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Honestbee cites a Goldman Sachs report which said the online grocery shopping market in Asia is estimated at US$18 billion. Meanwhile, developing markets in Asia Pacific are most willing to use online retail solutions like grocery delivery, according to Nielsen’s Global E-Commerce and The New Retail Report.

The question, then, becomes whether competition can help the online grocery delivery space grow in Southeast Asia, or if it will start a race to the bottom. The latter case might be good news for consumers’ wallets, but it’s almost certainly bad news for any company that wants to remain sustainable.


Honestbeeは、アジアにおける食料雑貨のオンライン買物代行サービスの市場が180億米ドル規模に達すると算定したGoldman Sachsのレポートを引き合いに出している。一方、NielsenのGlobal E-Commerce and The New Retail Report(世界のeコマースと最新小売業に関するレポート)は、アジア太平洋地域の発展途上市場では、食料雑貨の宅配サービスのような小売業者のオンラインサービスが最も好んで利用されるとみている。


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Step 2 – Analyze the existing market

The growth rate you’re able to achieve with any of your ideas depends on the competitive environment you’d be launching them into. The mobile app market, for instance, is quite crowded, making it difficult to stand out. Exit intent technology, on the other hand, was an up-and-coming niche with fewer competitors, where we felt we could quickly differentiate ourselves in order to build quick visibility.


Alex Bashinsky is the cofounder of Picreel, an online marketing program to convert bounced visitors into customers.Get in touch with Alex at @abashinsky.


ステップ2- 既存マーケットの分析



Alex Bashinsky氏は、直帰率を改善するために直帰する訪問者を顧客に変えるオンラインマーケティングプログラムを提供するPicreelの共同設立者である。Alex氏の連絡先は、@abashinskyである。

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Josh Kaufman, author of The Personal MBA, suggests asking the following three questions as you evaluate the market for each of your ideas:

How attractive is the market for your idea?
Are there other markets that may be more promising?
Can you alter the idea to appeal to a more attractive market?

I’d add a few more things to this list, based on my experiences:

Does one of your ideas have weaker competitors than the others?
Is there a first mover advantage to acting on one idea right away and holding off on the others?
Could you begin with one idea and eventually expand your concept to include others as you grow?


The Personal MBAの著者のJosh Kaufman氏は、自分のアイディアそれぞれをマーケットに投入する際、そのマーケットを見極めるのに、以下3点を自問し続けることを勧めている。




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Optimizely has indeed been playing in a growth space. In a recent Adobe survey of 259 marketing executives, 66 percent said they’re using A/B testing, compared to just 56 percent last year.

Optimizely has picked up a big chunk of market share in the burgeoning space. Its biggest customers include CNN (which uses Optimizely to see which of its headlines work best), Crate and Barrel, Intuit, Microsoft Store, Priceline, and Virgin America.

“It also has a free plan in its current pricing that is limited to certain features and 50,000 monthly unique visitors, which appeals to small businesses,” said VB Insights analyst Stewart Rogers.



Optimizelyは急成長を続ける市場でかなりのシェアを押さえている。最も重要な顧客として、CNN(一番反応のあったヘッドラインを調べるためOptimizelyを使用)、Crate and Barrel、Intuit、Microsoft Store、PricelineやVirgin America等が名を連ねている。

「同社は、料金プランの中に特定の機能のみが使用できユニークビジター数が月間50,000件の中小企業向けに無料プランも用意してます。」とVB InsightsのアナリストであるStewart Rogers氏は語った。

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Functional assistants

Native ads are appealing to advertisers because, as Prusz notes, their clickthrough rates are two to five times greater than those of display ads. They often offer content that complements the surrounding editorial, so they expand on a user’s interest the way Google search ads do.

There’s also the expectation that mobile web ad blockers have a harder time blocking native ads, because they are served as part of an editorial feed. But some tests have shown that native ads can be blocked, so publishers and advertisers may soon be upping their arms race to serve in-content ads more like content.





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To move mobile ads away from being annoyances, Shapira wants to see them evolve into their next role, that of functional assistants, serving answers to your specific questions.

“In five to seven years, ads will be so efficient and effective,” he told me, “you won’t be aware of them.” They will operate more like intelligent recommendations, he said. Or, possibly, some recommendation engines will essentially operate like curators of selected ads — which could raise their utility while risking lowered trust.

Shapira pointed to the app for the Uber car service, where you request a car and then one that meets your requirements is presented to you. “It’s [like] the ‘I feel lucky button’ on Google, every time,“ he said.


Shapira氏は、配車を依頼すると自分の条件に合った車が迎えにくるUberの配車アプリの例を挙げ、「いつもGoogle の‘I feel lucky’のボタンみたいだと思っています」と語った。

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3 lessons on switching from bootstrapped to VC-funded

Every entrepreneur must choose whether to bootstrap a company or use venture capital to fuel it. I’ve traveled these two drastically different paths. I spent more than a decade building a bootstrapped, profitable cash flow business, only to put all my chips back on the table with two venture-backed companies. My journey began with an interactive agency I founded in college called Cie Digital Labs, which then went on to incubate two successful venture-backed spin-outs. Last year, Cie Games was acquired by Glu Mobile for $100M, and my current venture Nativo recently raised a $20 million Series B round.



どんなアントレプレナーでも会社を立上げる際、必要資金を自己資金とベンチャーキャピタルからの資金のどちらでまかなうか選択する必要がある。私は、全く異なったこの2つの道を両方歩んできている。自力で立ち上げた事業が採算ベースに乗るまでに10年以上かかったが、結局は、ベンチャーキャピタルから支援を受けた2社と一緒に投入した資金を回収しただけになった。私は、大学時代にCie Digital Labsというインターネット広告に特化したインタラクティブエージェンシーを立ち上げ、その後そこから派生した2社は見事ベンチャーキャピタルから支援を受けスピンアウトした。昨年、Cie Gamesは1億米ドルでGlu Mobileに買収され、私が現在在籍しているNativoは、シリーズB投資で2000万米ドル調達した。