Remember these rules-of-thumb when you consider a hire:1. Don’t hire fast because you need to scale fast. If you hire the wrong person, you will not scale and instead send your startup crashing down. You should hire slowly and take your time to decide why you should hire the person.2. Don’t hire fast because the person agrees with you and seemed to tick all the right boxes. It’s likely that you’d miss out the parts where this person cannot align with you.
3. Don’t hire fast just because the person was from a top-notched company and seems and to have the experience that you might think that will work for your startup. Here’s a good note from Steven Goh of Mig33 on why he does not want to hire out of MNCs or professional management. In most cases, the person might have chalked up the CV to create a mirage that makes him or her look correct on your radar screen. Ben Horowitz has some advice on how to hire old people to help you build to the next stage.4. Don’t hire fast because you are under pressure to scale up the company. Hasty hiring will increase your burn rate so quickly that you might collapse and die without realizing it.
4. Don’t hire fast because you are under pressure to scale up the company. Hasty hiring will increase your burn rate so quickly that you might collapse and die without realizing it. 3、一流企業出身(あるいはそう思われる)で、あなたのスタートアップの即戦力になるかもしれない経験を持っているという理由だけで、すぐに採用してはいけない。多国籍企業や経営専門出身者を雇いたくない理由について、ここにMig33のSteven Goh氏の良い覚書がある。ほとんどの場合そういった人は、あなたのレーダー画面上に正しく写れるような蜃気楼を作り上げるために履歴書を作成しているかもしれない。Ben Horowitz氏は、次のステージ構築の助けとなる年長者の採用方法に関していくつかアドバイスをしている。4、会社を拡大する必要に迫られているからといって、すぐに採用してはいけない。性急な採用は燃焼率を増加させ、自覚のないままに崩壊と死を迎えることになるかもしれない。
5. Don’t hire fast because your competitors are gaining on you. It’s not about ignoring competition, but making sure that you are taking the company in the direction that the entire team wants to go. It’s more about looking after the company’s vision, culture and purpose.6. Don’t hire fast because everyone wants this guy and you feel pressured to pay an arm and a leg for it. You should only hire this person because his or her skill set matches what you need to build or improve the function or system which you have created. Give fair compensation and don’t be dictated by terms which you are being forced to accept.
So when you receive seed funding, don’t go on a spending binge for the wrong reasons. Instead of hiring immediately, first figure out your system from sales to business development. Only bring in a sales person if and only if your founding team can do sales and gain 10x revenue with a system built up from scratch. Till date, I have not seen any sales or business person who can really deliver in the Southeast Asia market.For every person you want to hire for a role, do a 10x first on that particular function before you delegate it to the next person because by then you have a repeatable system that works.
There are always exceptions to the rule. Only hire fast if you have an outstanding working relationship with this person in previous stints such that you know both his or her strengths and weaknesses.In all other cases, please take your time.Author’s Note:The original article first appeared on the author’s blog. The author has edited and extended the article to incorporate more detailed discussions about hiring and included some advice from notable entrepreneurs and venture capitalists.
While it remains to be seen if these ventures will become sustainable, their existence is certainly benefiting content creators, which now find that they have a plethora of online creative platforms to help them raise funds, get distribution, and even seek talent to supplement their own.What they need now is the creative and marketing savvy to cut through the noise.Jia Jian will be speaking at Relay Room’s Creative Mixer 5.0:Push.
これらの事業が持続可能かは現段階ではわからないが、彼らの存在はコンテンツ制作者に確実に利益をもたらす。資金調達、販路獲得、さらにはコンテンツ制作者を補助してくれる人材探しなど、彼らを支援する制作用プラットフォームが今やオンライン上には溢れている。彼らが今必要としているのは、創造とマーケティング向けの、余計なものを寄せ付けない実務知識だ。Jia Jian氏はRelay Room’s Creative Mixer 5.0:Pushで講演する予定だ。
Before I pay, how much will you declare the item for? I am asking this because declaring above 20000yen means I will pay taxes, and when that happens there will be a delay in receiving the item because taxes have to be calculated and collected before I receive the cards, meaning an extra delay. Note that I need to receive the item by the 23rd US time, which does not give you a whole lot of time in the event of delays.
お支払いする前に、その商品を申告しますか? なぜこんなことを聞くかというと、2万円を超える場合は税金を払う必要が出てくるからです。そして税金を支払うということになると、商品の受け取りが遅れることになります。カードを受け取る前に税額を計算して徴収されるからで、つまり余計に遅れてしまします。覚えておいていただきたいのが、私はアメリカ時間の23日までに商品を受領しなければならず、遅延が発生するまでにそれほど時間がないという事です。
Currently, the ad is being posted.Please check if it's convenient to you.
Gone also is the constant fretting over shoring up supply and demand of lessons: Their strategy now is to worry less about supply by securing more long-term partners. This frees them to focus all their energies on finding acquisition channels, distribution partners, and streamlining the product.Private dining is an interesting proposition. Each experience can cost thousands of dollars, and for that money, guests can enjoy a Balinese Roasted Pig Feast by private chef John Sawarto or savor exotic wild game with meat master Bjorn Seegers from the South African Bush, just to name a few.
レッスンの需要と供給を強化することに対して頻繁に苛立つこともなくなった。彼らの戦略は今のところ、より長期的なパートナーを確保することにより、供給についてはあまりやきもきさせないようにするというものだ。これによって、チャネル獲得、販売パートナー、および製品の合理化を見出すといった作業に、彼らの心血のすべてを注がずにすむ。プライベートダイニングは面白い仕事だ。体験の一つ一つに数千ドルが掛かる。そのお金で、ゲストはプライベートシェフのJohn SawartoによってBalinese Roasted Pig Feastを楽しんだり、South African Bush出身の食肉マスターのBjorn Seegers とともに異国情緒あふれるジビエを味わうことができる。
"I look like something you give your kid when you tell them Grandma died.""C'mon, I don't sound that much like Peter Griffin.""That's my bad. I was sending a tweet.""The brewski run.""I wuv you.""Okay, alright, so that's where we'll draw the line.""You know what I'd like to do to her, something I call the dirty Fozzie.""Will you take care of me for ever and ever?""Good talk, Coach.""Stick your finger in the loop of my tag.""C'mere, ya bastard.""I didn't know you had a baby. Is it alive?""You ever hear a Boston girl have an orgasm? 'Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Harder! Harder! Oh, God, that was so good! Now I'm gonna stuff my f@!#in' face with Pepperidge Farm.'" "Well you never should've trusted me, I'm on drugs!"
"あばあちゃんが死んだって教えられてる時の子供みたいじゃんか""勘弁してくれよ、ピーターグリフィンみたく思われたくないぞ。""俺のせいだ。ツイート送っちゃってた。"" ビールレースだ。""好きだ。""よ~しよし。ここらが限界だな。""俺が彼女に何をしたいかわかるだろ? 俺が「ヨゴレのFozzie bear」って言ってるやつ""ずっと俺の面倒を見てくれないか?""良い話だ、ゴキブリ野郎。""私のタグのループに指を突っ込む。""来いよ、バカ野郎。""赤ちゃんがいるの知らなかったよ。まだ生きてんの?""ボストン女がイったことあるなんて話、聞いたことあるか?「イイ、イイわ。もっと、もっとよ。ああ、ホントすごすぎてペッパーリッジファームのパンをイキ顔でお腹いっぱい食べちゃう~」'""なんで俺を信用しちゃったの、俺クスリやってんだぜ!"
"Alright c'mon, let's sing the Thunder Song. When you hear the sound of thunder, don't you get too scared. Just grab your Thunder Buddy and say these magic words: F@!# you, Thunder! You can suck my d@!#. You can't get me, Thunder, 'cause you're just God's farts (makes fart noise).""Oh f@!# that, it's been 4 years, Johnny! You and me have been together for 27 years;where's my ring, huh? Where's my ring, @!#hole? Where's my ring, mother f@!#er? Put it on my fuzzy finger, you f@!#! C'mon!"
"勘弁してくれよ、ったく。Thunder Songを歌うぞ。雷鳴が聞こえても、そんなに怯えることはない。雷のヤツを掴んで、魔法の言葉を唱えよう。「クソ食らえカミナリ野郎! ホモ野郎! お前じゃビビらねえぞカミナリ野郎! だってお前なんかただの、神様の屁だからな!(おならの音を立てる)」「なんだぁ!? 4年だろ、ジョニー。俺とは27年間の付き合いじゃんか。 私への婚約指輪は、あぁ? 俺の指輪だよバカタレ!? 俺のふわふわの指に嵌めてくれよ! うわぁ、マジ勘弁だわ!」
"Yeah, I mean, y-you know when you sewed me up you put some of the stuffing in the wrong places so I'm-I'm a little f@!#ed up, but will you take care of me for ever and ever?... Aha! I'm just kidding you! I thought it'd be funny if you thought I was f@!#ing retarded."
「ああ、つまりさ。わ、わかるだろ? 俺を繕ってくれたときに詰め物の位置がずれちゃって。だ、だからちょっと気持ち悪ぃんだよ。けど、ずっとずっと世話してくれるよな……アハ!ちょっとからかっただけだよ! 俺がイかれちまったと思われたら、面白いだろうなと思ったんだよ。」
According to Alipay, though economically developed Zhejiang (14.85%), Guangdong (14.06%), Shanghai, Beijing and Jiangsu topped the five spots by average annual spending, underdeveloped regions experienced fastest growth compared to the big guys as tier 4 cities grew 64% yoy in online payment users and 68% yoy in payment amounts.
The plethora of mobile devices also boosted mobile payments in last year, according to Alipay, mobile payments via the service saw a stunning 546% growth from a year earlier. An interesting finding regarding mobile payment is that, people in small cities preferred paying through mobile channel as the fact reflects that mobile devices is more prevalent than PC in underdeveloped areas.Alipay CFO Jing Dongxian told us that in 2012 the service enjoyed a daily transaction volume of more than RMB 6 billion yuan (US$ 964 million).
Alipayによると、モバイル機器の浸透も昨年のモバイル決済を後押ししたという。サービスを介してのモバイル決済は前年比で、546パーセントという見事な成長を見せた。モバイル決済に関する興味深い所見がある。開発途上地域においてはPCよりモバイル機器が一般的であるという事実を反映し、小都市圏の人々はモバイルチャネルでの支払い好むという。Alipayの最高財務責任者Jing Dongxianは、2012年には同サービスの毎日の取引量が60億元(9.64億米ドル)以上あったと語ってくれた。
Rumor has it that Alipay looks to ramp up its mobile app to ride on the trend of mobile payment, Mr. Jing partly confirmed the rumor, saying that Alipay has been working on some features to turn your mobile phone into a wallet. He believed that with the advancing of mobile internet, the line between online and offline payment would be blurred, mobile Alipay could become what dubbed on-the-field pay or cloud pay in the foreseeable future.
Alipayがモバイル決済の一般化に乗じてモバイルアプリを立ち上げるらしい、という噂があった。Jing氏は、部分的にこのうわさを認めた。Alipayは、携帯電話を財布する機能の改良に取り組んできたという。モバイルインターネットの進展とともにオンラインとオフラインの支払いの間の境界線が曖昧になり、モバイルAlipayは近い将来on-the-field payあるいはcloud payと称されるようになるだろうと、彼は信じている。
Founded in 2011, the company started as a tool of app data analysis in the crowded market with other similar offerings. The past year has seen tremendous momentum of growth in mobile game sector. Some developers pocketed real money; more up-and-comers were attracted into the fever while mounting competition forced the developers to ramp their offerings from any aspects.
TalkingData Game Analytics, or TDGA, spotted the urgent needs and opportunity, tailored its offering for mobile game developers. According to Cui Xiaobo, founder and CEO of the company, TDGA is all about giving developers easy access to intuitive and streamlined stats on game operation through methods like highlighting game-focused attributes like user behaviors, prepaid deposits, virtual item consumtipn, eliminating unnecessary attributes and so forth.Along with the launch of TDGA, the company also got out a Mobile Game Operating Data Analysis White Paper to help mobile developers to gain better insights into their stats reports.
TalkingData Game Analytics(またはTDGA)は、緊急のニーズと機会を見抜き、モバイルゲームの開発者向けに自社製品を改良した。同社の創設者兼CEOのCui Xiaobo氏によると、ユーザーの行動、前払いデポジット、仮想アイテムの消費といったゲームに特化した属性を強調する一方でTDGAに不要な属性などを排除するという。そしてこうしたメソッドを通して、直感的で合理化されたゲームの動作に関して統計に、開発者が簡単にアクセスできるようにしている。TDGAの立ち上げに伴い、同社はまた、モバイル開発者は自分の統計レポートに関して良い洞察を得られるようMobile Game Operating Data Analysis White Paperを発行している。
Everything As A ServiceMr. Cui raised a very interesting point in the interview with TechNode, saying that after concepts like SaaS (software as a service) and Iaas (Infrastructure as a service), now comes the era of Everything As A Service. He believes that any application and solution should be provided like a service. Tool comes with no relevant services amount to nothing to a client. That’s the mindset behind a streamlined TDGA report and a matching consulting service to help a client gets more value out of the data churned out by their games.
For now, TalkingData Game Analytics comes in three plans, from the basic (US$ 205 per month) plan, standard plan (US$ 1556 per month) to pro plan (US$ 9324 per month).The company closed Series A round with undisclosed sum last December.
今のところTalkingData Game Analyticsは、基本プラン(月額205米ドル)、標準プラン(月額1556米ドル)、プロプラン(月額9324米ドル)という3つのプランからなっている。同社は昨年12月にシリーズAの資金調達ラウンド(額は未公開)を終えた。
This is a reminder that we have not yet received the documents necessary to process your order. Please note that all international orders require a copy of a government issued identification, such as a passport or visa and a copy, front and back, of the billing credit card. Please forward a copy of a government issued photo id, such as a drivers license or passport to or fax to 516-277-2642. We suggest blacking out all but the last four digits of the credit card for security. If we do not receive this information promptly, you run the risk of your items being out of stock.