We can answer with English.Don't be hesitate to contact with us.We correspand to send something to the world of 240 countries.
■LESS THAN JAKE/レス・ザン・ジェイク1992年にアメリカ・フロリダ州で結成された5人組スカパンク・バンド。’95年に1st.アルバム『pezzcore』をリリース。疾走感のあるメロディックなサウンドで一躍脚光を浴びた。'98年に全米で行った" SKA AGAINST THE RACISM”ツアーでは、KEMURIがサポート・アクトを務めた。これがKEMURIにとって初めてのUSツアーであり、LTJと強い絆ができるきかっけとなった。
LESS THAN JAKEThis is a Failure puncture band who were gathered 5 members in the state of Florida in 1992. In 1995 they released 1st albam "pezzcore". It was bathed in spotlight as that had a melodic sound with dash sense. In 1998 there was a tour "SKA AGAINST THE RACISM" in the USA, and KEMURI served it as a support act. This was the first US tour for KEMURI, and a springoard which was strengthen his bonds of trust with LTJ.
明日私はエビとカニを持って行きますね。鉄板があるから、焼きガニなんかもどうかなって思って :) 他に何かいるものがあれば、行く途中に買ってくるので教えてください。おじいちゃんちが魚屋さんだから、エビとカニをもらってきたよ。エビやカニアレルギーの人はいませんか?大丈夫?このエビは水にさらして解凍しなくちゃ。この間城崎国際アートセンターで歌う機会があったんだけど、じゅんこさんが聴きにきてくれてすごく嬉しかった。最近よくそこで練習してるの。作詞作曲にも挑戦中です。
Tomorrow I'm going to bring some shrimp and crab. I'm wondering to make a baked crab because there is a iron plate :) If you need something, please let me know. I can buy on the way to go there.I have been bringing some shrimp and crab because my grandpa is a fishmonger. Is there someone who has Shellfish allergy? Can everyone eat them?We should unzip these shrimp in the water.I had a opportunity to sing at the Shirosaki - international Art Center lately. At that time Junko came there for me. I was so thankful about it.Recently I practiced to sing there. And I'm trying to write a song.