After we see your reply, we think a professional translator is what we need now. We have contacted and began cooperation with a japan translation company(, we think maybe the local translators are more professional, besides they could reply within houres or less, 24 houres available a day. Also we think the price is very reasonable, now we are fully looking forward to the future service for our customers with them. As we are just beginning our business, we will employ a professional translator if we have more new products and orders for the next year.rongweishangmao
I'm sorry about the late reply due to the New Year's holiday.The storage limitation of USPS items is one month, so I think it is some kind of a mistake that the item was sent back to the sender at this point of time, just being about a dozen days from the initial delivery date.Could you descibe this point strongly to the USPS, and make arrangements for the search of the item location and redelivery of the item?Right now, there is nothing I can do for you; but please be assured that if the item is actually sent back to us, I will make a refund or resend the item to you as soon as the item arrives.I am sorry to trouble you, but I would appreciate your understanding that this case was a mistake made by USPS.
I have received many questions about whetstones from you, but unfortunately I am not so good at English so I can't give you an appropriate answer.If you want to know more details about whetstones, please ask other sellers.The whetstones which I recommend have highest quality, for they were used in old barber shops in Japan.--You seem to be visiting Tokyo now and then, so I can send the item to an address in Tokyo.Shipping fee will be $6.00.However, I'm not living in Tokyo and also doesn't own a shop in Tokyo; therefore, I cannot hand over the item to you directly in person.
Email your usernames and the email addresses usedWe need your watchwarehouse details in order to convert your account from retail customer to wholesale reseller.If you are planning to pay by credit card we need a copies of it and valid ID for verification. For Non-US & Canada Resellers. Or, if you are planning to ship to an address different then the billing address. If you are planning to pay by paypal- no copies needed.Addresses outside the United States and Canada are difficult to verify. In this case, we require a copy/scan of your credit card and passport via email or fax. You may cover the middle 4 digits for security.
Hi... I have recieved the lens and it did not come with the white plastic rear cap. Also there is a speck of dust on the rear element. Not too happy about this. Kit
Catching onto the potential of Indonesia, Japan entered the market with Rakuten Belanja Online, a subsidiary of the Japanese giant Rakuten, which now operates locally. In a culture with such distinct characteristics and low levels of risk-taking, a localized strategy such as adding an Indonesian word “belanja” (which means shopping) to a company name increases the site’s approachability for risk-averse Indonesians.
インドネシアの持つポテンシャルに乗っかろうと、日本の大企業、楽天の子会社であるRakuten Belanja Onlineが市場に参入し、現在は現地で活動している。他国に比べ際立った特徴を有し、さらにリスクを取りたがらない同国の文化においては、会社の名前にインドネシア語の「belanja」(ショッピングを意味する)を加えるような地域密着型のストラテジーは、リスクを回避したがるインドネシア人にとって、サイトへの親近感が増す効果をもたらした。
You have a Japanese razor shave ready I have bought from you before and will continue too the razor is on buy it now for 60.00 ends on the 4 th I can pay on the 2 wonder if you would hold it for me You said this whetstone F-105 is a brand name stone? I didn't see any markings on it as such? I'm trying to do some reading and learn more about your stones. I don't want to sound like I don't trust you. I just need to be sure of what I'm buying is what I need?So is the F-105 a larger whetstone that was broken? I only need about 6 inches long and 2 inches wide.I'm going to spend the weekend researching Japanese Whetstones. I hope to buy this F-104 stone but I need to know it's what I need.
あなたは日本製のカミソリを販売していますね。私は以前あなたから購入しており、今後も購入したいと思っております。カミソリは現在、60.00 (訳者注:ドル?)で販売中であり、4日に販売終了になるようです。2日にお金を支払いますので、私のために商品を確保しておいて頂くのは可能でしょうか?あなたはF-105の砥石はブランドであると言いましたよね?その砥石に、そのような刻印は見当たりませんでしたが?私は、調べものをして、あなたの取り扱う石について更に勉強したいと思っております。あなたを信じていないと思われたくありません。ただ、私が買ったものが、私が欲しかったものだという確証がほしいだけです。つまり、F-105はより大きな砥石だったのが、壊れたものですか?私は、長さ約6インチ、幅約2インチあれば充分です。この週末は、日本の砥石について調べようと思っております。このF-104の石を購入したいのですが、これが私の必要としているものか、知りたいと思っております。
Jack Ma’s shopping spree: Here’s everything Alibaba invested in or acquired in 2014In the run-up to Alibaba’s earth-shaking IPO, the ecommerce titan was all but silent during its customary “quiet period.” But 2014 as a whole has been a busy year for the firm. Alibaba has invested in or bought outright multiple companies both at home and abroad, spending so much money that some have referred to the first nine months as Alibaba’s “bachelor party.” While things simmered down after the IPO, Alibaba didn’t get complacent.
Jack Ma氏の買い物三昧: 2014年にAlibabaが投資、及び買収したもの、全てご覧あれAlibabaのIPOは世間を揺るがしたが、その前の準備期間においては、eコマースの巨人はお決まりの「静かな時期」を、ほぼ音をたてずに過ごしていた。しかし2014年全体を見れば、この年は同社にとって忙しい年であったといえよう。Alibabaは中国内外の複数の企業に投資、及び完全買収を行った。あまりに巨額の資金を使ったため、最初の9ヶ月間をAlibabaの「独身最後のパーティー」と揶揄した者もいた程である。IPOの後には物事は落ち着いてきたが、Alibabaは現状に満足していなかった。
Xiaomi launched in India in July. It’s seeking to disrupt the country’s top smartphone brand, Samsung, and also shake up India’s own budget phone brands, such as Micromax and Karbonn. Other Chinese firms like Huawei, Oppo, and OnePlus are also going after new smartphone converts in India as hundreds of millions of people begin ditching their basic phones.
WeChat’s growing empire: Here’s everything Tencent invested in or acquired in 2014Tencent is China’s second-biggest internet company, recently stripped of its number one spot by Alibaba. It’s also one of the country’s most active venture capitalists. While Alibaba made headlines with massive investments into big established companies, Tencent got down and dirty with early stage investments into nascent startups.
成長するWechat帝国: 2014年に、Tencentが投資および買収したものTencentは、最近Alibabaに1位の座を奪われてしまったものの、中国で第2位の規模をもつインターネット企業である。また、同社は中国における最も活発な投資家の1つでもある。Alibabaが大企業に対し大規模な投資を行い、新聞の見出しを賑わせていたが、一方Tencentは新生スタートアップに対し初期的な投資を行うという、卑劣な手を使った。
China South CityThis Hong Kong-listed corporation develops and operates large-scale logistics and trade centers throughout China. It moves everything from raw materials to finished products. Tencent invested huge sums in China South City twice this year: HKD 1.5 billion (US$193 million) in January and HK 800 million (US$103 million) in September. Tencent now owns a 13 percent stake.
China South City香港で上場されたこの企業は、中国全土において大規模な物流と貿易センターの開発と運営に携わっている。同社は原材料から最終製品まで、全ての移動を取り扱う。Tencentは、今年2度に渡りChina South Cityに莫大な額を投資した: 1月に15億香港ドル(1億9300万米ドル)、そして9月に8億香港ドル(1億300万米ドル)であった。現在、Tencentは株式の13%を保有している。
Alibaba’s Jack Ma versus Xiaomi’s Lei Jun: who is really Asia’s richest man?In September, Jack Ma was crowned China’s richest person after his company Alibaba set the record for the world’s biggest IPO. And just last week, many deemed him the richest man in Asia, surpassing property tycoon Li Ka-shing.But yesterday, a US$200 million investment into appliance manufacturer Midea by smartphone maker Xiaomi revealed some new numbers that might make the analysts reconsider. As it turns out, Xiaomi founder Lei Jun owns a whopping 77.8 percent of his company – way more than Jack Ma owns of Alibaba at just 6.3 percent.
AlibabaのJack Ma氏対XiaomiのLei Jun氏:どちらが真の、アジアで一番の金持ちか?Jack Ma氏は9月、彼の会社であるAlibabaが世界最大のIPOで記録を打ち立てた後には、中国で最も裕福な人とたたえられた。そして先週多くの人は、彼は資産家のLi Ka-shing氏を抜き、アジアで最も裕福な人であると見なした。しかし昨日行われた、スマートフォンメーカーXiaomiによる電化製品の製造業者のMideaへの2億米ドルの投資により、アナリストが再考に迫られるような、いくつかの新しい情報が明らかになった。明らかになったのは、Xiaomiの創始者Lei Jun氏は、彼の会社の実に77.8%という、桁外れに多い割合を所有していたのであるーJack Ma氏がAlibabaのほんの6.3%を所有しているのと比べると、遥かに多い。
And because Puzzle & Dragons was popular abroad but unavailable in China for so long, plenty of copycat games sprung up to fill the void. Chinese gamers interested in Puzzle & Dragons may not have been able to play the real thing yet, but they’ve had plenty of time to experience – and maybe even get tired of – the game’s signature gameplay via any of the many copycat titles that mimic it.
さらに、Puzzle & Dragonsが海外で人気があったにも関わらず、長い間中国では入手できなかったため、その隙間を埋めるべく、多数のコピーゲームが派生した。Puzzle & Dragonsに興味のある中国のゲーマーは、本物はプレイできなかったかもしれないが、それを真似する多数のコピーゲームを通じて、その特徴的なゲームの世界を経験する時間ーもしかしたら既に飽きてすらいるかもしれないがーは豊富にあった。
Thank you for contacting eBay Customer Service about the status of your listing. I understand that you are concerned regarding your buyer and the cancel transaction request made. I appreciate you taking time to contact us for an explanation regarding this issue. My name is Eunice. Let me assist you with this.Kazuhiko, thank you for providing the details of your item: 161461216228. I see that your buyer initiated a cancel transaction request. Your buyer has sent you a Cancel Transaction Request (this will only happen if your buyer requests to cancel the transaction within 1 hour of the sale). You have now receive your final value fee for the item Kazuhiko.
The bad news (for sellers) is I like these so much, I promised myself I would stop looking for any other razors. My search is now substantially complete. Worse (for sellers) I can now start liquidating my own collection of razors that have proven less satisfactory for personal reasons.-I am disappointed as I was very interested in this beautiful piece of tamahagane as a display piece, not only for it's high quality, but also for its beautiful appearance. But I realize that given the situation it would be much more difficult to try to return the items and redeliver them to the correct locations. Therefore, thank you, yes, I accept your generous resolution to this problem.
Unfortunately, I haven't watched the movie 〜 which you've recommended yet. I would like to watch it by the end of this year.I've been visiting Taiwan until recently. It was my first time to travel alone.I would like to go to Thailand or Shanghai by myself in the near future, and after I've gained my experience, then I would like to go to countries more further.I would love to go to the country you live in, but the travel expense is seems to cost over $3000. So I first have to save money, but for that coming day, I will study Spanish hard.How's your Japanese learning going?
These links show up in a similar format to Twitter cards – containing a title, thumbnail photo, and brief summary – that are much more shareable and visually pleasing. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll refer to these as WeChat cards.If you just want a one-off way to spread the word without creating an entire blog or website, there’s now a way to do that with a new WeChat app called Weitie (微贴). Use WeChat’s QR code scanner at the above link or search the account weitieme to access the app, which is housed in an official account.
Next, you’ll be asked to add a cover photo. Just hit the plus button and add an image from your gallery as you would if you were sending a photo to a friend. You can also skip this step by typing “1”. Note that this step bugged on me a couple times and I didn’t receive the next prompt. If that happens, just send the photo again. It won’t be added twice.
As well as transactions on Alibaba’s online marketplaces, Alipay also powers third-party services. Payments processed on Alibaba’s retail marketplaces (Taobao, Tmall and Juhuasuan), though providing around 80% of Alibaba’s total revenue, only accounted for about 38% of Alipay’s payment volume in 2013. Of course, not every payment on Alibaba’s retail marketplaces were through Alipay - about 22% of the trade volume in 2014 has not been settled through Alipay.
Created for the trade of physical goods on Taobao, Alipay however would go on to enable a variety of features: bill payment, money transfer, payment of utilities and credit card repayment, amongst others. It supports payment through methods such as QR Code, voice and fingerprint.Since launched on December 30th, 2004, the service has gained more than 300 million users, about half of all Chinese internet users (China had had 632 million internet users as of June 2014, according to CNNIC). With more than 200 partnering financial institutes, Alipay handles over 80 million transactions daily. Daily mobile transactions surpassed 50% of the total as of October this year.
Taobaoにおける実際の商品の売買のために作られたAlipayだが、今後は様々な機能が可能になっていく: 料金の支払い、送金、公共料金の支払い、クレジットカードの返済などがその一部である。QRコード、音声、そして指紋認証などの方法で支払いをサポートする。2004年12月30日にAlipay.comがローンチして以来、このサービスは中国のインターネットユーザの約半数にあたる、3億人以上のユーザを獲得した(CNNICによると、2014年6月時点で中国のインターネットユーザは6億3200万人であった)。200社以上の提携金融機関を有するAlipayは、一日あたり8000万件の取引を行う。今年10月には、一日あたりのモバイル取引が、全取引の50%を越えるまでになった。