Misaki (misaki_san_62)

5年以上前 女性 20代
Ottawa, ON, Canada
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語

I am a 2nd-year university student who is currently studying in Canada as an exchange student. I taught English to primary, junior high, and high school students before I came to Canada.
I am a member of the faculty back in Japan where half of the members are international students (who are from other countries outside of Japan). The official language of my faculty is English (although other faculties always speak Japanese), so I feel comfortable with using English.
I decided to join Conyac to develop my English skills. I am looking forward to working with you!


言語ペア 分野 経験年数 詳細(翻訳内容など) 翻訳例
日本語 → 英語 ビジネス 1年 I am taking business, psychology, criminology, and film study courses in Canadian University so I can translate academic both from English to Japanese and from Japanese to English. Also, I have translated English movies for my personal use, so I am also able to translate medium English.


レベル & 言語ペア Market依頼
(完了数 / 作業中数)
(翻訳回数 / 文字数)
(翻訳回数 / 文字数)
Starter 日本語 ≫ 英語 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter 英語 ≫ 日本語 0 0  / 0 0  / 0