やっと連絡が取れましたね!本当に私も困りましたよ。そうですね、今後gmailがダメならそちらに送りますね。ただ、Skypeは1$でも預ければ、同士間なら無料で使えます。チャットもできますし、お互いの顔を見て話せる、とても便利なツールです。オーダーについて、未だ注文はしてませんが、pumkin cakesとは、どれの事を指していますか?支払いが来年の1月になるのでしたら、それまで待っておけば宜しいでしょうか?午後の紅茶は、日本でロングセラーの商品です。一度試す価値はあります!!
You managed to get in contact at last! Actually even I was worried. That's right. If gmail is no good after this, send it there.However, if you deposit $1 with Skype you can use it for free when taking to friends. You can chat and talk while seeing each other's faces. It's a very useful tool. About the order, I haven't placed it yet. What do you mean by 'pumkin cakes'? If the payment is made in January next year, are you happy to wait until then? Afternoon black tea is very popular in Japan. It's worth trying once!
Unfortunately, we have become unable to do business concerning this product. The reason for this is that we have discovered that there may be problems when importing it into Japan.We offer our sincere apologies for the situation, even though it was guaranteed to be in stock.
Actually, I had been sending you mail for a long time, but they were being returned due to an error.So I could do nothing but await an answer!I don't know if there's something wrong with yahoo mail, but something similar happened to me before. @live is ok, right? It must be.In Japan, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving. It's just a holiday.Having Black Friday sales and stuff is unique to America, isn't it... I'm so jealous!Work is no different from usual for me, but as the we reach the end of the year things get busy.Don't push yourself too hard!