Mr. Noguchi suggested that, at the executive entrance, cars should not be parked adjacent to the entrance doors. It was also suggested that a stone platform, on line with entrance doors, be added to form an entry walkway. The existing concrete wall should be concealed by planting either from the area above or by planting directly in front of the wall. It appears that it may be possible to re-align the driveway to accomplish the above without destroying the existing large trees.
It appears that the fountains and waterfall have been turned off as an energy conservation measure; it was suggested that perhaps during the lunch hour when the escalators are being used and people are moving through the building and past the Courts, that the pumps for the fountains and water fall be turned on. Mr. Noguchi suggested that the sculpture presently in Court I be relocated to the grass area at the entrance to the building. The sculpture should be raised on a 'truncated" platform faced. with stone. It was also suggested that the circular stone garden under the entrance stairs be filled in. The large stones in the stone garden could possibly be relocated into Court 2.
One question, i have only these eyes right now. I will order more.Do u want more white in the eyes or like that?Are the eyebrows ok like that as well or do u want them darker?She s painted very softPls let me know okI might wont have the girls done until the end of the months. My dad is very sick and i have to take care of him a few hours a day. I m working in between so they can be finished as soon as possiblePls let ur friend know, hope she s not upset
一つ質問ですが、私は今これらの目しか持っていません。 もっと注文します。目元をもっと白くしたいですか、それともこんな感じ?眉毛もこんな感じでOKですか、それとももっと暗くしたいですか?彼女はとても柔らかく塗ってます。大丈夫かどうかを教えてください。私は月末まで女の子にやらせないかもしれません。 私の父はとても病気で、私は一日に数時間彼の世話をしなければなりません。 私は彼女たちができるだけ早く終わることができるように、その間の時間に働いていますあなたの友人にも知らせてください。彼女が動揺しないことを願っています
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