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The move resembles how China’s Alibaba spun off its mobile wallet app in 2013 after first gaining traction among users of its Taobao marketplace.

Earlier this week, during a trip to promote Apple’s Apple Pay wallet, CEO Tim Cook explained to a group of students at Trinity College Dublin that the future of cash was dead. “Your kids will not know what money is,” he said. While the statement may seem exaggerated, it’s never been more possible than now.

According to research firm RNCOS, the mobile wallet market in India is estimated to rise to INR 12.1 billion (US$182,945,345) by 2019. Alibaba-backed Paytm claims 20 million active users, which is more than the total number of credit card users in India.



今週初め、AppleのApple Payウォレットのプロモーションで出張中だったCEO(最高経営責任者)のTim Cook氏が、ダブリン大学トリニティカレッジの学生に対して、現金には未来がないことを説明している。「あなた達の子供は、お金が何なのか分からないでしょう」と彼は語った。この意見は大げさに聞こえるが、かつてない程真実味がある。


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The app uploads and stores diabetes data on cloud. Besides patients themselves, their caretakers or family members living far away can also monitor this data if granted access to it by the patients.

What’s more, the app allows users to access a doctor of their choice from the comfort of their homes. That’s a boon for the elderly as well as frequent travellers.


Patients on outstation trips often find it difficult to travel with all their medical papers. Besides, they are unable to consult the same doctor every time. The Diabeto app addresses both these issues by maintaining a patient’s data on cloud and giving a doctor access to it.






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This phenomenon is nothing more to me than the sign of a growing and increasingly competitive market. With pre-seed funds, and follow-on funds, and Seed-A funds, startup funding has been chopped into lots of pieces. In the end, though, they present more funding options, which is great news for the entrepreneur. There is a certain stigma associated with seed extensions, but they’re quickly becoming the new normal, so I expect that will fade over time.

So given this dynamic in the early stage funding marketplace, and the fact that we have funded over 200 seed stage companies, here’s how I coach our companies beginning the “should we go for an extension or shoot for a series A” process:




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The Chinese company, which is founded by former Google employees, found a niche in its early days as a replacement for the banned Google services. The company is still relatively small, but is known for its voice search software as well as its own smartwatch OS and device called Ticwear.

Mobvoi was founded in 2012 by former Google research scientists, Li Zhifei, now CEO, and Mike Lei, who is the company’s CTO. They sealed a partnership with Google in March this year, also partnering with Lenovo’s Moto 360 to promote their voice search software this September. Their software is integrated with several of China’s most popular apps including WeChat, Dianping, Didi Chuxing and Weibo.



Mobvoiは2012年に現在CEO(最高経営責任者)で以前Googleで科学研究員だったLi Zhifei氏と同社のCTO(最高技術責任者)のMike Lei氏によって設立された。彼らは今年の3月にGoogleと提携を結び、また今年の9月に音声検索ソフトウェアの宣伝のためLenovoのMoto 360とも提携した。彼らのソフトウェアはWeChat、Dianping、Didi ChuxingやWeiboを含む中国で最も人気のアプリの幾つかに搭載されている。

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But the xCraft X PlusOne drone has multi-rotor capabilities that let it hover, as well as a fixed-wing design that gives it high-speed flight. You put your smartphone into the drone, and the drone then uses that device to take pictures or videos. The X PlusOne can fly at 60 miles per hour, pitch over 90 degrees, and go as high as 10,000 feet.

The result is a drone that is capable of long-range flight and can perform stunts such as skimming the treetops. The xCraft drone can self-stabilize in both hover and forward flight modes. It also has a longer flight range because it relies on either preprogrammed flight paths or upon a connection to the smartphone via cell phone signals.


しかし、xCraft のX PlusOneはマルチロータータイプのドローンで、ホバーリングができ、また固定翼タイプと同じように高速で飛行することも可能だ。ドローンにスマートフォンを搭載することで、写真や動画を撮影することができる。X PlusOneは、時速60マイルで飛行でき、90度以上傾ける事ができ、そして1万フィートまで高度を上げることができる。


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Levy wants to see game prototypes within a few months, not 18 months. If it takes 18 months to get a prototype, don’t start, he said. He prefers speed to perfection. Don’t overthink because it slows you down. At the same time, you have to keep production quality high.

There’s always some kind of reference for a game, like previous games in a genre, such as Clash of Clans or Bejeweled.

“Every good game has a reference,” he said. “You have to analyze and find out what worked and what didn’t.” If there isn’t a direct reference, you may find one for a core game loop. If you can’t find one, you may have something original. Or you may have to prototype it carefully to make sure it works.



ゲームには、Clash of ClansやBejeweled等、そのジャンルの過去のゲームのような、必ず参考にできるものがある。


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“Most people in Asia are time-starved due to the demands of their job and a large proportion of the population do not possess their own vehicles,” co-founder Isaac Tay says in a statement. “With our on-demand delivery service, time-crunched customers can enjoy the widest choices from their favourite stores, even at the last minute.”

Formation 8 founder, Brian Koo, says: “Formation 8 believes that the hyper-local on-demand market plays a significant role in the way commerce will evolve. Given the increasing population density across all the key cities in Asia due to job and wealth creation, this is right time and opportunity.” Joel Sng, a founder of Honestbee, is a general partner at Formation 8.


「アジアの人の殆どは、仕事に追われ、また自分の車を所有したないため時間不足に陥っています」と共同設立者のIsaac Tay氏は述べている。「我々のオンデマンドの宅配サービスで、時間に追われているお客様は、時間ぎりぎりでもお気に入りのお店の様々な物の購入を楽しんでいただけます。」

Formation 8の創設者のBrian Koo氏は次のように語っている。「Formation 8は、地元密着型のオンデマンドマーケットが、今後の商取引の発展の仕方に重要な役割を果たしていると思っています。仕事や富でアジア全域の重要な全ての都市の人口密度が高まっていることを考えれば、今が最適な時期です」。Honestbeeの創設者のJoel Sng氏は、Formation 8のジェネラルパートナーでもある。