I think to sell items you are dealing in ebay without a stock.So I have a favor of you to allow me use your pictures and description of items on the ebay.There is no trouble of you at all.You have not any risk about it at all.I just order you when my shop accept orders of it.I will buy it from you in ebay.Although I said before, I appreciate you if you allow me use your pictures and explanatory sentence.I beg your kindness.
今年のイーベイセラーの規定の一つに50ピクセル以上、多くの画像をアップすることが発表されました。 先ず50ピクセル以下の画像をアップするとイーベイから出品を取り下げられます。また、現在出品されている商品も順次再出品が出来なくなります。また、画像が少ないと検索で上位に表示されません。よって、今回貴方がマーチャントにUPしたのはイーベイでは画素数の少なさや画像が少ない点で非常に出品には不利になります。イーベイの他のセラーから画像をコピーして出品するやり方では通用できなくなります。
In the regulation of eBay Seller this year, it was announced to upload many pictures and number of pixels of them is more than 50 pixels. If you upload the picture less than 50 pixels, that sell is withdrawn by eBay. And items which you are selling now can’t become sell again one by one.And it isn’t displayed at higher rank in search when there are few pictures of item.Therefore the item that you upload this time is disadvantage in the sell on eBay for less pictures and pixels.It can’t use the way to copy from another eBay seller’s pictures.