Misako (misakosabit) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 タガログ語
misakosabit 英語 → 日本語

The dealer will be responsible for all import duties, taxes and other Customs formalities as required by the importing country. Please work directly with your Customs office or Freight Forwarder/Broker to determine if any duties or taxes will be applicable.

It is the policy of Cabela’s to comply with Export Administration Regulations (EAR), and all other US Government Agency’s export regulations. Cabela’s carries a wide variety of products, some of which are considered dual use and are controlled by the EAR. In such cases Cabela’s will perform all necessary due diligence measures prior to effecting an export transaction.




misakosabit 英語 → 日本語

The statement is as follows: “These commodities are licensed for the ultimate destination shown. Diversion contrary to United States Law is prohibited.”

For additional information on export controls, please visit the BIS. www.bis.doc.gov

A more inclusive contract may be necessary between Cabela's and the dealer. Whether or not a contract is necessary will be determined during introductory communication.

Additional information on Cabela's and our products can be found on our website, www.cabelas.com . All orders and inquiries on dealerships should be directed to the International Dealer Sales department only. Please contact via email; dealers@cabelas.com



輸出規制に関する追加情報についてはBISホームページ www.bis.doc.gov をご覧ください。


カベラスと私達の商品についての追加情報は、私達のウェブサイト www.cabelas.com に載っています。販売特約店に関するすべての注文、問い合わせはインターナショナルディーラー部門のみで受け付けます。
Eメールでご連絡ください。 dealers@cabelas.com

misakosabit 英語 → 日本語

Here are my simple steps to achieving Email Zen:

1) Don’t check email first thing in the morning, or have it constantly on. This is a tip offered by many blogs, so nothing new here. Checking email first thing will get you stuck in email for awhile. Instead, do your most important thing for the day, or the thing you’ve been procrastinating on the most. Then check email. Better yet, do 2 or 3 things first. Also, if you are constantly checking email throughout the day, or it notifies you as soon as an email comes in, you will be constantly distracted and not able to focus on the task before you. I check once an hour, but you might have different needs.



1) 朝一番にメールチェックをしたり、常にメールをオンにしておいたりしない。これは多くのブログでも言われていることで、新しいことではありません。最初にメールチェックをすると、しばらくはそれにかかりきりになってしまいます。その代わりに、その日に一番重要なことや先延ばしにしてきたことをやりましょう。それからEメールをチェックします。更に2,3の用事を先にやったほうが更に良いです。もしもあなたが1日中コンスタントにメールをチェックしているなら、またメールを着信するとすぐにあなたに知らせるようになっているなら、あなたはコンスタントに気を散らされ集中できない、ということになってしまいます。私は1時間に1回チェックしていますが、あなたにとってのメールの必要性は違っているかもしれません。

misakosabit 英語 → 日本語

2) When you check your email, dispose of each one, one at a time, right away. Make a decision on what needs to be done on each email.

2a) Is it junk or some forwarded email? Trash it immediately.

2b) Is it a long email that you just need to read for information? File it in a Read folder (or tag it Read and archive) or print it to read on the road (while waiting in line, for example).

2c) If the email requires action, make a note of the action on your to-do or GTD lists to do later. Also note to check the email for info if necessary. Then archive the email. You can easily find it later when you need to do that task.


2) メールチェックの際は、同時に、すぐに不要メールを削除してしまいましょう。それぞれのメールについて、どう処理するべき決めていきます。

2a) 迷惑メールやチェーンメールは即ゴミ箱へ。

2b) 読まなければならない長いメールは、「読みフォルダー」にいれます。(又は「読み」タグを付けて保存します)もしくは、どこかで読むためにプリントしましょう(例えばどこかで並んで待っているときなど)

2c) 何か対処しなければならないメールの場合、To-DoリストやGTDリストに記入して後で対処します。同時に必要であればメールにも印をいれます。そして保存します。こうすれば後で対処する時には、すぐに見つけることが出来ます。

misakosabit 英語 → 日本語

When we got in touch with KDDI (TYO:9433) this past week, and a representative told us that the fund is not directly related to its incubation program Mugen Labo, which assists companies trying to launch new apps. But KDDI notes that there are possibilities that companies in Mugen Labo could potentially be invested in through this new fund, explaining that they are quite open to anyone.

With that in mind, if you are a young up-and-coming startup, Global Brain is accepting applications via its website right now.

On a related note, J-Seed Ventures announced today a new startup incubator in Tokyo called Venture Generation. They are also accepting applications.





misakosabit 英語 → 日本語

Here’s what I do, and highly recommend to anyone willing to break free of the to-do list:

I wake up in the morning, and decide what One Thing I’m excited about.
Then I focus on doing that, pushing everything else aside, clearing distractions, and allowing myself to get caught up in the moment.

I don’t worry what else is on my list, because there’s only One Thing on my list. I don’t have to check anything off, because I don’t actually have a list. I don’t have to worry about things not getting done, because I do the only thing I want to do — if I didn’t want to do it, it wouldn’t be my One Thing.





misakosabit 英語 → 日本語

If I happen to finish my One Thing early, I can slack off for the rest of the day (my favorite strategy), or I can pick my next One Thing.

But … but …

What about the other things you need to do? What if you forget them?

Make a list of possible things to do, if you like, or routine tasks that need to get done for one reason or another. I would consider eliminating as many things as possible on the routine list, as they tend to just be friction that stops you from doing what you really want to do. If you do make a list, don’t consider it a to-do list, of things you need to check off. Just keep it as a reminder, and don’t spend any time other than adding things to it and possibly checking it once a day.




