin and full?Do you know why A company make the items in the factory in India? Do you continue to make them?Or is there no need a permission if we change the design slightly?Please let us know.
I went to their live concert in Tokyo for two days. I had not seen him for a long time, but he was atractive and cute as always.Did you see the picture of him on the fan this time? He is too cute, isn't he?Did you buy any goods?I don't like Singaporean food so much.I wanted you to teach me useful English for customer service.Today I enjoyed it even though my seat was too far for me to see their facies.
We were informed about the return.Regarding the problem you mentioned, we checked with the manufacturer and sent you a new item, but we feel very sorry because the item did not match your preferred level.We are very sorry, but could you please send the item back to the following address with a tracking number as same as you did last time.We will give you a refund for the item as soon as it arrives at our base for return items.We will give you the shipping fee as same as last time, please send us a picture of the receipt of the fee via email.Thank you.