oier9 (oier9) 翻訳実績

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oier9 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

3. Don’t hire fast just because the person was from a top-notched company and seems and to have the experience that you might think that will work for your startup. Here’s a good note from Steven Goh of Mig33 on why he does not want to hire out of MNCs or professional management. In most cases, the person might have chalked up the CV to create a mirage that makes him or her look correct on your radar screen. Ben Horowitz has some advice on how to hire old people to help you build to the next stage.

4. Don’t hire fast because you are under pressure to scale up the company. Hasty hiring will increase your burn rate so quickly that you might collapse and die without realizing it.


4. Don’t hire fast because you are under pressure to scale up the company. Hasty hiring will increase your burn rate so quickly that you might collapse and die without realizing it.
3、一流企業出身(あるいはそう思われる)で、あなたのスタートアップの即戦力になるかもしれない経験を持っているという理由だけで、すぐに採用してはいけない。多国籍企業や経営専門出身者を雇いたくない理由について、ここにMig33のSteven Goh氏の良い覚書がある。ほとんどの場合そういった人は、あなたのレーダー画面上に正しく写れるような蜃気楼を作り上げるために履歴書を作成しているかもしれない。Ben Horowitz氏は、次のステージ構築の助けとなる年長者の採用方法に関していくつかアドバイスをしている。


oier9 英語 → 日本語

5. Don’t hire fast because your competitors are gaining on you. It’s not about ignoring competition, but making sure that you are taking the company in the direction that the entire team wants to go. It’s more about looking after the company’s vision, culture and purpose.

6. Don’t hire fast because everyone wants this guy and you feel pressured to pay an arm and a leg for it. You should only hire this person because his or her skill set matches what you need to build or improve the function or system which you have created. Give fair compensation and don’t be dictated by terms which you are being forced to accept.




oier9 英語 → 日本語

So when you receive seed funding, don’t go on a spending binge for the wrong reasons. Instead of hiring immediately, first figure out your system from sales to business development. Only bring in a sales person if and only if your founding team can do sales and gain 10x revenue with a system built up from scratch. Till date, I have not seen any sales or business person who can really deliver in the Southeast Asia market.

For every person you want to hire for a role, do a 10x first on that particular function before you delegate it to the next person because by then you have a repeatable system that works.




oier9 英語 → 日本語

Gone also is the constant fretting over shoring up supply and demand of lessons: Their strategy now is to worry less about supply by securing more long-term partners. This frees them to focus all their energies on finding acquisition channels, distribution partners, and streamlining the product.

Private dining is an interesting proposition. Each experience can cost thousands of dollars, and for that money, guests can enjoy a Balinese Roasted Pig Feast by private chef John Sawarto or savor exotic wild game with meat master Bjorn Seegers from the South African Bush, just to name a few.



プライベートダイニングは面白い仕事だ。体験の一つ一つに数千ドルが掛かる。そのお金で、ゲストはプライベートシェフのJohn SawartoによってBalinese Roasted Pig Feastを楽しんだり、South African Bush出身の食肉マスターのBjorn Seegers とともに異国情緒あふれるジビエを味わうことができる。

oier9 英語 → 日本語

"I look like something you give your kid when you tell them Grandma died."
"C'mon, I don't sound that much like Peter Griffin."
"That's my bad. I was sending a tweet."
"The brewski run."
"I wuv you."
"Okay, alright, so that's where we'll draw the line."
"You know what I'd like to do to her, something I call the dirty Fozzie."
"Will you take care of me for ever and ever?"
"Good talk, Coach."
"Stick your finger in the loop of my tag."
"C'mere, ya bastard."
"I didn't know you had a baby. Is it alive?"
"You ever hear a Boston girl have an orgasm? 'Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Harder! Harder! Oh, God, that was so good! Now I'm gonna stuff my f@!#in' face with Pepperidge Farm.'"
"Well you never should've trusted me, I'm on drugs!"


" ビールレースだ。"
"俺が彼女に何をしたいかわかるだろ? 俺が「ヨゴレのFozzie bear」って言ってるやつ"

oier9 英語 → 日本語

TalkingData Game Analytics, or TDGA, spotted the urgent needs and opportunity, tailored its offering for mobile game developers. According to Cui Xiaobo, founder and CEO of the company, TDGA is all about giving developers easy access to intuitive and streamlined stats on game operation through methods like highlighting game-focused attributes like user behaviors, prepaid deposits, virtual item consumtipn, eliminating unnecessary attributes and so forth.

Along with the launch of TDGA, the company also got out a Mobile Game Operating Data Analysis White Paper to help mobile developers to gain better insights into their stats reports.


TalkingData Game Analytics(またはTDGA)は、緊急のニーズと機会を見抜き、モバイルゲームの開発者向けに自社製品を改良した。同社の創設者兼CEOのCui Xiaobo氏によると、ユーザーの行動、前払いデポジット、仮想アイテムの消費といったゲームに特化した属性を強調する一方でTDGAに不要な属性などを排除するという。そしてこうしたメソッドを通して、直感的で合理化されたゲームの動作に関して統計に、開発者が簡単にアクセスできるようにしている。

TDGAの立ち上げに伴い、同社はまた、モバイル開発者は自分の統計レポートに関して良い洞察を得られるようMobile Game Operating Data Analysis White Paperを発行している。