oier9 (oier9) 翻訳実績

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音楽 漫画 マニュアル IT 文化 ファッション Arts
oier9 英語 → 日本語

The Red Tartan is rad and plaid. Cozy enough to cuddle up with, the Ukulele will warm your heart and cleanse your soul.

Just another adaption of paisley, the Series Soprano Bright Pink Green Paisleys Ukulele puts other paisleys to shame.

If you dig leopard print, get your paws on the Ukulele. The increasingly popular Ukulele is caged up at the xxx.

Swirls--it's the xxx favorite flavor of ice cream and favorite flavor of Kala Ukulele. The Ukulele are really well put together and completely versatile.

These colorful ukes incorporate art, culture and humor into their design. They are extremely playable and well made.

Dotted with bright pink and green amoebas, the Ukulele is a favorite at the xxx.


ペイズリー柄もあります。Series Soprano Bright Pink Green Paisleys Ukuleleは他のペイズリー柄を恥入らせるくらいの素晴らしさです。


渦巻き柄 - それはxxxで人気のアイスクリームの味であり、人気のあるKala Ukuleleのテイストだ。ウクレレは本当によく合うし、完璧な汎用性を持っています。



oier9 英語 → 日本語

From mythical Polynesian cultures of the Pacific Ocean, the Tiki Man is the sacred figure who found and was seduced by the first woman. The Ukulele pays tribute to the mythical, powerful, Tiki Man.

Peace, love, uke! The Ukulele will unleash your inner flower child. The 1960s changed America forever, give yourself a chance to look back and remember the hazy, drug fueled 60s with the Ukulele.

The Ukulele on Red Ukulele is one of the most unique ukuleles you'll ever see. With custom artwork by Marjorie Badinand, the Ukulele on Red Ukulele has a burst of skulls and artsy flowers.

The always recognizable Ukulele Series Soprano Psychedelic Tie Dye Ukulele puts the 1960s counter culture on the body of a ukulele.



平和、愛、ウケ! ウクレレは、あなたの内なるフラワーチャイルドを解放するでしょう。 1960年代の人々はアメリカを永遠のものにした。過去を振り返る機会を自分に与え、ウクレレで漠然としてドラッグに頼っていた60年代を思い出しましょう。

Red Ukuleleのウクレレは、あなたがこれまで出会った中で最もユニークなウクレレの一つです。Marjorie Badinandによるカスタムメイドのアートワークで、Red Ukuleleのウクレレはハデな頭蓋骨と芸術のパロディのような花がデザインされています。

常に目を引くUkulele Series Soprano Psychedelic Tie Dye Ukuleleは、1960年代のカウンターカルチャーをウクレレのボディに描いています。

oier9 英語 → 日本語

Having just launched this week, it’s too early to tell if it’ll catch on. There’s also a matter of securing distribution partners, so the team will be busy wooing banks, lifestyle and member organizations, as well as loyalty programs this year. Executives from large corporations and banks might be interested as well — perhaps as a way of entertaining their guests.

Clubvivre’s agenda includes fundraising too: It’ll be pitching to investors at a Founder Institute event. A funding round would enable them to scale to other well-off cities in the region.

With no shortage of early stage money sloshing around in Singapore right now, Clubvivre has every opportunity to succeed.



資金調達もClubvivreの課題の一つだ。同社はFounder Instituteのイベントで投資家にプレゼンすることになるだろう。資金調達ラウンドによって、その地域における他の裕福な都市に事業を拡大できるだろう。


oier9 英語 → 日本語

Every NO gets you closer to a YES

In most sales bibles, it is decreed “every NO gets you closer to a YES”. The more people you pitch to, the more doors you knock on, the more cold calls you make, and the more sales you will close. Don’t be afraid to be turned down by investors or turn them down. Keep knocking on potential investors’ doors and you will get there.

There is the much fancied “80/20” rule, where 20% of who you speak to will give you 80% of your desired funds. If you need $200,000, you need to speak more than 20 potential people about it and you are likely to 4 - 5 investors to commit the amount.





oier9 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Yes I have ten. I shipped you five on Tuesday. And I believe I sent one last week, the very first one you bought. Is that the one you don't have? How many do you have altogether right now?

Yes I have 5 with me right now and I am going out of town an will be back Monday afternoon and will ship the second 5 on Tuesday when I get back.
I will have more but need to count them in the warehouse.
I have a question. I have some that say they have a expiration date if March 2013. Can this item not be used after that time? I have many many cases that say expire Mar h 2013. What does that mean?
I will follow up on your first box ok?


はい、10個あります。火曜日に5個を出荷しました。また、あなたが一番最初に購入したものを、先週の火曜日に1個を送ったと思いますが、届いてないですか? 今現在、全部でいくつお持ちですか?

質問があります。私は、(彼ら曰く)2013年3月が使用期限のものがいくつかあります。これらの商品は期限後でも使用できませんか? 2013年3月で使用期限切れという話をたくさん聞いています。これはどういうことですか?

oier9 英語 → 日本語

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Maximizer theme focus on strengths as a way to stimulate
personal and group excellence. They seek to transform something strong into something superb.
Your Personalized Strengths Insights
What makes you stand out?
Driven by your talents, you inspire others by finding out what motivates them. You give individuals lots
of recognition. You celebrate each person’s uniqueness. Your acknowledgments and compliments
typically energize people. Because of your strengths, you often pause to figure out what you do
extremely well. This explains why you choose to test your abilities in some ways but not others. You







oier9 英語 → 日本語

VanityTrove begins Southeast Asian consolidation with Glossybox Taiwan acquisition

Beauty sampling platform VanityTrove has announced that it has commenced its consolidation in the Southeast Asia market with its acquisition of Rocket Internet’s Glossybox Taiwan.

VanityTrove has much to celebrate this 2013. At the start of the year, the beauty discovery platform reached 10 million reach on Facebook. In the past 12 months, the startup has strengthened its position in South East Asia as a platform for beauty brands to reach an online audience wanting to sample their products.

To facilitate its expansion into the region, VanityTrove has acquired Glossybox Taiwan, and has appointed Sanjay Shivkumar as its new CEO.


VanityTrove、東南アジアにおける地固めを開始。Glossybox Taiwanを買収。

美容品サンプルプラットフォームのVanityTroveは、同社がRocket InternetのGlossybox Taiwanの買収で東南アジア市場での地固めを開始したと発表した。


当該地への事業拡大を容易にするために、VanityTroveはGlossybox Taiwanを獲得しており、その新CEOにSanjay Shivkumarを任命しました。