Nobuhiro Iwaki (nobuhiro-iwaki) 翻訳実績

約9年前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
nobuhiro-iwaki 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

Samsung says startups are its secret sauce

Samsung said on Monday that its evolution as a company depends on “cultivating deep relationships” with startups and startup ecosystems, not just in the U.S. but around the world.

The South Korean tech giant, probably still best known for its hugely successful line of Galaxy smartphones that go head to head with Apple’s iPhone at the premium end of the market, said that startups are the “secret ingredient” in its innovation.

“The future is about the thoughtful integration of hardware and software. And that means startups,” said David Eun, EVP of Samsung’s Global Innovation Center (GIC), in a blog posting.




韓国大手のテクノロジー企業Samsungは、Galaxy smartphonesの大成功で世界的に有名であろう。事実、同製品はAppleのiPhoneとプレミアム市場の一・二を争うほどだ。そのSamsungが、スタートアップはイノベーションの「秘訣」と語ったのである。

「未来はハードウェアとソフトウェアの緻密な融合によって成り立ちます。スタートアップはそれを体現しているでしょう」SamsungのGlobal Innovation Center (GIC) 副所長、David Eun氏はブログでこのように語っている。

nobuhiro-iwaki 英語 → 日本語

With these new indexes, come new ways to promote the content within apps. This drives engagement and conversions as it essentially makes for a search experience similar to traditional web usage, only from within apps. In turn, developers experience an increase in usage, OS providers get more revenues, and end users have easier access to better content.

Ultimately, this puts people in a place where they can essentially create a curated web on their device. Just by downloading the apps and services they want it creates a selective pre-built ‘pool’ of content to search within. This is already a tectonic shift which begins to set sail from the Google anchor.




nobuhiro-iwaki 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

WeChat Launches E-Book App To Make Reading Social

WeChat, China’s most popular chat app, rolled out e-book app Weixin Dushu, or WeChat Read, yesterday. The app allows users to share their reading lists and experiences with WeChat friends, and is currently only available on the iOS platform.

WeChat is one of China’s most popular destinations for news reading, but the new app is dedicated for more voracious readers who prefer books. The service will allow WeChat users to read books in EPUB or TXT formats with a clean and ad-free interface.



中国で最も高い人気を博しているチャットアプリ、WeChatは昨日、Weixin DushuやWeChat Readといった電子書籍アプリを公開した。このアプリによって、利用者は、自身の読書リストや読書経験をWeChat上の友達と共有できるようになる。なお、同アプリは、現段階ではiOSプラットフォームでのみ利用可能である。


nobuhiro-iwaki 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Weixin Dushu includes a WeChat Moment-like content sharing platform where users can browse through the reading list of WeChat friends and share reading suggestions.

The app has also integrated “Leaderboard” and “Like”, two existing gamification features that have proven successful in WeChat Sport and Games. It also counts how long users have spent on reading in the app and turns it into a social competition, complete with a daily leaderboard that covers all your WeChat friends who have also opted in. Of course, you can close the service if you don’t want to share your reading list or compete with others.


Weixin Dushuは、WeChatのコンテンツを瞬間的に共有するプラットフォームを採用しており、このプラットフォームによって、利用者は、WeChat上の友達の読書リストを閲覧したり、おすすめの書籍情報を共有したりできるようになる。

また、同アプリは、“Leaderboard”と“Like”という二つのゲーミフィケーション特性を内在している。これらは、すでにWeChat Sports and Gamesで成功を収めたものだ。Weixin Dushuでは、さらに、アプリを利用して読書した時間を計測でき、サービスを希望したWeChat上の友人すべてをまとめた、日々のleaderboardに掲載することによって、他の利用者と競うことができる。もちろん、読書リストを公開したくない場合や、他者と競いたくない場合には、このサービスを停止することもできる。

nobuhiro-iwaki 英語 → 日本語

This new US$1M investment is just the tip of the iceberg, though. A couple of months ago, GMO raised US$65M from multinational banking giant Mitsui Sumitomo to strengthen its GMO Payment Gateway ecommerce payment solution and aid the startups that it serves. GMO still has millions of dollars to invest in epayment companies across East and Southeast Asia, and this Neweb move may just be one among many. Thailand’s 2C2P, which GMO has invested in several times already, could also be in line for a new cash infusion for example.

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