【握手会開催決定】お台場新大陸 めざましライブ※イベント当日、取材等により、カメラが入る可能性がございます。お客様が映りこむ可能性もございますので、予めご了承ください。※イベント前日からの泊まり込みは近隣のご迷惑となりますので、禁止とさせていただきます。皆様のご理解とご協力をお願い致します。
[Handshake Event Confirmed!] Mezamashi Live at Odaiba Shintairiku *Please be advised there will be camera shooting of the live and the visitors might be shot as well. *Please refrain from staying overnight at the live site from the previous day as it will cause inconvenience to people living around there.We appreciate your understanding and cooperation
日本での諸手続きの為、書類の作成に入りたいと思いますので、Male & Femaleの誕生日を知らせてほしい。インボイスの添付もお願いします。貴方の迅速な仕事には、とても感謝しています。追伸何度か問い合わせている書類の件ですが、確認はしてもらえましたか?私達は、とても急いでいます。もし、届いていないのなら、メール下さい。再度、申請をし直します。とても重要な事です。迅速に返答宜しくお願いします。
Please let me know the Male & Female birthdays as I would like to prepare the documents to go through the procedures in Japan. Also, please attach the invoice.I highly appreciate your swift attention.P.S.Have you received the documents I asked you about?We are really in hurry.If you did not receive the documents please email me and I will apply for it again.This is very important. Please get back to me as soon as possible.
This is inquiry about your health.Your answers shall only used as the basic information for recruiting, proper positioning, and health control and not be provided to a third party without your agreement.Our business policy is "**". Thus we note the importance of employees who use our system to enter a company and our future employee as well will be able to make a great performance utilizing their abilities. Although it's essential to maintain physical and mental health, some employees pushes themselves to fit in a new working environment.
そのため、体調面での懸念や配慮が必要な健康状態については率直にお申し出を頂きたいと考えております。この趣旨にご賛同いただける場合は、以下の質問事項に対するご回答をお願いいたします。1現在の健康状態についてお答えください。2現在通院中または治療中の疾病はありますか?3平日を含む定期的な通院が今後も必要ですか?4現在、服用中のお薬はありますか?5 4であると回答された方にお尋ねいたします。
Therefore we would like you to talk to us about your concerns and health conditions which we should consider.Please answer these questions below if you agree with our policy.1. Please tell your health conditions2. Are you going to a hospital or under treatment?3. Do you need to go to a hospital daytime on weekdays regularly in the future?4. Do you take any medicines?5. Please answer this if you wrote "yes" to question 4
現在服用中のお薬によって、通勤中または就労時間帯に眠気または吐き気または頭痛、体のだるさ、ふらつき、めまい等の副作用を感じることがありますか? 6前職または前々職で、健康状態を理由として、連続5日以上の欠勤又は休職制度を利用されたことはありますか?7 6で疾病により休職された方にお尋ねします。現在、その疾病は完治され業務遂行に支障がない状態でしょうか?8体調面、体力面、その他不安なことや事前に相談したいことがあればご記入下さい
Do you note any side effects such as sleepiness, nausea, headache, dullness, dizziness or giddiness during commuting and work, caused by the medicine you take?6. Have you ever took five days or more off or took sickness leave for over five days because of your health problems in your previous companies?7. Please answer this question if you have taken leaves because of your sickness as asked in question 6. Did you fully recovered from the sickness and will not disturb your work?8. Please list your concerns or things you want to discuss with us regarding your health conditions and physical strength.